Categories: Society & Culture

Walking in Faith: Signs of God’s Love

Throughout our faith journey there are signs that point to God’s presence in our lives. These signs are everywhere so that we do not miss coming to know, love, and serve God. Each sign is a revelation-that is, each is a part of the gradual process through which we come to know God. God shows us the way because he loves us.


Stop being blind to the signs of God’s love. Look at nature and how God takes care of it. Open yourself to God’s love. Trust in God. If you depend on God instead of trying to do everything by yourself, you will have what you really need.


God has given us many other gifts. God’s love and goodness also shine through in nature, for instance. Our family and friends are the closest living signs pointing to God. They show us every day that God is the source of everything that is good in life.


Catholics firmly believe that God, who is the source of all that is good in the world, does not cause evil. Evil, the opposite of God’s good plan for creation, comes about as a result of sin. We were created to share in God’s goodness and love. Our choice to turn away from God’s invitation is called sin. Sin does not come from God. The first humans chose to disobey, to turn away from God. Because of sin, our relationships with God, with ourselves, and with others suffer. Sin and the suffering that goes with it can blind our hearts, minds, and senses, so that we cannot see the signs of God’s goodness and beauty.


Even though sin and evil exist, there are many signs of God’s love in creation. All encourage us to reflect on what is good and beautiful in the world and to seek happiness in God, the giver of all god gifts.

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Whenever we gather together to pray and to work, we believe that God is with us.


As believers, we want to be in touch with God and to be touched by God.


Some people did not see God in Jesus. They doubted that Jesus came from God.


By sending Jesus to heal and save us, God answered the question “Where are you, God?” Jesus is the perfect image of God. He shows God’s love for us fully and completely. In fact, the name Emmanuel, which is used to describe Jesus, means “God is with us.” Jesus made God present and alive among the people of our world. In his life of ministry, Jesus set out to love, create, and forgive-to show that God is with us. Faith is the power that enables us to believe that God is with us. Faith also helps us respond to God’s presence in our lives. Washed and reborn in the waters of Baptism, we become children of God and members of the Body of Christ. We come to know God through creation and through the Bible. We see God in Jesus.


  • Nikita Billett

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    • Jesus brings living water, which is God's gift to us, his children: the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit whom we receive, helps us worship God according to the truth.
      God does not need the words of our prayers, but looks for simplicity, beauty and nobility in our Spirit. The Spirit of God cannot be communicated except to those who seek the truth and live according to truth in a world of deception.
      Each one of us is in some way the Samaritan woman.
      Those who really seek the truth recognize it when it is presented to them.
      We must first believe in the messenger of God.

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