Anitah Gimase and Ross are now friends 7 years ago
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Earning Extra on your free time through ClixSense in the forum Group Forums 7 years ago
Thanks for the info. I have actually had a lot of people write about this site but for me i have not thought about joining the site because i may not find the time to do some work on it. At the moment i seem to be occupied all the time even logging into my sites is getting harder as the days go by. But i believe people will definitely check out…[Read more]
Anitah Gimase posted an update 7 years ago
Hello everyone i hope you are all good. Its world cup yet again and its all systems go. I wish you all football funs happy viewing am also liking thr beginning of it all.
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Courtship – How long should it last in the forum Courtship and Marriage 7 years ago
Many people have asked tgis question before and they get the answer that they are looking for. But i guess courtship should last as long as the people involved are ready to move to the next level which is engagement. Because you cannot move on if you haven’t gone through courtship. I believe if you feel you are old or mature enough to accomodate…[Read more]
Anitah Gimase joined the group Courtship and Marriage 7 years ago
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Why did You Choose to Work Online? in the forum A Work at Home/Freelancers Lifestyle 7 years ago
I chose to work online for the sole purpose of keeping busy and learning at the same time. Another thing is to also be able to make a few coins here and there because i know it will help me at some point in my life. It keeps me going especially when am home not working that will definitely keep me afloat. I have really learned a lot online in this…[Read more]
Anitah Gimase joined the group A Work at Home/Freelancers Lifestyle 7 years ago
Forgive anyone who has caused you any pai or harm keep in mind that forgiving is not for others it is for you. Forgiving is not forgetting it is simply remembering without anger that may sound awkward but it is what it is. It frees up your power heals your body mind and spirit. It opens up a pathway to a new place of peace where you can persist…[Read more]
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Hi guys,old and new members of LB? in the forum Thinkers Group 7 years ago
Hello cely an old member of this site. Nice to read from you again its been a while since i read from you where did you disappear too? Anyway am happy that your back. Its actually sad that this site went down at some point but we are hoping that nothing will bring it down again. Like you said it was a lively site full of motivated writers but a…[Read more]
Hello cely an old member of this site. Nice to read from you again its been a while since i read from you where did you disappear too? Anyway am happy that your back. Its actually sad that this site went down at some point but we are hoping that nothing will bring it down again. Like you said it was a luvely site full of motivated writers but a…[Read more]
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic lesson #1 in the forum Bible study Daily 7 years ago
This is a lovely story that has great morals behind it. Parents are i deed a gift from our God. Many of us think its merely our right to have a parent, but its actually a previlage. We tend to take so ma y things for granted and forget how we got them in the first place.
Parents go to great lengths just to make sure that their children have a…[Read more]
Tis is a lo ely story that has great morals behind it. Parents are i deed a gift from our God. Many of us think its merely our right to have a parent, but its actually a previlage. We tend to take so ma y things for granted and forget how we got them in the first place.
Parents go to great lengths just to make sure that their children have a good…[Read more]
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic God's questions in the forum "Walking with God" 7 years ago
Wow i have never looked at this questions in the perapective that you have brought it,its very interesting. They are actually very straight forward when you read them carfully and thry make a lot of sense.
God says he has placed us in places we are today for a reason a season and a purpose. All we need to do is find out what that purpose is and…[Read more]
Treathyl FOX and sam kal are now friends 7 years ago
Anitah Gimase joined the group "Walking with God" 7 years ago
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Smoothies Anyone, Come Join In in the forum Health & Fitness 7 years ago
Smoothies oohhh how i love them. They are actually a very good source of energy especially in the morning. If i had my way i would be taking smoothies every single day but at times i don’t get the time to whip them up. I make my smootgies with fresh fruits usually then add in a bit of yorghurt and that gives me a refreshing feeling. The only thing…[Read more]
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Study like students in the forum Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years ago
Let me just say that i am not a science fun. Even when i was in school chemistry was never my preference. I always used to have difficulty in studying for it. I used to be given tuition on the subject by my sister but that didn’t make me a fun at all. The only science subject i enjoyed a bit was biology maybe because it touched mainly on the…[Read more]
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Sale in the forum Making Money Online 7 years ago
I am always ready to shop whenever there is a sale somewhere if anything thats the one thing i always look forward to. It the only time you can get stuff at a good price. Especially stuff that you found hard to purchase because of the price. Am sure most of the sales when the go down the prices are usually half the original cost thats why people…[Read more]
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Earn with invites in the forum Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years ago
Have you tried this site yourself is it worth trying or is it a time waster. How do they pay how is the earning please if you would kindly shed some insight on it that will bevery useful. Is it an open forum where anyone from anywhere can earn? Or otherwise is it open for international users? Thanks
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic ASPARAGUS For CANCER Very Interesting and Powerful… in the forum Health Issues 7 years ago
Wow i have read much about stuff to do with home remedies and natural medicines but i have mever read about asparagus. This is really interesting and informative. I have seen it being sold in the market but i have never taken a keen look at it or even considered to find information about it. Some of my friemds tale it but i don’t think they know…[Read more]