To some men and women from the age of 18 years, the word marriage is like taking alcohol and marijuana not minding their later effects. There are issues to consider before swallowing every word” hook, line and sinker”.
1. Any spouse who tells the other spouse to sell properties before marriage and use the money to make his or her life sweeter than before has an exploitative spirit.
2. He or she who has not come to contribute rather to take and spend on frivolities is bent on exploitation.
3. Those spouses who want their partners to declare assets before marriage have exploitative spirit.
It is good to build up together and not to tear down what already exists!. It is good to bring resources together than to sell them and finish the money within a short space of time. The exploiter leaves the relationship to destroy the life of another unsuspecting partner. When you see a big girl or big guy, try to know the source of their wealth before going into a serious a relationship with him or her, otherwise you become the next victim of exploitation.
There are some husbands who also keep their money in the bank, hide away their bank documents and demand that their wives should pay the family’s house rent, feed the family, and pay children’s school fees and other bills accruing to the family just because his wife is in a lucrative business or well placed in her job. This is exploitation. Most partners who are into exploitation spend their money on other men or women outside their marriage just like Delilah did not spend the blood money of Samson with him. Before getting into marriage, partners should find out if would- be spouses are exploitative. Those Partners who exploit others are really not in love with their so called husbands and wives.Marriage without constructive reasoning can make one be a victims in a relationship.After all our marital homes should be a heaven on earth.