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Yes if you are not working anymore you may not find the problem of washing the socks. Removing the stinky smell out of socks using detergent does not work effectively if people wear socks continuously for 8-10 hrs. The advantage you got is that you do wear flip-flops which do not require socks. The question of washing socks does not arise at all. In my case if I leave for office wearing shoes they will be on till 10pm and sometimes till midnight even. This is really not good for health also wearing shoes for so many long hours. As soon as I enter the house I throw them in the rack.
oh…Does bleach cause irritation? I really have not observed it. When I cleaned the bathroom using bleach I felt some itching sensation on my hands. I took it light and continued working. After some time I felt weakness. Sat for a while in the living room. Again finished the job. Are there varieties other than chlorine bleach.? I think it is only lemon + vinegar combination that works well in the bathroom |
Yes. The garbage collectors are also human beings. How can they collect the thing which is not kept properly? In some places and in some other states people keep a separate garbage bag itself instead of a container . In that case, the work becomes even easier. But this is a costly affair. How can one afford to spend money regularly on garbage bags? So the Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad has introduced the garbage containers. |
Satya Sai Baba is also known by the BHAGWAN (GOD) by his devotees. He was actually born in a village near Puttaparthi. His original name was ‘Satyanarayana’. He attained enlightenment when he was only 9 years old and seeking permission from his mother he left the house Started meditation. He preached what he practiced. His preached about the love of humanity devotion, perseverance trust, and faith. His preachings revolve around internationalism. VASUDAIVA KUTUMBAKAM (Family of World) was the essence of his preachings. There are many international organizations established in his name and active support. MANY world leaders and head of the countries have become his devotees. He blessed many international figures. Keeping all these things aside one of the striking aspects of the teachings of this great Baba is his principle of ‘SERVICE TO HUMANITY IS SERVICE TO GOD’. Accordingly, he established many hospitals in and around Puttaparthi. He established a Cancer Hospital for the poor in Puttaparthi where the patients will be treated free of cost. This is a super specialty hospital. Another hospital has been established where patients will be treated round the clock free of cost. The District was totally a drought prone district devoid of any water facility and irrigation facility. Even the hostels were closed during summer and the students in the universities were asked to leave the hostels due to the scarcity of water. He got constructed an irrigation and water canal which solved the water problem of Anantapur District once and for all. Now, this is really a district having good irrigation and water facilities. Though he showed many miracles he was saying “all these tricks and miracles are meant for uneducated and common people only to woo them to the path of divinity and devotion to God’. HIS ASHRAM IS KNOWN BY THE NAME PRASANTHI NILAYAM (Abode of Peace and Serenity). There are many rest houses meant for devotees coming from different countries like Russia Japan Hong Kong Malaysia Singapore, Italy Spain, France, South Africa, Canada, China, Thailand, Rome, Philippines, etc. This is one of the must-to-visit-places for a foreign Tourist. |
This is one of the frustrating work which needed a good and sound solution. cleaning a kitchen platform is different from cleaning the sink. I observed some smell in the kitchen I noticed that the home was the sink. I immediately bought a coke and poured into the sink. Whole mass and sticky were cleaned in a minute (anybody can try it at home). The next thing was really frustrating. There was a rat near the bottom of sink tube. Always it was troubling me. I am afraid of it. I even bought a cage to contain it. But it is not coming out these days. Presently I am using hot water to remove the clog and also using the vacuum cleaner to drive it out. |
Cleaning a washing machine is very important as there will be some dust particles accumulated in the bucket/container. If they are not removed in time a thick layer will be formed and it becomes very difficult to remove it in future. So whenever clothes are washed add some lemon and vinegar in a separate bowl. Add this mixture rubbing it lightly inside . Put some hot water and using the right button clean it for 1/2 a minute. Again repeat it . After 2 turns everything becomes clean. This is the easiest way to clean a washing machine. You can also use Baking soda + Vinegar for cleaning purpose. This is the quickest and safest method to clean it. This method is useful both for front load and top load washing machines. |
Whenever a sweet is prepared we were afraid of ants. We searched for a good way to avoid these ants. My grandma came to my house. When she saw how were struggling with the ants she simply laughed at us. She brought a big plate, poured some water and she placed a bowl and on that bowl, she kept the sweets on a plate. It worked effectively. For sweets and other food items, I am following the same technique now. During the summer season, there is no better way than this. During the summer season, the ants will be gathering around a cool and damp areas and will be forming a queue. What she did was mixed some turmeric powder in a vessel and sprinkled over the floor. To my surprise, there was not even a single ant. She also advised us to use a Gama Xin powder to use in sensitive areas. She is really great. She knows all these techniques. |
Here in Hyderabad, the Garbage collectors will be collecting the garbage regularly except on Sundays. They are doing a very good job. Here the Department has provided two baskets to each household. One is red and another is blue in color. All solid items have to be dumped in a red basket. All stuff containing some liquid in them have to be kept in a blue basket. The collector comes early in the morning and empties the both baskets. Added to this, there is a Van comes once in every 15 days and collects the residual items if any. This is really a good move taken by the department. We should all keep our houses clean and germ-free and at the same time should keep the surrounding clean. Modiji’s Swatch Bharat campaign has got a very good response from the people of Hyderabad.
Lizards are highly venomous. If they urinate on the skin there will be heat boils which need an effective treatment. I am totally afraid of lizards whenever I think about this aspect and take appropriate care. I cover the utensils immediately the food is transferred into them. Previously I was using Garlic juice to get rid of these lizards. But it was not so effective. After searching on the internet I found that eggshells work effectively. I am placing them in the house and the lizards can not enter those places. Further, I also found anti-lizard lotion . I spray it once in a week in the house. When we use eggshells we have to change them once in 2-3 weeks. It is boring. I am still searching for a better alternative. |
Generally, I clean the kitchen every day. But I think it is not sufficient. Some dirt or the other gets accumulated into the sink hole. For removing sticky, I use baking soda with a lemon combination. For cleaning laptop, I was using the same technique which is mentioned by you. But wrapping a soft cloth around the finger also is found ineffective. As the position of the cloth has to be changed each and every time. Recently, I purchased a cleaner for the purpose. It is quite effective. I just spray it on the keyboard and wipe it with a soft cloth. Very useful. The dust and other food particles remained inside can be removed just turning the keyboard upside down and gently tapping over it. For remote I use the same technique as you follow.
De-cluttering is one of the greatest problems. We keep on accumulating things. They occupy a lot of space. Besides this, they will become the rest houses for bacteria and other insects. Even rats and dangerous cockroaches will make the places as their home. So decluttering becomes a necessary step to avoid the accumulation of negative energy in the house. I have been keeping things whenever I find something beautiful. The store room became full. One day when I sensed something unpleasant with the atmosphere in the house I opened the room and found that there were some rats making sounds inside the gunny bag. I realized the importance of throwing certain articles out. Some I have donated to the charity. Some I have to the poor. I could not sell anything so far online. Still, there are many things I am planning to throw off. It needs proper segregation of the articles in the first instance. Afterwards, I will make a long list of the articles. The way convenient to dispose them of. As far as old books are concerned there is a shop near my house. He will come and collect those books and magazines . He gives some good amount also. So there is no problem with their disposal. There are some old furniture and steel racks. I am searching the way out to dispose of them. If I sell them online will I get a good amount? This is what I am thinking about now. |
It is very dangerous to have a kitchen very next to the electrical appliances. There must be at least a distance of 4 ft between the kitchen stove and any other electrical appliance. Whenever the space is quite narrow the cleaning becomes a very tedious and irritating job. Even the animal hair also stuck up on the stove it should be cleaned after every use. Is there no any other way to avoid this? I got an idea for you. You can separate both the kitchen stove and the dryer by placing a wooden board between them. It will avoid the hair menace of animals . Further, it also ensures safety as the possibility of getting shocked while using the dryer can be avoided. |
I do use baking soda and vinegar for cleaning the kitchen floor. I do it once in a week as I have got other work to attend. I think cleaning the kitchen platform once in a week is ok. If I get time I do it . But most often once in a week only. As far as cleaning the sink is concerned I am a total failure. dI am not getting anything which can remove the sticky marks and there is some bad smell often comes out of the sink hole. It is really embarrassing me. Sometimes there will be some insects coming out of the tube. So immediately after the cooking is over I transfer the dishes to the Dining table. This is how I am managing the things. For cleaning the Fridge I am using Colins. It is really excellent. I remove all the trays and clean them applying some cleaner over them. Leave them for 5 minutes. In the meanwhile, I apply the colins (cleaner) over the top and inside the fridge. Again shift the work to the trays and clean them nicely and remove the web using a dry cloth. After that work is over, I come back with a soft and smooth flannel cloth and clean the whole refrigerator. I always take precaution to see that the fridge is unplugged while cleaning. |
I am facing the greatest problem with the bathroom cleaning. I used baking soda and vinegar for cleaning the bathroom floor. But, the result is nil. The bathroom is having polished tiles on the floor as well as on the walls attached. They are having light greenish in color. Small dark spots also will be looking awkward. I used bleaching powder and vinegar. The mix is cleaning the tiles and making them shining. But not removing the dark marks. Is there any cleaner for this? Somebody has advised me to use steam mop before taking up the cleaning process. Is it right? |