Author Posts

May 14, 2016 at 6:20 pm

How often do you clean your hair brush? How do you clean your washing machine? Your laptop, mobile phones and keyboards?

Share tips and tricks here.

May 14, 2016 at 6:28 pm

We all have some idea about which are the dirtiest places in our homes. Experts say that our toilets are cleaner than we think because they are cleaned regularly with disinfectants and household cleaners .

Our kitchens are dirtier than we think because germs multiply there much quicker.

Sometimes I wonder how clean and hygienic our keyboards and remote controls are?

We use them while eating, drinking, when we have colds,and I have seen my kids sneeze over them. Remote controls get chewed and drooled all over by young toddlers and there are probably food particles trapped under the keyboards .

I usually turn my keyboard upside down and tap it to dislodge trapped particles. I wrap a piece of cloth around my finger to clean between the keys and I hope this is enough.

For my remote control, i just wipe it with a damp cloth. How do you clean your keyboards and remote controls?

November 5, 2016 at 9:27 am

Generally, I clean the kitchen every day. But I think it is not sufficient.  Some dirt or the other gets accumulated into the sink hole. For removing sticky, I use baking soda with a lemon combination.

For cleaning laptop, I was using the same technique which is mentioned by you. But wrapping a soft cloth around the finger also is found ineffective. As the position of the cloth has to be changed each and every time. Recently, I purchased a cleaner for the purpose. It is quite effective. I just spray it on the keyboard and wipe it with a soft cloth. Very useful.

The dust and other food particles remained inside can be removed just turning  the keyboard upside down and gently tapping over it.

For remote I use the same technique as you follow.