Categories: Society & Culture

I am proud to be an Indian

When India attained the independence, it was no nation, she was divided into the princely states and provinces and she was backward economically, educationally, and scientifically and even culturally.

And It needed men of genius and destiny like Gandhi, Nehru and Patel to knit her into a nation. And Since the dawn of independence, we have been striving to solve various problems facing the motherland to make her united democratic and solvent nation.

And What we have achieved is praiseworthy, what we have failed to achieve is deplora­ble.And It is right criticism that we could have achieved more than what we have an achieved if we had possessed missionary spirit & sacrificing attitude.

And Nevertheless, our achievements are not negligi­ble in light of circumstances in which Britisher left us at time of the transfer of power.

And We received freedom under the shadow money.

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India looked storehouse of problems when English people left us with bag and baggage.And The greatest problem was that of prin­cely states. And India then was in a condition of complete disintegration, as nearly 562 princely states were raising their ugly heads. And Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, immortal son of mother India and the Bismark of India, and with his will power and iron will, unified these scattered states dealing with them individually & collectively the situation warranted and made India compact whole.And The stages like Bikaner, Junagarh arid Hyderabad had to surrender-to the indomitable will of Sardar Patel.And This is our second achievement of an out-standing merit.

India is biggest democratic nation in the world. We have seen during the past few years that in many ‘countries of world, and specially in the neighboring countries, democratic govern­ments have been thrown out of power mercilessly & dictators have come info power. In spite of different castes, creeds & politi­cal ideologies, we have held eight General Elections in complete peace. We are living under democratic governments in states and stable government at the centre. It is really miracle that demo­cracy as a way of life has been success in. India. And It is our third achievement of international repute.

And We have brought every department of life and nation under well conceived planning. And We have completed Sixth Five year plan and have gone halfway through Seventh Five year plan. Indians, individually & collectively, have become planning minded. It is surprising that planning has entered into every house­hold of the India. We are hopeful of solution of all the problems by means of planning. Rajiv Gandhi’s 20 point programme has infused new life into our national life.

It is gratifying to note that Indians have shaken off effects of conservatism & fatalism & have begun to view these problems with scientific out look. We have become conscious of these problems & have tightened our belts to solve them. There is a radical change in psychology of Indians.

And This is our grea­test achievement. Our but look towards every problem economic, political, educational, national & international, is now progres­sive. We are progressing in every field.Women of India are doing well.I really proud to be an Indian.

  • samia

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