Categories: Society & Culture

Walking in Faith: God our creator

Catholics believe that creation, all things seen and unseen, came to be through God. All creatures are traces or reminders of God’s presence and God’s gift of life. God alone created the great wonders that are part of our world.


God did not need help of any kind to create the world and everything in it. All God had to do was command, “Let there be something,” and it happened. God’s word by itself is creative. God alone deserves thanks and praise for everything in the heavens and on the earth.

God formed and organized everything. Where there was nothing, God put something. Where there was confusion, God put order. As God made each thing in creation, he saw how good it was. Only God was and always is perfect.

After God had created light, day and night, the sky, water, land, vegetables and fruit, the sun, moon, and stars, and all kinds of living creatures, God chose the perfect moment to make a special creature. God created humans, both men and women, in his own image and likeness.

God blessed humans and gave everything to them.

God is imagined as acting in human ways, like a potter, a gardener, and a matchmaker.

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God formed a man out of clay and blew the breath of life into his nostrils, making him a living being. Then God planted a garden and placed the man there. To keep the man company, God made all kinds of living creatures. But when God saw that none of these creatures was just right for the man, God made him a special partner. God created a woman from one of the man’s ribs. God brought the first man and the first woman together in a beautiful union of love. In God’s eyes they were made for each other.


We need to remind ourselves that God, and only God, is our creator. We were created in God’s image and likeness. We exist through the loving power of God.


Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, is an example to us of the loving power of God. God favoured Mary with special gifts. Through God’s power Mary was full of grace. Mary’s whole life was centred on her Son, the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

  • Nikita Billett

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    • The Lord demands faithfulness and perseverance from those he has chosen: this is how we save a world that seeks truth everywhere and does not know to which Lord to surrender.

      God sees the way one has used his talents and the sin is to have kept for self what one has received.

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