Categories: Arts & Humanities

The Web of Relationships – I

Disclaimer: The story and all the characters and events, places in the story are work of imagination. Any resemblance to any of persons, events or places will be coincidental.

That Bitter Morning!

Shalini hadn’t had a single moment of comfort that day. Nor was it for Devendra. Ever since Shalini had left her 1.5 Lakh Rupees per month(and associated privileges and the status) job with the Indian branch of the private bank- Mayern-Igor Bank Inc. (A collaboration between an Indian bank and a German Bank)for her son Ankit, who was now 9 years old, it was a tough life.
The demands of a busy husband, a growing child in an education system which made even 7-8 year olds study like Post Graduate students and with all the accompanying expenses and regular exams etc. much more stressful and trickier to handle than those dreary boardroom affairs.
Often, she would cry. She would feel helpless. There were days of unmanaged anger, which would make Ankit a bit fearful at times. Shalini’s sister Veena would sometimes come and visit her, and those days were a bit better. Yet she used to stay far off in Coimbatore and could not visit that often.
It wasn’t as if there were no good times. They had a trip to Australia in 2014 October, when they had some good Desert Safaris, Sydney and Melbourne visits, and some great sea beach times.
Devendra, her husband was a qualified MBA in Finance and was a Senior Wealth Management expert at KALC Investments Intl.
The amount of money that he made more than made up for the lack of time he devoted to his family.
And no, he was not the kind of indifferent fathers that are portrayed in many of the daily Sops and movies. He was one of the best friends of Ankit, and loved Shalini also a lot.

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Yet the tide of time has its own course. Somehow, Shalini had began to suspect that Devendra was spending way too much time in office, outstation trips and partying with his friends than he should have been. She had sacrificed so much for her family, yet was this all she had fought for all her years?

And that pleasant February spring morning turned out to be something unthought of!

———–   To be continued  ———–


    View Comments

    • Relationship in it self is not cheap and involves commitment, loyalty and respect in all aspect of life. The ability to blend all these aspects make it healthy and enjoyable.

    • Relationship rest sincerity and love I think both are the root of relations in all societies of the world. The story is nice but more turning of relationship due to lack of true understanding from the beginning till end.

      I think that A true relationship is having someone who accepts your past, supports your present, loves you and encourages your future!

      Some women feel a “Real Man” doesn’t exist—that he is impossible to find. Other women do not want someone like him. On the other hand, some men think they are the very definition of a “Real Man.” Other men feel there is no such thing.

      One thing is true, though: Those men who think they are the very definition of a “Real Man” and those who think they are not are both very often wrong.

      If you want to know if you are a real man or are in a relationship with a real man, watch the actions. A real man behaves so different from the selfish frat boy types you see everywhere that you can’t fail to notice the difference.

      He is a gentleman—good for more than just the first few months. Importantly, a real man does things so well when he is in a relationship that you just have to love him and his style.

    • If you are polite and courteous, you will enjoy the friendship of many people. Exchange greetings with many, but take advice from only one person out a thousand. When you make friends, don't be too quick to trust them. Make sure that they have proved themselves. Some people will be your friends only when it is convenient for them, but they won't stand by you in trouble. Others will fall out with you over some argument, and then embarras you by letting everyone know about it.

    • Friendship is all about sharing, talking, laughing....friendship is all about me and you. Its only a true friend that can accept you the way you are. You even done exactly that you are a true friend, true friends are like diamond. They are difficult to find, but you wiil be very lucky have found a good friend. They build lasting relationship and live together as a husband and wife, peoples around jealous them, some want to be like them, good relationship is what will bring lasting solutions to couples divorce, because God hate divorce and many people enjoy divorcing one another, know this in relationship every man have his own wife and every woman has her own husband also, when you want to build lasting relationship you don't need to look after physical apperance you have to think of how the relationship will look like tomorrow, a good relationship pases a test of time, what the society are gaining or suffering today was base on wrong relationship, if you want to enjoy your relationship must make right choice from the beginning of it.

    • Relationship have to do with two different people coming together and agree for one thing, love is only thing that has nothing to do with you come from, love doesn't asked such a question, love is a game emotional feelings, love is a game of mind, each and every acts according to the feeling he/she has towards the one he/she love the best. When you want to talk about relationship, relationship is not a child play but a game for real men, atleast everyone want to build a health relationship with a good relationship then we have peace of mind to think, we also make a good plan for tomorrow but when your relationship is sick you will be tired even to go home from your office after work, to have a good relationship is to make right choice.

    • Relationships are a mix of so many things. We all get into them for several reasons but the first being love and companionship. But how many of us take the time to spend quality time with one person whom we claim to live so much? I think very few people will be able to give me an accurate answer for that.we face so many trials, misunderstandings betrayals and so on and so forth but we still keep thaose people who do those things to us. There is no one that's perfect on this earth we all have our flaws and the best way to deal with them is work at them. We have to be compromising and sacrificial to be able to live with the other person who is not perfect as well. Once you do that then it is easier to understand the other person and try to live with their flaws, that's hard but it can be done if one is willing. As much as it may sound like a lot of work it's well worth it.

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