Categories: Society & Culture

Love yourself does not mean to love less others.

Our thoughts and feelings create all events in the life. Only we ourselves are responsible for our environment and for what is happening. If a harmony and balance dominate in our mind, we start to feel the same in our life. What we believe becomes a part of our reality. If we feel that we are alone and nobody does love us, it will be so in our life. If we keep repeating to ourselves that the world is full of love, there will appear many loving people next to us.

Love for ourselves usually is associated with love of parents and surrounding. In fact, we treat ourselves the way our parents treat us. If we felt loved in childhood, then have grown up we love ourselves. If we were constantly scolded and punished, all the time we are haunted by those words that parents have told us in some cases. So, love for ourselves depends on the parents’ love for us. But we should not forget that our parents could not teach what themselves did not know. If they did not know how to love themselves, it is understandable that did not taught that us.

We are born on this earth to obtain some lessons that would allow us to continue to grow spiritually. It is said that we ourselves choose our parents, who ideally suited for our attempt to do what we would have to make in this life. Therefore, they should not be blamed and whine that we did not receive something, but should learn to love ourselves and change our mind about the past, that passed irretrievably.

Love ourselves means to enjoy life and be thankful for the God-given gift of life, respect ourselves as individuals for to get back our well being, money, beautiful relationships with the surrounding people and our creative powers.

Remember, that never, under any circumstances, we cannot be self-critical, to close ourselves within the thoughts from which we must escape. If we keep scolding ourselves, poison by food, alcohol and nicotine, saying that nobody loves us, this causes diseases and pain in our body, we live in complete disorganization and poverty, loading unbearable burden on our shoulders. This means we do not love of ourselves. We just have to change that.

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To get rid of the old beliefs, we should clean up own memory. This is similar to our apartment management: to some of the things we look with love and are happy to clean the dust from them, when it  needs we little repair them and again enjoy them, some are outdated and has reached their end – it’s time to get rid of them. Got rid of the bad beliefs, all our energy we can devote for change.

Our life begins to write the script in early childhood. How we were programmed – so are we. Now it is important not to blame the others, but rise to a higher level of understanding. Past will not be back, but we can create a good future. All we need to do is to overcome our limitations and a sense of helplessness, need to start to change. Often in life we want changes, but ourselves we do not want to do anything. However, in order a miracle of change to happen, first of all we have to change ourselves inside.

Love yourself, because it does not mean less giving love for others. Just a man loving himself is much healthier, happier, more creative, and in search for himself, he discovers self-confidence. Then, others want to know us and, of course, share with us their love.


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  • Fortune

    View Comments

    • Love is boundless. Limitless. It can not be restricted. There is always more than enough love to share.

    • The more we grow, the more we should learn. We begin to realize what circumstances, situations and persons are healthy for our lives and well being. we should surround ourselves with individuals and situations and places that bring out the best in us and are geared towards lifting us to new new heights. Love is meant to be good and to do good. Anything else is considered abuse.

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