Breast Feeding is the Best Feeding option for New Born Babies
Breast feeding means to feed a baby with milk from the breast of his or her mother. It also means to suckle a baby. I believe that God blessed mothers with the breast milk to feed their babies. From birth up to the age of six months, breast milk is all a child really needs. My wife Essy practiced baby friendly during the first six months of our three children, Chizzy now eight years, Fezzy now four years and Winnie now two years. The breast milk is the best food for a new child. All food substitutes including cow’s milk, milk powder ,milk liquid solutions and cereal gruel, are inferior to the breast milk at least for the first six months of a baby’s life.
Even in hot, dry climates, breast milk contains sufficient water for young baby’s needs. Additional water or glucose drinks are not required to quench the baby’s thirst.
Breast milk helps to protect the baby against cough, diarrhea, colds and other common illnesses. The protection of the baby is greatest when breast milk alone is given to the baby. Mothers should start breast feeding as soon as possible after birth.
The first thick yellowish breast milk called colostrums, which is produced in the first days after birth is good for the baby. It helps to protect the baby against infections. This should not be discarded.
Frequent breastfeeding is needed to produce enough breast milk for the baby’s needs. From birth the baby should breast feed whenever he or she wants. The baby usually indicates his or her need of the breast milk by crying. The baby needs breast milk both during the day and night. Breast feeding mothers should not be lazy on this. Frequent breastfeeding helps to delay the onset of menstruation, prevent anemia and unwanted pregnancies. Frequent suckling helps to stop the breast from becoming swollen and painful to nursing mothers