Categories: Arts & Humanities

A day spent with poor kids on the beach

Each year since the last few years there a party organised by me for poor kids at Christmas time.  Different venue is chosen each year

Most of these poor kids had never experienced a beach time. Nor did they know what a sea was. They came from remote villages where they only had access to hutments nearby that belonged to their family or friends.
I decided to give them a great time, one Christmas.An outing on the beach I felt would be memorable for them. They were around 80 of them. Two buses were arranged.

As soon as they arrived they changed into beach wear – simple dresses that could withstand the sea salt water.
The screams and sounds of joy was all recorded by me in my faithful camera. We spent a couple of hours there.

The beach resort authorities gave me space to conduct my party.
We all gathered at the beach resort – the space provided for us was facing the sea adding to the atmosphere. We had a gala time. Santa was there too. For me the joy was to hand over the gifts and goodie bags.
There was music in plenty. As they say no amount of planning, organisation and money spent for a party could be called a success if participants did not put in their might. My participants were special. Each and everyone made their presence felt and the most important of all was that smile on their face.

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I normally end a party with fireworks and at this party also I had sparklers that were distributed to the kids. Some of the kids had never seen a sparkler and for them this was their first time. They first hesitated and when they saw others playing, they joined in.

The venue where we had the party had a deserted look but there were enough memories in our mind and best of all in my camera.


My standing advice to anyone. If you want your money’s worth throw a party for poor kids.

  • bestwriter

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