Categories: Society & Culture

Social media is only to annoy enemys

Before social media we would make friends by actually talking to people and when we had a problem with someone we would actually talk to them face to face. With social media showing up we decided to keep in touch with some old friends and find some new ones or even stay in touch with friends from diferent countries. It was supposed to be a good advance in technology until people started using it to show off and get people angry.

Social media is now a place where you can show off your life and make people jeleous, a place where you can post quotes directed to people without actually naming them. Not only this but you show it off to the world. If someone knows you are mad at someone, which they will, then they will know to whom you are directing certain things, unless you hate alot of people and put one post for all.

I must admit i also do this, but i post for all and not one, yet there is one that thinks it is all for her.

Of course there are some quotes that i just like and post and everyone takes them ltereally and seriously which is kind of dumb. It is just frases posted on the internet. If something needs to be said to a person, might as well do it straight to their face.

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Then you can find out who is stalking you on these social sites. You know they have unfreinded and unfollowed on everything yet you see that they are watching you. It is a funny sight to see actually.

Some people dont have a life of their own and have to see what their enemies are doing.

I must say Instagram is the best place to stalk people and know about it, the insta stories tell you who have seen you things and you also know who doesn’t follow you. So the fact the someone isn’t following you and see’s your posts means they are taking the time to go to your profile and see what you posted.

  • Tags: social media
    Sarah Freitas

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