why share in social media your post

why share in social media your post

sharing in media is as they say, bring you lots of views, bring you lots of traffic and that is what all th writers in any sites want, why because as views and comments means more money

so do you do sharing in social media like facebook, linkedin, instagram, google, atavi and more of these famous media?

i used to, yes used to, read more to see why and if you will decide to stop you also from sharing or what, this article about sharing your post and tweets and every single post on social media the famous and not famous

writing a post needs at least half an hour, to find the idea that you want to talk about first, then try to find the exact context adn then find the good keywords that will make the pepole come to your site, keywords means more views traffic

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more views mean you get more revenue and that depend on the site wht you are writing for, some are fair and give you better share, and some are stealing your hard work and give you little dollars

so how bit you have to wait to get few dollars, add to this the time you need to waste posting in social media, its alot, its too much, when i tried to find out how beneficial the social media, i get the idea that if you will write your next post instead of sharing in media here and there, you will earn more, of course im talking with the good keywords using.

if any body agrees or find out that they did the same let us know to see the social media or the more posts works or do money better.

here are the social media that i used int he past to get more views and revenue

youtube, google, instagram, twitter, atavi, stumbleupon, pinterest, digg and lots more that i can nto remember now

  • mangoh

    View Comments

    • I always shared my posts in social medias and realized that my traffic and earning increased too

    • you have shares your post then yo have money, no share then less money, but I do not say that social medi is the best, if you can write lots of post a dy athen yes its goo d better than socila media but if you have notmuch ideas to write about then social media

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