Categories: Health

Those Plants Use As A Tea And Its Benefits

I am used to drinking a cup of tea every morning I wake up. It is a usual thing that I do before I begin my day. And so, I research some of the tea that is common and is good for our body.

  1. Raspberry raspberry tearaspberry teaThe dried leaves and the fruit of raspberry plant can be use as tea. It has a good benefit to our body aside from weight loss effect and antioxidants as most tea does. It is proven that this is very good for our heart’s health. The leaf can also use to treat diarrhea, wounds, and colic pain.
  2. Lavander lavanderlavanderLavander is a plant that can be spread and grow on the ground quickly that is why it is considered as a weed in other countries, however, this weed is very much beneficial to our health. It soothes stress and anxiety, it induces sleep, it is good for the skin and hair health, as well as it has an anti-inflammatory property. We can also use this as our tea, flavoring spice to many dishes, salad dressing, sauce flavor and other beverages.
  3. Dandelion dandeliondandelionDandelions can be everywhere around your house with its beautiful yellow flower. It is also considered as weeds, supernatural weeds. It is very good for our stomach health as well as our skin. It can even use to treat muscle pains, bruises, gallstone, eczema, and joint pain. It has also laxative property that helps in a good bowel movement and it can use as the blood tonic, digestive tonic, and skin toner.
  4. Lemongrass lemongrasslemongrassLemongrass is very common for culinary use and of course as a tea. It is very good in cleansing our body because of its antioxidant content. This also lowers blood cholesterol, lessen stomachache, and can treat common colds, fever, and cough.

With those listed plant, lemongrass is what I use often becuase of its availability in our place. I love the taste and its aroma.

  • Cassy Janine

    View Comments

    • The thing that gets me with tea is that when I was growing up there was only Lipton Tea. Now I'm a adult and come to find out almost anything can be made into a tea! That's so wonderful! Can't do that with coffee! :)

    • Yes. I agree with you. But, I have not heard of making tea using Lavender. Lavander is useful for taking bath in Summer season. It actually calms down the anxiety and stress and gives a pleasant feeling. The paste of Lavender is applied on the body as it absorbs body heat.

    • So nice to know about so many different types of teas. I am not a big fan of tea though but this sounds delicious. I also doubt if we will be able to find all those ingredients to make it at home. Researches are always interesting and that too researches on food is a very job. Taste experiments with healthy receipts make it more enjoyable. I too will try to make something like this. Anyways, thanks for this.

    • Does the raspberry tea actually taste like raspberry, the dried fruit part? I don't usually like tea but would be willing to try it if it tastes like raspberries!

    • Its interesting that some of the plants that we consider to be weeds are beneficial to our bodies and are food to other communities. Thats just how different we are.
      Like when i see the lavander plant to me it was just a flower, it really didn't mean anything to me. But now i know just how beneficial it can be. I just love this reading and finding out so much stuff that is beneficial. It makes life worth living for sure.

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