Categories: Environment

The United States; pedaling backwards

I have never believed in ‘global warming’.   I believed in ‘climate change’.   I believed that the Earth’s axis might be moving and that areas may be warmer or colder then they were in the 1950s.   HOwever!   What is the ‘norm’ is questionable.

The Earth was much hotter and much colder than it is today.   There were hippopotomi wallowing in ponds in Wales.  There was a time the entire Earth was under ice.

If you go back no farther than an ‘eye blink’ (in Earth’s time) to Biblical days, you’ll realise that the Earth was much warmer; everyone is wearing sandals.

If you go back a tenth of a blink to the 1500s you’ll see how over dressed the people were, because it was so cold.

If you study history you’ll find that the Norsemen or Vikings traveled to Canada in open boats, and in 1912 an ice berg was hundreds of miles south of that route, and caused a ship to sink.

So when it comes to major climate changes I am reticent.  But I am not reticent when it comes to pollution. When it comes to burning coal, which once blanketed London in a permanent soot smog, I am totally against it. I am against fossil fuels, especially when solar/wind/sea is so much cheaper and easier.

Trump appointed a guy who is anti-environment to the Environment Protection Agency.  That’s like making a Muslim Pope.  He did it to destroy the Agency.   Why?  Because he, Donald Trump, the POTUS is invested in Oil.   It is his pocket which will be filled when coal mines open.   His pocket, your lungs.

Never before in history has America gone out of its way to elect a guy who treats America like his personal piggy bank.  But he’ll get away with it.

He’ll pollute rivers, the air, land, he’ll cause a great desecration, and profit from it.  When he leaves office he’ll have made twice what he has when he entered.

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He knows it.  He never hid it.  He knows Americans are stupid.

He knows the racism that bubbled up during the period of a Black Man in the White House.  And he fanned those flames, ignited them.

So many Africans and Black Caribbean people have been deported based on their skin colour, not their overstaying or breach of laws.

He has pushed his anti-Islamic agenda and enjoys the results.  He has a personal hatred for Mexicans and is going to make them pay.

Americans go along with him, because he appeals to the most base and ugly traits that exist.

Where other nations are moving to solar to wind, to renewable energy, Trump is going to bring America back to the 1950s.   And those who complain and protest and present facts, will be laughed away and called ‘Fake News’.



  • kaylar

    View Comments

    • While other countries are using "clean energy" sources, it is lamentable that he wanted to go back to the 50's burning coals? Quite amusing!

      • Everyone says it's more expensive, not as good as renewables; but obvious the orange clown has money invested.

    • at first i was surprised about trump - now nothing about him surprises me - i expect the worst and he usually comes thru

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