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Your Sun Sign Controls Your Luck and Earning Potential

Every man and woman on earth is for a special purpose and this purpose he or she gets on birth in shape sun sign and it is called earning potential in modern language but most of the people do not know what types of qualities he or she hat got on birth and for what purpose we are on earth and what we should do for our better future.

I am a professional astrologer carrying 30 years experience on my shoulders in shape of 57 years in making professional horoscopes of my clients belonging to different countries. I work as a professional astrologer on since 2015 and before this was my own sight that I sold.

We must keep in mind that every man’s earning potential is hidden in the sun sign and every man has different sun sign that is why each human being on earth is different with each other. Those who know their sun sign potential are successful on earth because they know what to do according to their natural traits hidden in the sun sign.

Keep in mind, if your sung sign belongs to any cardinal sign as Aries, Cancer Libra and Capricorn unluckily you are born to earn your daily bread and butter or just to feed your belly and nothing else. You cannot work under any authority because you are the master of your fate and ideas. Therefore you must be a big boss and a leader of any party or must do your own business and your success lies in it.

The ideas of such person become tiresome and laborious and very difficult their application in practical life due to which their unique ideas and conceptions lead you to chronic illness as joints problems. All Cardinal signs carrier persons must be self employed or work in that field that be according to your temperament for success in life.

  1. Cardinal Sun Sign Aries

The persons who are born within the period of 20 March to 20 April are called Arian and their sun sign is Aries. It is a cardinal sign most influential sign. Its nature is fire and fire infuses enthusiasm into other persons because the Arian persons have all leadership traits in all field of life because they have emotions, passions and thoughts to be acted upon freely not under pressure. Arian people must do all fiery jobs.

  1. Cardinal Sun Sign Cancer

The persons those are born within the period of 32 June to 22 July are called Cancer people and their sun sign become Cancer and its nature is water, a flexible nature. Water adopts the shape in which it is put means Cancer sun sign peoples are full of imaginations because water stimulates imaginations of the sign holders and thus they can do all jobs that be full of high ideas and emotions. For you fine arts education is the best. Food and money field both are most apt for you to earn money a lot.

You must keep secret your all plans and life missions and must wait for proper time to disclose them before the people otherwise your plan will fail in practical field. Public will pay attention to you that you will deny it because you will like to live with your beloved mother.

  1. Cardinal Sun Sign Libra

The persons who are born within the period of 34 September to 23 October are called Libra sun sign holders. Its nature is air very thin and fast and it belongs to pure intellect and wisdom and wit. If the Libra sun sign holders work hard in the field of lawyers they can become the top class crime judge and crime reporter and if you are a judge you will punish rightly and faithfully. Libra sun sign holders have a sense of fairness.

They have a balance in everything at home or out of home due to his balanced nature that is the key personality point that leads them to success in all walk of life. Therefore they are called the maters of fairness and balance in all walk of life. They are famous in settling others’ disputes anon due to having this ability.

  1. Cardinal Sun sign Capricorn

The persons who are born within the period of 21 December to 20 January are called Capricorn sun sign holders. Its nature is earth. Such peoples make firm foundations of countries towns and homes…Such persons may work better behind the scene not on the front line but if such persons work on the front line may get sure success but after a long time.

Your main profession is to guide others in all walks of life as judges, lawyers. Such people have a vast store of past experience and have full perception of future that is they are sensitive more than any other people on earth. Their perception becomes remarkable. They want money security before doing any job if someone gives them the money security they can do the works you cannot imagine on the power of indomitable will.

They take interest in gambling but find noting it but earn less and waste more. If they have money they work better if they have no money they remain mentally upset and think a lot about them but after a short time God helps them in their money problems. They are hard workers, honest, disciplined loving nature and faithful and loyal always, never deceiving in any field of work. They are fond of adventures of all types and accept challenges to complete very soon in practical field.


I have been studying astrology since 1980 when I was in the second year and still I am working in this field successfully because I have traced the key to success that lies in astrology because it tell you the readers with which traits you are born on earth and what is you special purpose on earth. Every child has different fate, different parents, different environment and different luck due to this.

When a child is born he is given a blank hard disk to write his own deeds according to his will and wish but after reading his deeds he cannot get the results of his deeds according to his will and wish. It is done according to law of nature. I have seen many people fail in their lives due to knowing not their birth traits because they work in the opposite field against their birth talent and get failure and depression and nothing else.

I think if everyone works in practical field he gets success surely according to law of nature therefore it is aid that first of all know yourself and your inborn traits that will lead you to success in all walk of life. But I have seen and observed that a few people try to know about self yes, when such people fail in practical field or in business then come to me to know about their misfortune in business or in marriage failure or love failure. The second class of people belongs to Fixed Signs.

Fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. If your sun sign is one of them means you will earn your daily bread but you are the master of your thought and action and a bad point in this sign is that you will be never happy and never will achieve your goal until you come out of the shell of your thoughts and action. You are successful everywhere if the whole responsibility is put on you because you are the best organizer.

  1. Fixed Sun Sign Taurus

The persons who are born within the period of 20 Aril to 21 May are called Taurus sun sign holders and its nature is earth and you have a powerful potential for business and in all practical fields you are successful. You must first of all collect all facts about any business and after this wait for its application for success. You work in any field with keenness and love and it is the key to your success.

If you do big business you will not feel happiness until you get success in the field it is part of your nature. You want every business must be bigger and better every year if doing so you feel great pleasure. People will try to disturb you if you are going to lay down a successful foundation of your future. In such condition you must not be afraid of the others’ criticism.

  1. Fixed Sun Sign Leo

The persons who are born within the period of 22 July to 23 August are called Leo sun sign holder and its nature is fire. Fire purifies everything to give it a final shape as we see it is fire that purifies gold and silver from all dross materials and no worship is made without fire because fore purifies the human spirit, thought, feelings and emotions and makes all emotions ready for final purpose.

It inspired human being to do things for a better future in all walks of life. If you working in such a situation that is not according to you need you will openly say that I cannot work in such condition because I am not satisfied with it because you know how to handle the situation better than the other persons due to you real practical nature.

You do job where you are respected and horned otherwise you leave the job or company that awards not you dye respect in any branch of life. You may create dramatic results in any business if you are requested to do so you will do it in an organized way. You can prove that what you think I can do.

  1. Fixed Sun Sign Scorpio

The persons who are born within the period of 23 October to 22 November are called the Scorpio sun sign holders and its nature is water, It is water that penetrates in everything and when it enters into human mind it stirs a flood of imagination in the mind of Scorpion peoples anon and thus their sleeping love image awakes forever and after this never sleeps till death.

You have a secret mature to know the secrets of everybody mysteriously and you succeed in your missions everywhere on earth, and you have power to collect knowledge from all walk of life that is why your mysterious nature makes your charming and mysterious you on earth and enhances your smile grace biding others’ heart in public forever.

Your intuition and insight is very deep and serious and you have the ability to watch and sore everything for future. No one can escape from your eagle eye on earth and in heaven. I think for you all types of detective and investigations professions are suitable on earth because you cannot rest until mystery is traced out before you is a unique nature making prominent you on earth from others.

  1. Fixed Sun Sign Aquarius

The persons who are born within the period of 20 January to 19 February are called Aquarius sun sign holder and its nature is air light and sift going everywhere all over the world without any restriction. All the Air sun sign holders feel sudden, unexpected and unpredictable changes in life but these changes invoke their intellect forever to cope with it in a decent way keeping in mind future planning.

Such people become more genius and have deep insight in all matters of life. They become happy and successful on all branches of business due to their strict schedule. You have the ability to trace new methods of introducing new things in markets and thus you get success easily.

Your graceful and friendly nature attracts friends easily from all walks of life and the best and dominating qualities of your character is that you do not make difference between the rich and the poor makes you prominent on earth and among the friends.



Every man and woman earth is born with special traits and character and that is why their destinies are different due to birth time and place all over the world. I have seen many people failing in their business and life as a professional astrologer on, and I try to trace their causes of failures I just find one thing prominent in all men and women that their choice of professions were wrong due to which they lost their money, talent and potential in useless business on earth.

I have written many articles on different sites advising people to choose their professions according to their births’ sun sign so that they could get success in life and business in a proper way. I receive emails time to time telling me my clients that they changed their professions and got success after one or two years now they are happy in life and business.

I have told my clients in many emails that this world is full of different minds not people and the war of wit and wisdom is being played between the people of the whole world in different business and professions and nothing else. Use your birth talents and abilities to get success in life on earth otherwise the cleverest people will crush your business and life.

  1. If your sun sign is Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, you are born to earn your livelihood by your thoughts and actions both are your pillars in business and life for success. You cannot success in any field if you find darkness in any business and trade around you because you can work successfully sitting behind the curtain in all branch of life.

Your abilities and natural talent to discuss with people new ideas and concepts for success very soon and in doing you get success in all branches of life and business. These four signs holders earn just by communication of thoughts and action more than any other persons.

  1. Mutable Sun Sign Gemini

The persons who are born within the period of 21 May to 21 June are called sun sign Gemini holders and its nature is air. Air is free in going everywhere all over the world and it is air that stirs their minds to do something soon to get success on earth in life and business. Sun sign Gemini holder become expert in tracing crimes and awarding punishment in a right way.

You can work with any partner in a successful way in all branches of life because your nature is loving and easy to understand for the second partner. If you join any career in life and in ant firm or company you are blessing of God for the owner. You have a fine sense of fairness with people, friends and business is the key point of your success in life and business.

  1. Mutable Sun Sign Virgo

The persons who are born within the period of 23 August to 23 September are called Virgo sun sign holders and its nature is earth. You have the ability to solve any disorder around you easily due to your clear thinking and a keen sense of discrimination. You earn for others with your cool head and well and sincere behavior in all walk of life.

You have special talent to trace and catch others’ flaws to mend them in a kind and cordial way without hurting ego. If you work in any field as a doctor or as a lawyer I am sure you will make mistakes that will you realize after sometimes is your habit. You have a special trait to analyze every situation for a better future and business because errors lead men to darkness in business and life profession.

  1. Mutable Sun Sign Sagittarius

The persons who are born within the period of 22 November to 21 December are called Sagittarius sun sign holders and its nature is fire. You have a challenging, original and exciting nature in all matters of life. You are successful in all professions where you have given chances to express your thoughts, feelings and emotions freely.

Change is a part and parcel of your luck and life you must keep an eye in such life changes to avoid troubles in future and business and career. Your dreams of life completion are very difficult due to sudden change in luck causes troubles for your mind and soul. You must avoid all types of gambling in life for success.

  1. Mutable Sun Sign Pisces

The persons who are born within the period of 19 February to 20 March are called Pisces sun sign holders and its nature is water. As we know that water goes everywhere according to its nature without resistance that is why you are considered a constant trouble for other on earth or at homes. You are for others’ benefits on earth and you try to give happiness to other by behavior or profession or trade is your life mission.

Such types of people are good accountants in big firms. You listen to every matter freely and decide wisely honestly in practical field. Pisces enjoys swimming in an artistic and a creative way in water even people cannot think. Such types of people have third eye power very powerful and their intuition becomes very strong in practical field.

  • jhsayyar

    View Comments

    • This is quite informative. I was having some belief in Astrology once upon a time. After that, I never tried to ask anybody about my future or shown any interest. But there are some people only to be counted on fingers to give correct predictions and remedies also. It all needs interpretation also Without interpretation Astrology does not carry any value.
      It all gives rise to one doubt why only a few could understand the purpose of their birth and the way of their way of earning and choose the right field and why not everybody? Is it due to destiny?

      Here also, why only some people could reach and consult an Astrologer (right person) and get good advice to rectify their line of work? Is this Destiny that is forcing them to approach a right Astrologer and get their way changed?

      If we go on analyzing the points it only leads to the conclusion that each and every moment of a human being is guided by the destiny.

      But, one can not believe in destiny and lose confidence. If everything is left to Destiny or fate then what is the significance of birth? How can a human being held responsible for his deeds? There is something which can be found through debate and discussion and verifying religious books and meeting great teachers of religion

      • My friend, try to understand my point of view that children cannot choose three things definitely; their parents, early environment and parental genes.

        In inborn gene each and every man's destiny is hidden because it is a box of human character but is guise of a tiny seed just the same as the seed of an apple tree.

        Early environment provides chances to be flourished the traits of the seed in fresh air with fresh water. When the seed does not get fresh water and air of better early environment the seeds traits become less and it cannot flourish properly with full natural traits.

        That is why human characters and destinies are different on earth. As we see bad men and women on earth roaming in every societies of the whole world are weed and thorns because they do not care fore their seed from the very beginning.

        As thorns and weeds grow with very vegetables and fruits trees just bad habits develop in human beings like weeds and thorns and they are called bad characters men and women.

    • This is quite a concise summary of the signs. It really does struck a cord especially when it is relatable. I do see the similarities in my sign description and myself.

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