Categories: Society & Culture

Social Media Dramatics and More

Social Media is very helpful for promoting, advertising, and socializing but social media can also be a place where darkness appears. Not every person who uses social media is friendly. There are some very cruel people who go to social media just to target others. There was a time when social media was a great place to hang out virtually but since all of the creeps came. Social Media seems to be a place that needs some” light.” There’s a lot of bullying and it appears as if a lot of mentally disturbed people are making their way to social media.

“Social Media can be Quite Useful but There is Also a lot of Chaos on the Platforms.” By: Tanikka Paulk

Hi/Hello I’m Tanikka Paulk

The latest Tweets and replies from Tanikka Paulk (@ShaPaulk). Writer, Blogger, and Visionary. I have a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration/Criminal Justice.

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Some causing all sorts of chaos. It’s pretty difficult for promoters to conduct business when there’s a lot of trolling and bashing taking place on social media and the sad part is. Some of the users may make their way into person’s devices just to harass the individuals. Mainly competitors. That’s why spending less time on social media is a good idea. In order to stay mentally sane there has to be “a decision” to either spend less time on the platforms or delete the accounts.

Some are very determined to make their competition lives miserable. Blocking may be necessary and in some cases blocking may not keep the trolls from trying to cause trouble for others. Conducting business may be difficult if there’s “a lot of confusion on the platforms.” There are some platforms which offer protection for users. If a social media platform expects to increase revenue then they’ll want to make sure users have the tools in order to offer the protection which is certainly needed with all of the hotheads hanging around.

A lot of battling may take place “on social media.” So many creating a scene in order to advance or perhaps promote their brands or products. Whatever the reasons are, so many are causing a disconnection on business, and in order areas as well. It’s pretty sad how so many adults are behaving like ignorant beings. Taunting and harassing one another. Some given hacking devices in order to feud with their competition.

  • Tanikka Paulk

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