Categories: Society & Culture

Please, Excuse Me, Sorry , And Thank You Are Very Important Words In Our Daily Lives

There are people for them hard to say” excuse me. “Not only ordinary people but also some professionals and students do not say thank you after someone done something beneficial to them, they are so weird. Maybe they lack orientation and knowledge about this very important word that also promotes inspiration to the person you owed something. Example to this is returning a book left in a classroom. One time my student found a book in her seat. The name and cellular number of the owner were written there. She texted the owner through that number and after few minutes someone arrived in class and showed to me the texts message the person received. The book was handed to him and no single word uttered. He just waved his hand to me and hurriedly left. My student told me that the owner of the book did not thank her for the effort made. I told my class not to forget to say thank you to the person they owed something for that is the action of a person to show he or she is educated. I think that student owner of the book is not used to this right conduct to say thank you big or small thing owed to someone. Even to friends, family, anyone to say thank you is a must so others follow.

There are many instances that we are ignored by people who owed us something beneficial to them. Another example is to a friend. I met a friend and a former co – teacher from a private college where we both taught. He looks so weary and lonely so I asked him what went wrong. He told me he was fired in the previous college where he taught for three years. The reason was his style of teaching was good for high school students not for college students. I helped him get employment in the university where I am teaching. I begged our program head to hire him. It so happened that was end of May and hiring time, so he was hired beyond my knowledge for it was still summer vacation. I only learned that he was hired through my boss and my friend was assigned in the satellite branch of the university. He was promoted regular faculty but for 8 years now after he was hired because of me, never had I heard him saying thank you to me. What a funny guy. He lacks sense of friendship and the good thing I have done to him. There are indeed people like him forgetting the kindness done by someone. Just the word thank you and everything will be fine. He is not the only person I help get employment and out of the many of them only one was able to embrace, hug me, and say thank you. It seems I was floating in air. The feeling was so wonderful and we are together in one faculty office. She is truly a very nice lady.

Another important word is “please.” There are many in this world that finds it hard to say will you please. Others just hand on something without the idea of the other party on what to do with what the person hands on her or him. In fact, there are times that we tend to as what is this for? We only learn that they are requesting something like borrowing a pen. Someone just got my pen without saying please let me use your pen, none. That acts triggers anger to the person under the state of shock. It is truly shocking attitude like that so unpleasant, harsh and rude. One day ago, I commuted. I rode on a public vehicle to buy something. The mall is nearer our home, so nice and pleasant to commute. It takes only 7 minutes to reach the mall. Then while on the way to the mall, O closed my eyes to rewind what to buy only to get irritated when someone scratched my arm with her coins. I told her in English” What is this all about?” I was so shocked for my skin was scratched with the coins that shocked me. I am not used to commute for we have private car at home plus my own.

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I told that passenger, “Can you not speak?” “Why do you scratch my skin in arm with your coins fare?” “What a shame on you.” We had our eyes to eyes and I was so shocked again when that passenger was my student. The more she was shocked when she realized it was me her professor in Physics, ha, so bad for her. If you are from the country of my birth where there are jeepneys and public vehicles, you might have observed some rude passengers. We never refused to accept their fare and hand it to the driver, but they have to be polite and respectful. The word please is not hard to say. Every time I ask a favor to anyone, I never forget to say please. This word is like magic for no one can refuse us and after the acceptance I say thank you and everything will be smooth. If someone does not day the word please, we are so hesitant to listen or accept the favor he or she wants us to do.
The other important that must not be forgotten wherever we may be is “Excuse me.” These words are also like magic for whoever hears us never hesitates to give us a positive response either through action or in words.

There were also many times that I experienced rude persons just passing in between two persons talking. I and my co-teacher were talking about something when one person just inserted forcefully passing in between the two of us without saying a word excuse me, so weird and funny. My co-teacher was mad so he called the guy a student in our university. She asked that rude person if he saw her and me. The reply was, “yes ma’am.” My friend told him how dare you pass without saying excuse me?” He just said “sorry ma’am. I will not do it again. Excuse me and sorry words go together in one affair if something unusual and unruly actions done by a person. There are so many times in our lives that we cannot avoid to say “aghast” someone we do not like for misbehaving, not excusing and so rude that we want to drive him or her out from our presence and way. Somehow, I told myself that students’ upbringing at home is very important and the qualities of friends they have also matter in terms of right attitude. Parents should also do the checking of their children’s update in schools and their attitude if something is changed or not. Parents play vital role to the lives of their children. Not all the time they will be with them, but the good values nurtured to them give strong impact to their real life’s situation in school, at home and anywhere where there are people. They will always be appreciated because of their cultured attitude cultivated at home as their first school.

Image credit to Pixabay

  • cely

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    • Those are words that a person should learn as part of good manners. I wonder why your student scratched your arm with a coin! Good thing you did not get tetanus from it; you could had flunked her for being so rude! ha ha ha! I don't know there are really people who do not know how to act well; maybe because they do not have GMRC subject in grade school; it is Good Manners and Right Conduct; we had in public elementary school, so many,many years ago!

      But a person do not need to take such subjects on good manners, it can be learned even at home during childhood years.

    • Hahahaha, actually she dropped the subject for feeling afraid of what she was doing.lols.I called her attention and spoke to her that I was okay after that incident. She returned back to class and she felt happy after. There are some many students this time lacking good manners in fact they do not greet their teachers when meet them anywhere in the campus hahaha. That is the result for failures students do not accept their failures.

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