jhsayyar started the topic Woman: A Mirror of Lover's Image in the forum Family & Relationships 7 years ago
Love is a folly of mind because a lover get deceit by his own reflection floating on beloved’s cheeks, ates and lisp in guise of man’s image that he creates in lone for future. When the lover gazes on the face of beloved if he watches the same reflection on the beloved’ face he anon falls in her love otherwise the reflects to rays sender and it is…[Read more]
Solveig joined the group Health & Fitness 7 years ago
Solveig joined the group Family & Relationships 7 years ago
Yvette replied to the topic do you agree that blood is thicker than water in the forum Family & Relationships 7 years ago
Hello everyone.
Blood is not necessarily thicker than water. So many things come into play when it comes to relationships period. I believe I read where someone said it depends on how one was raised which is a great point but there are other factors as well and sometimes even when someone has been raised in a good environment this does not g…[Read more]
charles baglao joined the group Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years ago
charles baglao joined the group Family & Relationships 7 years ago
jhsayyar replied to the topic What Age Would Be A Good Time To Have Children? in the forum Family & Relationships 7 years ago
There are many views about when to born kids but view is view and fact is fact. The best age of creating kids is 20 years not more than this is dangerous for your old age because if someone gets marriage at the age of 20 after 20 years he or she will be of 20 and may serve the parents in the best and energetic way but if someone gets marriage at…[Read more]
Vallary Otieno started the topic Jokes in the forum Entertainment 7 years ago
Me:I love U She:Thats great but me I love letters like V W X Y Z
Vallary Otieno joined the group Freelancers Online 7 years ago
Vallary Otieno joined the group Health & Fitness 7 years ago
Vallary Otieno joined the group Entertainment 7 years ago
Vallary Otieno replied to the topic What Age Would Be A Good Time To Have Children? in the forum Family & Relationships 7 years ago
Actually according to me the good age to get children is early 20’s . Most mothers who give birth at this stage , their children have high IQ
Vallary Otieno joined the group Family & Relationships 7 years ago
Gil Camporazo replied to the topic do you agree that blood is thicker than water in the forum Family & Relationships 7 years ago
I understand your situation, @aniiyahjackson7. That is the natural reaction of any family member whose family is in trouble within their circle. But for me, family is a family. It starts with a love among the man and the woman. They get into a covenant by binding themselves in a marriage vow that they will be together for better and for worse.…[Read more]
Pocahontas replied to the topic do you agree that blood is thicker than water in the forum Family & Relationships 7 years ago
A lot of people family members are just as bad as fake friends, you have family that do you wrong or take advantage of you and never willing to help you even when you’re always helping them. I don’t believe the blood thicker than water. With my experience, family ain’t sh** nowadays.
Pocahontas joined the group Family & Relationships 7 years ago
Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Mumbai: Soon, you can visit One Rupee Clinics to get tested for HIV in the forum Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years ago
Useful information. Thanks for posting the same. Best wishes and regards.
Very useful and informative. Thanks for posting the same. Best wishes and regards.
Interesting and useful information. Thanks for sharing the same. Best wishes and regards.
Jasmin Francis replied to the topic do you agree that blood is thicker than water in the forum Family & Relationships 7 years ago
No I do not, I honestly believe that family is what you make of it. Some people arent born into caring and loving families and therefor have no contact with them but often times they will move on when they are older creating their own family with a partner and children.