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@evilelf active 7 years, 6 months ago
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December 3, 2016 at 3:35 am

No one likes to have their articles moderated or edited before it is published but they need to realize that this even happens to real journalists as well. There are sites that allow you to post an article without any moderation at all, which is fine for both the site and the person writing the articles. I guess it depends on what kind of site it is. If I had a site, I would let people post at their leisure. I’m just not the type to post a whole lot in one day.

December 3, 2016 at 3:24 am

 Jennifer Dombrowski, funny you mentioned that because shortly after visiting the doctor I developed a sinus infection. Good thing the doctor gave me antibiotics for it ahead of time but I had to wait to get the meds filled due to no ride to the pharmacy. I picked them up today. I did get a coupon for a free bottle of Robitussin medicine. So that will come in handy also. I have been feeling really horrible all week. When I talk you can tell I am congested. My throat still hurts and at night I can barely breathe. 🙁 But hey, at least my mom is better.

 sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam, I am always having ear problems since I was a baby. Not a year has passed without having some kind of ear infection. When I was 19 I had surgery on my left ear to repair the ear drum from extensive ear infections to it. I am partially deaf. I can not hear in my right ear. I do not know if this is from chronic ear infections are the fact that I was born to a deaf person. It is hard for me to be in a public place with people talking to me. I sometimes can not understand what they are saying or not at all and it makes working very difficult.

 cely, I have a bad habit of scratching my inner ears with q-tips. I can’t stand for my ears to itch. Usually when mine start to itch like crazy then I normally end up with an ear infection later on.


November 27, 2016 at 11:54 pm

I am just at $6 so I have a long way before I can redeem. I guess mom being in the hospital and being sick kinda messed mines up. Oh well. At least I know I can redeem in January. Congratulations on your redemption. Hopefully you will be able to redeem for more next month. You can always strive to do more. 🙂

November 27, 2016 at 11:44 pm

Blogjob is still open? The admin of the site has gone on to other sites to write for. I doubt Blogjob will ever go back to paying it’s members. I heard it used to be a great place to be but it never looked interesting to me.

November 26, 2016 at 9:02 am

So if these people are nameless and faceless, who are you to say it is the people of the Indian security? Without proper proof to accuse one or the other it’s not safe to blame either one. It will all be considered hearsay or conspiracy theory. I would be careful blaming government agencies in this fashion. If you were in America you could be sued for slander.

November 26, 2016 at 8:57 am

I really haven’t paid it any attention on how often articles are approved or not. Admins are human after all and need time to review and read over them. They also need to spend time with their families and loved ones also. So we should be patient when waiting for these things. Sometimes they can be overwhelmed by many articles and can’t get to every single article in one day.

November 25, 2016 at 3:16 am

 Jennifer Dombrowski, eating steak while it’s pink it’s really not dangerous at all. Now if it was pork then it will have a greater chance of getting food poisoning. Steak (beef) is safe to eat when it is almost raw. Some don’t like eating in that manner and that’s fine. Some pink is okay but I want to be able to chew my meat. 

November 25, 2016 at 2:58 am

 PEEUSH TRIKHA, I’m not familiar with most of the desserts you have listed. You may have to tell me more about them. I bet they taste wonderful. What type of chocolate do you prefer? 

 jhsayyar, deserts are nowhere similar to desserts. Deserts are filled with sand and can not be eaten. 

 bestwriter, You sound a little like my mom. If it’s in eye sight then she will eat it. She doesn’t care what it is. She doesn’t care if she is diabetic, she will eat what she wants. 

 Shavkat, I don’t think veggie salad is considered to be a dessert. I guess it depends on what is in it. I know fruit salad can be called a dessert. Fruit is good and sweet to eat. Cake is always good to eat no matter what the persons age is. 

November 24, 2016 at 9:31 am

Life’s lessons deal with trusting people and how to handle things when that trust has been broken. At first, we are hurt and probably go through a mourning phase but we soon get over it. Should we trust that person a second or even a third time? That depends on the situation and how forgiving of a person you are. You can always “charge it to the game” and learn from the lesson/mistakes that happen. Should it keep you from trusting others in the future? Once again that depends on you and how secure you feel about yourself.

I once trusted someone but then she started telling me negative things about a guy that I liked. I told her that I rather not her negative opinions no matter what she felt about the situation. Now we aren’t on talking terms because she thinks she’s right and I have no choice in how I am supposed to feel.

November 24, 2016 at 9:24 am

I believe both sexes are flirtatious with each other. It’s only human nature for it to happen. Being overly flirtatious can be a problem at times if that person is already in a relationship or he/she just can’t keep their eyes or hands to themselves. If a person never flirted with the next then how would anyone know you liked them?

November 24, 2016 at 9:21 am

 peachpurple, I have three dogs in the same home and they got along just fine. I do have two separate bowls for the dogs to eat out of when they get hungry. But they usually get along and don’t’ normally eat at the same time unless I make them something special. When I was a kid we had 5 dogs and 3 cats that all lived in the same house. Everyone got along. So it all depends on how the humans raise the animals. Just like now, my three dogs get along with the cats we have outside. They just don’t like stray dogs coming around.

November 24, 2016 at 9:17 am

I never go by what I am supposed to do. I know a lot of people prefer to feed their dogs once or twice a day and let that be it. Some like to feed their dog according to their weight. However, I like to feed my dog and let him choose to eat when he is ready to eat. With that being said I just make sure that his bowl has food in it at all times. I have three dogs and they normally eat off and on all day and are all at healthy weights. Plus when it’s time for me to eat then they have access to their food and I won’t have to turn them away from my food.

November 24, 2016 at 9:12 am

I have three dogs. I have one dog that is classified as a bully type pit bull. He (NuNu) is the biggest baby  I have ever seen. I have a female chihuahua. She (Chloe) is more of a guard dog than my pit bull is. She runs off any stray dogs that come around. Then the last dog I have is actually the puppy of the first two. Yes, I know it’s strange and unheard of to hear a pit bull mating with a chihuahua but hey it happened. So Gizmo is half pit bull and half chihuahua.


November 24, 2016 at 9:04 am

No, it is against the rules to add any referral link to any site here on LB. It is against the rules on most writing sites do such. However, you can share your link in a PM if someone asks you for it. But I wouldn’t spam people with it.

November 24, 2016 at 8:49 am

Marriages end all the time for whatever reason. Does this mean it’s a broken relationship? Yes, in a way it is but the people involved can get past it including the children. I know this from experience. I am divorced and I am happy about the divorce. I am no longer in a controlled relationship where I could not do anything at all without asking permission. As for my kids are concerned, they are fine with the arrangements. I have one in college, one about to graduate high school and still have two left to finish high school. I am able to meet people from all over the world if I want to. Before I couldn’t even talk to the next door neighbor.

To me, a broken home is where a child has neither parent or comes from a family that is on drugs or alcohol. They are beaten or sexually assaulted. They might even have one or both parents in jail or dead.

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 363 total)