It has been two month since I am taking oats in my breakfast.I still remember the first day I had oats with skimmed milk.And i ate breakfast around 9 and by the time I reached work,And that day I was already hungry.I could feel rumbling in my stomach but I resisted having anything.By eleven,I was feeling weak,famished and went for a pack of peanuts to get going.And then
I Googled about it in the evening and realised that my mistake was to eat plain oats and milk.then I bought chia seeds,and flaxseeds some fruits for the next day.
There is so many benefits of eating oats.It also help us to lose weight.
But there is other food also which gain our weight.
You know friends if we eat these few foods,it will gain our weight.
As These artificial ingredients get stored in our body in the form of fat and make you gain weight.
And the first is soyamilk ,it is not many of us know that the commercially available soya milk is as bad and worst as any other hazardous chemical. People claim that soya milk helps in making your body slimmer and healthier.
It may do that but the soya milk that grocery stores contain is low quality, unfermented highly processed.
And This way, it turns into a harmful concoction and which contributes to deteriorating your health.
And the second is margarine.And Margarine is an artificial butter which is another food contributing to unwanted fat in your body.in my view Instead of using margarine,we should use homemade butter. It is good for our health and tastes much better than the artificial butter.And intresting fact is home made butter contains good fat that is required by our bodies to boost its metabolic process.
And the third is The preservative juices and it contains the same amount of sugar as the soft drinks. The intake of preservative juices increases blood sugar level and facilitates the storage of unwanted fat in our body. Another reason that these juices are harmful is because of the chemicals and the colours they contain.
And these food also gain our weight,which is used by all of us daily in the morning.Whole wheat bread is often considered to be the healthiest food.
But unfortunately a giant, the chemicals it contains, which make it taste better and tasty, look great and last for few days, but are harmful to our bodies.The wheat in the whole wheat bread may have to genetically modified ingredients.
And Processed wheat has inflammatory properties and may be responsible for swelling in the body parts.
Food is delicious, but at the end of the day we are eating for all these for one reason to nourish our bodies. White bread made with refined flour fails to accomplish this goal. When a grain is refined, such as in making of flour for white bread, outermost and innermost layers of the grain are removed
And it has been known for a long time that white bread and refined grains in general aren’t particularly nutritious.
Gluten grains like wheat, have been under intense scrutiny in recent years.
Many respected health professionals from all over the world now claim that bread and other sources of gluten grains are unnecessary at best and potentially harmful. grains are very acidic also.And The most acidic grain is wheat, oats and the barley in that order.
When grains like wheat are refined they become even more acidic. When there is an acid alkaline imbalance in our body, especially in the blood it creates an environment where all bacteria, and yeast,and fungus, and mould thrive. This means that when we are acidic, we rot the inside, which corrodes body tissue and interrupts cellular activities and the functions in the body causing damage to the emotional and psychological health.
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View Comments
It is important to read a lot of reviews/testimonials before going on a certain meal plan. Always read labels on food packages if they contain harmful ingredients.
Excuse me , but this picture is mine. It's the book I read and took a picture it for my postings about my readings from it.
Oh I thought you are talking about how to increase body weight. So can you tell me whether I should go for these product as I am under weight? :P :P
To me oats and soy didn't helped much. I wanted to see if it can help but so far not much luck. I would see other foods and check it out if that can help me. I think it depends on person to person in terms of health.
I am using apple cider vinegar to lose weight with cinnamon in it. Trying to stay off of sweet. U also should eat cucumber and watermelon high in water content they help flush ur system faster.