Professionalism as defined by Encarta dictionary is the competence or character expected of a member of a highly trained profession.
Thus, the employees of a company are considered professionals . As professionals, much is expected of them by the company. They should give the skills required of them in their works. They should act with respect when at the office. They should dress to the standards that the company have given them. Most of all, they should act , talk and write professionally.
Today, I was told to include in my audit , the contracts of each tenants. And this rooted from the head of our Audit Team , who got so angry with an employee because one of the affiliates she heads, still don’t have their contract of tenancy for already 6 months to the mall we manage. Hence, we still don’t bill them for their tenancy and she doesn’t like that they have a debt to us for that.
She called our leasing assistant who handles the contracts and asked her about their contract. She said that the contract was still to be signed at the back by their signatory since it’s a back to back document and the signatory only signed the front pages. The leasing assistant was reprimanded for not expediting the said contract, in the open office of that affiliate where everyone heard it.
She also called our Legal Department to already honor that and have it notarized. So, the contract was released.
Today, I was told by our Team head to next time also audit if all tenants have their contracts. So, I told the Leasing assistant to see to it that all the tenants’ contracts be already completed and notarized or else I have no option but to make it my Audit Finding. She was relieved and saw her when I went out of our office room and passed by her cubicle going all over the tenants’ contract.
I was told by my co-auditor that the Leasing assistant went out crying as one of the employees there told her later when she went there also.
After lunch , I received a call from my co-auditor and asked if I saw the post of the Leasing assistant at FB. I said no, what was it. So, she went to the office and showed me the print screen of the post.
The picture above is the print screen of that post. Do you think that was professional of her too, to get even with the Audit Team Head who is also the SVP for Finance of our company , by posting that? It was way below the belt for saying that , let alone the last part of her post.
Immediately, after I have seen the print screen of her post, I went to her and she was crying. I hugged her and led her to my office and consoled her. I told her to delete immediately that particular post of her. And she did.
But still she told me that she will be resigning because my co-auditor have the print screen and she knows what will happen when that print screen of her post will be shown to our Team Head.
See? The post she made at Facebook , made her so afraid. It was a big mistake! Even if she has deleted it, some have already seen it and a print screen of it was already made.
She was crying because she saw after she have posted it that my co-auditor and the Accounting department people were huddled over a laptop and they looked at her. She knows that her post was so unprofessional.
So, I talked to my co-auditor not to have the print screen shown to our head anymore. And I told her to assure the girl that she won’t do it, because she was already taught a big lesson in professionalism.
I also told my co-auditor that it will also be her fault if the leasing assistant resigns. She also have to talk to her before dismissal because it will surely not make her sleep tonight.
She said she will talk to her.
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