Youth Violence is a Serious Issue - Featured Photo Credit: Pixabay Free to use Even Commercially
The news is constantly reporting how devastating gun violence is. We’re hearing that our children are in danger due to so many guns on the streets. We have to get to the root of the problem. It’s quite upsetting to see a mother crying over her child who has been a victim to gun violence. What can we do to tackle this epidemic? Law Enforcement is out there but what else can be done?
Perhaps building more youth centers will curb the violence. If the youth have more to are encouraged to pursue their dreams then we may see a change. We’re losing our youth at a high rate. Brady Campaign(2016) states, “An average of seven children and teens under the age of 20 are killed are killed by guns everyday.” Wow! It can leave us emotionally seeing a child laying on the pavement and the parents being comforted by law enforcement. Something has to be done but what?
Community leaders must be more vocal and show that they’re just as concerned as the parents. It’s so sad when children aren’t able to sit in front of their homes or ride a bicycle in their community. Although it would be a bit costly to send law enforcement into communities patrolling communities, we could use more protection, youth are our future.
There use to be more activities for youth to engage in. Tax payers understand that services are expensive and there’s budgets set but a life doesn’t have a price on it. I’ve lost a lot of family members to gun violence. It’s a very troubling situation. Hearing gun shots and hearing that another life is gone is such a devastating thing.
Some people are afraid to speak out about gun violence but gun violence is an issue we shouldn’t be silent about. We should want to see a change in this area. Rallies are great but how effective are rallies? Are people really paying attention . There needs to be some positive reinforcement tactics. Somehow we must reach the youth and we can start with listening to what they have to say. For those who have been affected by youth violence or have been involved with youth violence, we should hear them out, allow them to speak about their concerns and why they suppose youth violence is an epidemic.
If we listen then we may find ways to decrease the problem. We may not be able to remove the problem altogether but if we can save some lives then we’ve done well. We have to start somewhere. We’ll need to put our heads together and figure out where we should start.
Building recreational centers will certainly be helpful. It allows the youth to have a place to be sociable and get off the street. Boredom can sometimes cause them to get into things. If something isn’t done then we will be looking at a bleak future.We’ll continue to age so we need to support youth. Hopefully some resolutions will come our way soon.
Brady Campaign “To Prevent Gun Violence” (2016)
“An average of seven children and teens under the age of 20 are killed are killed by guns everyday.”
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It is best to have a peaceful world, and the movie industries make movies with good ending, and no violence.
if everyone is not violent, the young people will not get angry and violent too.
I'm not sure if not having violence in movies will stop youth violence or lower it. We have to get to the core of the problem by asking the youth what can they do and what can we do to create change when it comes to youth violence.
Humans are truly good,but sometimes many deviate from the norm because of drug and parental guidance.Parents are too busy at work and at parties forgetting about their teens that need special attention for they too, have their own needs and problems only parents can solve.Those who are gone astray lack love and attention from parents.
There's parents that party but even if they do so those things shouldn't hinder them from contact with their children. The problem is society is too quick to judge parental guidance but whatever happened to the "It Takes a Village to Raise a Child." Blaming parents won't solve the issues.Perhaps helping is a better solution. Some may not know how to parent or have way too many issues to parent themselves let alone children. Perhaps we should embrace the youth and instead of judging the parents so much. We should try to get to know them and find solutions.
Poverty plays a huge role in the crime and violence we see in America. When people live generation after generation in poverty, desperation and anger can become strong motivators for crime. Youth programs and safe places to go for recreation are crucial, as is having strong mentors who teach young people respect and dignity. But if we cannot do something to alleviate poverty and wrest control of the streets away from the gangs, violence will continue to be a problem.
You're absolutely right. Poverty is one of the reasons why so many youth choose violence as a way of life. We have to find ways to "prevent" and that will lower the reforming rate. Poverty leads to criminal behavior not in all cases but for those who feel desperation and feel as if there's no "hope" then the issues we see today will become greater. Youth need our attention because they will be the ones who will have to look after us.
What is the basic unit in the society? It is the family and what composes the family? The father, the mother, and the children. In other words, the root of the problem may originate the from the family, from the home. If the father, the mother and the children do respect each other, there is order. If everyone does each role under the nurture and admonition of the Lord, a home could be made a bit of heaven. That could be a practical and spiritual way of making a nation, a country in order, peaceful and worth living for it is free from chaos, trouble for everyone understands the value of peace and order as it is being practiced at home.
Yes indeed. The family dynamics play a very important part when it comes to how children will adjust to society. A disconnect could leave our youth feeling vulnerable, Family is important and values but in certain cultures the process is different and their way of doing things is different so there's a need for outside assistance and "mentorship." Extended families can also assist parents with educating the children and helping them through the trials that are associated with growing up. More people have to show concern. We have to do more than have discussions about the problem. We're gone to have to find a way to reach our youth. Whether they come from troubled backgrounds or a well educated family history. We have to find resolutions..
First and foremost, we should find the cause of violence why certain people misbehave abnormally with their own thoughts and actions. Maybe they have psychological problems that must be resolve. Sometimes people who used to feel alone, lost, unlove have the tendency to think of crazy things just to justify their own hatred. In their mind, they tend to be harmful for everyone, to be dominant to someones sufferings and death. A life of emptiness leading to their own destruction. Certainly, family plays a major role to educate their children in good morals and values to become a better person in the future that love and respect someone's life in order for this world to be a better place to live in without any trace of violence
Yes, the violence in youth is increasing but I think its main cause is poverty and nothing else and the second cause is injustice on earth by the rich to the poor on earth in all societies of the world.
Think that youth violence refers to harmful behaviors that can start early and continue into young adulthood. ... Some violent acts—such as bullying, slapping, or hitting—can cause more emotional harm than physical harm. Others, such as robbery and assault (with or without weapons) can lead to serious injury or even death.
School violence is a subset of youth violence, a broader public health problem. Violence is the intentional use of physical force or power, against another person, group, or community, with the behavior likely to cause physical or psychological harm. Youth Violence typically includes persons between the ages of 10 and 24, although pathways to youth violence can begin in early childhood.
Violence involving young persons, typically children, adolescents, and young adults between the ages of 10 and 24. The young person can be the victim, the perpetrator, or both. Youth violence includes aggressive behaviors such as verbal abuse, bullying, hitting, slapping, or fistfighting.
These behaviors have significant consequences but do not generally result in serious injury or death. Youth violence also includes serious violent and delinquent acts such as aggravated assault, robbery, rape, and homicide, committed by and against youth