Categories: Society & Culture

Fathers Day went well – Sunday Dinner

Sunday was father’s day and we had a dinner at home with the whole family. The thing is that my grand father and father don’t really get along or talk that much. We didn’t even think my grandfather was going to eat dinner with us but in the end he ended up coming to dinner.

We had some octopus soup and pizza that we ordered from a local shop.

Like usual dinners we were all talking about our lives and things we were thinking of doing. These are the only times that the family is ALL together. The good part was that my father and grandfather actually spoke to eat other. There were no angry looks, there was no silence, they actually behaved at the table.

This is a rare occasion. Usually only happens on Fathers day. The other days they simple dont talk to each other. It is better than always fighting with each other.

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Hopefully this will continue this way. At least there is no harm when they dont talk to each other or at least getting along on these special days.

Now all we need to do is wait and see how long this will last. It hasn’t been as bad lately but they have a mini, unspoken war against each other that is almost impossible to handle.

I know i am a bit late to share my Fathers Day experience but this was the only chance i had to come and write a bit. The last couple of days have been a bit busy at work and today i finally had the chance to come here and write, today i feel a bit inspired and hopefully will be for the rest of the day.

How was everyones Father’s Day experience? Did it go well, what did you do, what did you eat? Share your experiences.

  • Tags: fathers day
    Sarah Freitas

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