Categories: Society & Culture

19th of March is Father’s Day

Like every year, me and my brother never know what to get our dad for Father’s Day. It isn’t easy because the starting of the month he has his birthday and it is already hard enough to get him a gift then, now we are at almost the endng of the month, need to get him a new gift but have no idea what.

Even though fathers day shouldn’t be celebrated with just a gift, fathers day and mothers day should be everyday. They are the ones that gave us life and raised us. Even for the adpoted, someone was their as your mom and dad and you should be grateful for the people that decided to take you under their wing and call you family. That is the best part.

Now a days we have a day for everything but i think when it has to do with family then this should be something celebrated everyday and not just one day a month. Everyday we should celebrate the time they have spent with us and enjoy all the time we still have with them. Like everyone knows, nothing lasts forever. A bit harsh to say but truth must always be said. We need to enjoy those days we have before it is too late. We should never have regret in life and regretting something we haven’t done is the worst part.

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Either way we always get a little something or make some kind of dinner and spend time with our father. No matter how they are they have always been by our side even after all the stupidity, after all the pain we caused, after everything and then they see how we have grown into decent people because they knew how to deal with our fases and made us better people.

Fathers day, do you celebrate it? If you do when and how to you celebrate this day with your father?

  • Tags: fathers day
    Sarah Freitas

    View Comments

    • In America, Mothers Day is celebrated in May and Fathers Day comes the next month, June. Yes I celebrate both.

    • i dont like mothers day and fathers days alone, why, its family and its celebrated together, we like that way, we make our own celebrations and dont wait a special day or one day to do things like it

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