Categories: Environment

don’t play with nature be friendly with it

why ?When you hear the word nature, what do you think it is? Do you think it is important? I believe that nature is everything that was put on this earth whether it is the food we eat, the water we drink, or the wood we use to build our houses. Others may think nature is just the oceans and the forests, but no matter what you think nature is we all must take care of it because it was given to us. The early settlers didn’t really think of nature as the source of life because the nature that they lived with was so vast and so untouched they never imagined that what they did to it would hurt it in any way. The Indians on the other hand, thought that everything in nature was of equal importance. From the Indians themselves, to the buffalo and the deer, to the grass they walk on, to the fish in the sea, all must live as one in order for the world to be peaceful.
When the early settlers arrived at Cape Cod in 1620, they viewed nature in this new world as a very barbaric and desolate place. It was said that, from the story Of Plymouth Plantation, ‘…being thus passed the vast ocean, and a sea of troubles before in their preparation, they had now no friends to welcome them nor inns to entertain or refresh their weather beaten bodies; no houses or much less towns to repair to, to seek succor (n pp. 83).’ The early settlers weren’t at all prepared for what was ahead of them. They were forced right away to ‘cultivate a similar closeness to the land (y pp 2-3).’ For if they hadn’t, the small fraction of them that did survive the early years, would not have if the Indians did not help them. In other words, the settlers were used to a world in which everything was civil and righteous. As they left for the new world in 1620 they didn’t expect that beginning a new life would be so difficult.
Early settlers acted as though nature belonged to them and that they could claim it as their own

we are all playing with the nature it will be very harmful not only for the nature but also for ourselves so please come forward and determine not to do against the nature.

embalancing of the weather is due to this reason because we are just only using nature and not trying to do any thing for the safety of the nature.

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we should understand that nature is in actual mean our life not a use and through thing.

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Earth, appreciated

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