Categories: Viral Post

Disrupting someone’s privacy could ruin his life forever. Stop to those that are violating privacy

Celebrity leaked photos – breaking the law and violating other people privacy.

Hello, today while surfing some forums that I usually browse in a daily basis, I found a sub-topic which was the most popular, and was already rising with lot of thumbs up and comments, the topic name was “The Fappening – Celebrities leaked photos 2017”. As not shocked, since this has happened before, if many of you know of the leaked released photos of Kate Upton and Jennifer Lawrence (the chick the main girl from The Hunger Games popular TV Series ) in 2014. It is a tradition to hackers to hack through celebrities phones every year or Dropbox and ICloud and post these pictures online disrupting celebrities’s privacy.

Now there were surely some celebrity photos and even videos there, maybe not Hollywood celebrities, but still popular ones like models, WWE actresses, e.t.c.

I am writing this blog post just to say that no matter who the celebrity is, or it is a random ordinary person, this must not be allowed as it is definitely violating people’s privacy and clearly, obviously, breaking the law. Because such “Small” things could escalate quickly and could potentially ruin some people’s lives or marriages.

By the way that is all I wanted to mention about the Celebrity leaked photos in this blog post, there is nothing more I have to add about that except the rest I want to describe the weather here for the past days. It is pretty cloudy, yesterday there were outside on the sky very frightful big and dark clouds. I am relieved that it rained through the night, so it spared our day, as it was better the next day.

Now weather forecasts say that there might be a slight chance of rain through the night, but in general it is better than yesterday, and that tomorrow will be sunny according to them.

  • Ваљон

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