Categories: Education & Reference

Is Cheating During Examination In The Classroom Considered A Crime?

I do not know if you would agree with this conclusive statement of most teachers in the academe that cheating during examination is a crime. This time teachers notice that students do not like to study. There are many of them doing 24/ 7 playing on line games. Last year their favorite games were DOTA 1 and 2, and Conjuring. There are also students who prefer Clash on Clans (COC). One time I asked them about their favorite game their answer was COC, and then I was ignorant about it. I asked about the literal meaning of COC which is Clash on Clans hehehehe. Then I asked about the whereabouts of one of their classmates who no longer entered the class. I was told that their classmate was doing 24/ 7 DOTA game in an internet café. His parents thought that he was doing his studies seriously. After the final examination the mother talked to me about the update of their son. I showed to her the class record with a grade of Failed. He had no Daily tasks, no projects midterm and final periods. The mother cried in front of me, she sobbed that I felt her agony. I told her to bring her son in the faculty office the next day to take the final examination, removal exam, and to instruct him what to submit to patch up his missing daily tasks or class standing.

The next day my student and his mother arrived in the faculty office. Before he took the removal exams, I handed to him what to submit to patch up his missing grades so he could have at least 3.0 grades. It was my co-teacher that managed the removal test for I have a class. I left the student in the faculty office. The test administrator was in the computer corner to write the inputs of his student’s grades in Mathematics in the system. The mother of the student was not allowed to stay inside the faculty office of the Mathematics Department. She was told to wait outside. The student was so upset according to my co-teacher. It seemed he was waiting for something that did not arrive yet. By the way, my student was told to use his calculator for some Mathematical computations, but never should he be allowed to open his cellular phone. There are so many wise students this time taking advantage of our technology.

The student was monitored by the test administrator, my co – teacher. Though he is far from the student, but he will know if the student cheats. The student did not know that there is installed surveillance camera near the computer corner where my co-teacher inputted the grades of his students. Then the test administrator was so shocked. Why? He saw my student solved the math problem so easily as if he was a genius when not. He was not in class during the lectures of those lessons found in the final examination. Then my co-teacher stood up pretending nothing had seen by his two naked eyes. He passed by the student and he announced to him, I will be back after 5 minutes. Actually the test administrator was pretending he did not know the foolishness done by the student. My co –teacher that administered the test called me about his suspicion of my student as showed in the cam. I left my class and told them to go home after they copied the examples presented through the projector. I also assigned one to bring the projector to the office, then I left them for I was not feeling okay when my co-teacher texted me to come.

When I arrived in the faculty office, I saw the mother of my student smiling sweetly at me as if smile that is thanking for the chance I favored to her son. I was met by the test administrator outside the door and then he instructed me to check what my student was holding. On the spot, I saw my student copying the answers from his big screen cellular phone. I confiscated his gadget and got his test paper. I have learned that his best friend and classmate took a shot of the departmental test questionnaires and answered them for him, so he could perfectly answered the removal test of Mathematics. His mother was instructed to get inside the faculty office, and we called the college dean and the dean of the student affairs. The mother of my student did not know what had happened. She only learned about it when the heads arrived. After knowing the case of her son cheating during the exam with all the evidences, screen shots with answers sent to him by his best friend and classmate she cried.

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My student’s mother sobbed more after the deliberation result of the panel of the verdict of her son which is declared in front of her: EXPELLED.

The university where I am teaching expelled my student. It is stated in the school’s policy and stipulated in the students manual whoever is caught cheating will be sanctioned for expulsion. I pity my student, but the more he becomes pitiful if tolerate his bad conduct and abuse his mother’s trust. His classmate who also supplied him with the data and answers was also EXPELLED. They can never enroll in our university. They have to wait for another two years before they could be allowed to enroll to other school. There are so many grounds for expulsion in our university not only cheating during the exam but also writing vandals in the school’s premises, using fake student identification ( ID), caught bringing deadly weapons and more.

I do not understand the many changing morale of the students this time. They are greatly influenced with technology. Instead of using technology wisely to change their lives for the better, worse, they are using it in the wrong way, so instead to graduate from a desired course land in jail.

Image by Pixabay Free Images

  • cely

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    • It's a pity the student was given the chance to pass the subject but he cheated. Students nowadays are exposed to so many temptations like playing computer games all day without thinking of their future.

      Poor mother, she could not do anything in such a situation.

    • It is a crime to cheat during the exams. One has to be first be truthful to himself or herself, his parents and to the school. If he is interested in deviant behavior like the one he indulged in there are better places for him to be in and to face the consequences he should when caught there. A school is a place where one is taught to be good and lead a hard working life and enjoy success through studies and then writing exam and passing with flying colors.

      If these children are interested in doing all these things other than studying then school is a wrong place for them. They are unfit to be in school. This also show bad parenting. If parents were keeping an eye on their child and taking care of his education needs and checking the status. Then he would not be facing the situation in which he is in today. Cheating is a crime because if one cheats and gets good scores. The others who study and try their best and get less scores than the cheater end up being the losers which is not fair to them.

    • @acelawrites, I agree with my friend. Many students do not care if pass or not, in fact our school resident changed the grade passing rate from 40 % to 70% that is why there are so many failers in school.70% passing rate is hard to achieve unless the student tries his best to pass.This is done because there are only few board passers last year in engineering course and even LTE exam.

    • @Krishna Kumar, Very well said my friend, yes cheating is a crime for if it cannot be stopped by the student himself will get used to cheat and when he becomes professional through cheating, he can never depart from it for he will surely like to do a short cut.The students who keep on cheating will never pass during the board examination. It will be too late for them to regret when they are already in the exam room during the board exam. The parents must always communicate with their sons and daughters to encourage them to do right and they need to inspire their children too.

    • Cheating is not a crime in the sense that you likely won't get arrested and put in jail for it. But it is in a sense a crime because of what it can lead to. Consider this. Do you want a surgeon operating on you who cheated on his exams when he or she was in med school? Do you want a police officer who cheated on his exams at the academy serving and protecting you when it's clear he lacks integrity and honesty?

    • Legally and technically speaking, while cheating in any school examination may be deem or consider grounds for expulsion under school academic policy it is not a "crime" as this legal term is understood under the Criminal Law.

      While it may be true that cheating in any exams is morally wrong or immoral for being dishonest to oneself, to the teacher, to the classmate and to the academic institution or school where one belong to, it can never be consider a crime until and unless there is a law passed by the government declaring the "act of cheating" in any exams to be a crime and providing a corresponding penalty for it.

      No act or omission is considered a crime unless there is a law declaring such act or omission to be a crime.

      In the actual given situation, there is no law being cited declaring cheating to be a crime.

      If cheating is really a crime, then aside from being expelled from the school, the school authorities could have filed a criminal case before the police authorities or the prosecutor's office against the students involve for the "crime of cheating", but no such thing happened in this case.

      It stand to reason therefore, that cheating in any school examination is merely a violation of the school or academic policy or school manual but not necessarily a crime by itself and in itself.

    • Cheating is always a sin. For students, cheating is not a good practice for them. If they continue doing this, then they are not learning something. It is also not fair for the other students who had studied hard for the given exam.

      Let me give you an example. When I was still studying in a medical school, the doctors kept on telling the medical students to be accurate in giving treatment. The treatment should be administered effectively and appropriately. If not, then you can never tell the patient that I am sorry for the malpractice. The worst scenario is killing the patients. You cannot say that I had miscalculated in treating the patient.

    • @Shavkat , Hi friend sorry for the late reply to your nice comment. You are also a teacher and surely you can attest that cheating is a crime.Yes, so unfair for those serious types of students. They will get used to it and someday what they had practiced will be carried to the next generation and one may surely say Karma.There are so many students failed in our university and many attacked office to office. I was also attacked why they failed, of course, I explained to them that it is not easy to be just feeling relax in their schooling , so no grades passing.

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