Categories: Computers & Internet

Smartphone Friendship

The Internet is ruling the world and even the people also, social networking is turning un-social. The internet is the must in this generation, for collecting information and to increase the knowledge if the technology is used in a good manner. There are a lot of uses and benefits. But present generation cannot live a single minute without the internet. They are continuously on online or on social media. They are thinking the world in topsy-turvy if the internet is not there. The young generation is becoming slaves to this internet. A survey reveals that the people in 18 to 25 years that 42 percent of people will utilize the Internet at least 5 minutes per hour. The people 62 percent of people who are accessing the internet they are using social media. The are concentrating on chatting with people on the net instead of friends and relatives who are nearby them. This type of tendency will effect on social relations in coming years.

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Present generation starting their daily work with mobile phone from early morning to late night. They keeping their phone on hands accessing watching missed calls, SMS or social networking sites. The use of mobile phones and smartphones is going to peak stage soon. Daily they are 50 to 60 times they are unlocking their phones and watching. unnecessarily They are keeping their phones in their hands.Smartphones are stopping the students and youth by not using their marrow. Even their having capacity of thinking and efficiency smartphones are vanishing them. Even for small calculation, they are using the calculator by this their not utilizing their brain right way.
Breakfast to dinner, cab booking for office, dropping and pick-up and other several uses are available in minutes via mobile applications. Instead of going to tiffin center near them, they are searching for door delivery providers and booking the orders so their away from walking even for short distance. Like this the young generation attached to the internet, smartphones and apps in younger age itself becoming sick like Insomnia, diabetes, thyroid, tennis elbow. Due to more use of the smartphone, they are becoming ill and falling in new sickness.

Due to falling in gadget mania the young generation is losing the valuable human relations, they are not even allocating some time to chat with their parents and kith and kins. Because young people are even in the house spending more on the computer or sticking with What’s up chatting or in Facebook lickings. Present young people doing multi- tasking like at the same time listening songs with earphone and browsing and posting comments on social media.

  • ksp

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    • I do agree that smartphones took the biggest role in our lives. It is considered the basic necessity for people. There is no way a person can deny this fact. It is a part of life that cannot function well without such modern gadget. I am sure people around the globe had shown the passion and interest in the usage of smartphones.

    • I used smartphone not only for chatting my long lost friend i haven't get in touch for so many years but i also used the power of the internet to learn a lot from it like surfing site, reading stories and blogs, browsing the latest deal on town, checking my email, watching videos and a lot of more to do and to look for a specific topic of your interest. I think modern technology helps really a lot not only connecting people but also for business purposes. It depends on you how you would used technology for your own benefit.

    • Teenagers will always be teenagers. They wouldn't talk to their parents because they are more interested in other things. The same is true for kids. Also, the next generation is not rotting down due to technology. First of all, they got better with controlling technologies that are otherwise hard for a person who is used to controllers and keypads. They've also gotten better with social communication, actually. The only problem is, they could communicate better with themselves and not with those born from a different era. It can't be helped since the world from 15 years ago is way different from how the world is now.

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