Women take part in a protest against Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump outside the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago, Illinois, U.S. October 18, 2016. REUTERS/Joshua Lott - RTX2PDGE
As we are going to celebrate the World’s Womens day, we need to really sit back and think as how women have a played and are playing such a pivotal role in our society. Today without women, a world cannot run peacefully. That’s my take on it. A women as housewife, mother, sister are our pillars. Doesn’t matter how much we are stressed in the work life, they are always there to give us the moral support. And any trouble we get in, they are the first one to stand with us. Not only in the family, in the business and work life, women are contributing to a great deal and if given more chance, they can contribute so much more to the company they work in and to the country. I have seen women who are more disciplined than men and someone who thinks before doing any work than men. There are many places where men haved failed and women have succeded. The best example is Rio Olympics 2016 where india won 2 medals and both of them were won by women. If not for them, india would have return empty handed. Despite having a strong male contingent, they failed to win a single medal.This shows how women have not only done better than men but also saved whole country’s pride. Despite all this potential and contribution from wen, we as society still treats them as a second class people. Why is that ?. We think them as someone who are way below than us men in all counts. Recently a French Member of Parliament stood up and told how women are smaller, weaker and someone who has no brain. And how they don’t deserve to earn more. This is just how the society treats women. Men have an ego that they are more capable, deserving than women. And i feel that is totally wrong. Both the genders are equal, may be yes on some counts men many have some edge over women, but at the same time, there are places where women have more edge over men. Without women in this world, we just can’t imagine how it would be. So we really need to give them more respect and not discriminate them on any count. If we do that, then all the countries would grow more faster and achieve greatness.At the end, i would like to say “More power to Women”‘.
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I have no doubt women everywhere would appreciate that you appreciate them. The sad reality is that there are women everywhere abused, misused, and treated like disposable property and not like human beings. The only reason there are days like World Womens Day, International Human Rights Day, etc. is because people's human rights are being violated on a daily basis and these days are aimed at calling attention to this horrific fact. My wish is that one day there won't be a need for special days to remind us that there are people who are not being treated humanely and equally.