Categories: Travel

Wonderful conspiracy theories on my trips

I have heard so many wonderful stories on my different trips that I can write a fat book but the problem is all those stories have no real meaning. I have been traveling long distances frequently for my job related purpose. And I made lots of friends during all these tours.

Let me accept that whenever I felt bored on my trips I tried doing something like introducing myself to the person next to me. And I was lucky enough to hear some wonderful news and theories. I always heard too many conspiracy theories, but I could see no justification in most of their stories or comments but that was a good time pass for sure.

I have heard people telling me that Taj Mahal was not built by Shahjahan but it was a temple or so many wonderful stories about starting of world-war 1. Someone told me that Pearl Harbor was not a surprise attack or the personal body guard of Indira Gandhi was not the real murderer of her but it was a close relative.

I have heard that Oswald was not the one who killed Kennedy and the strangest of them all that 9-11 was not a terrorist attack. You will hear all, just talk to people sitting next to you and you will know what is real and what is not. You really learn a lot when you travel and have a good habit of making friends.

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But what amazes me is that most stories I hear are related to popular incidents like how the first journey to Moon by men was faked. I have heard stories about how America planned 9/11. How could the US Government have planned 9/11 when they can barely keep their personal habits a secret?

That is such rubbish and seems far too fantastic to me but here is to all the conspiracy theorists out there. Hundreds would have to be involved in such a massive mission but not a single one has blown the whistle. Now people are talking about wonderful stories about Panama leaks and I am waiting for my next trip.

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  • suny

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