Categories: Tech

Without Facebook Life Will Be Lonely, It Is So Useful To People In The World

During those years when communication was at a scarce, one can only reach a relative abroad through expensive long distance calls, sending social telegram, and sending letters and cards for any special occasion. It was so tiring waiting for a reply after two to three months. In those years, it was noted less international terrorism attack and scams. Before the term used was black mailing someone, this time on line scams, though internet users are now on hints as to how to detect scams on line. In terms of inter-relationship between an Asian and a foreigner, it took many months and some years meeting the two in person for transaction was done through long distance calls and postal mails. The world was able to surpass some hardships of the earthly people in relation to personal transactions and updates of the relatives anywhere in the world. That was yesterday, and this very moment young and old could now have a better feeling for the less time not weeks and months of waiting responses or replies from their loved ones.

Facebook is the solution this time to almost all people worldwide to connect themselves to family, relatives, friends, previous co-employees or workers, worldwide. Facebook has millions users and we have to be thankful to the inventor of this social net site that breaks the world. This time, at a click of seconds we can see our loves through Facebook, sending YouTube, Videos, photos and different happenings at home, in school, at a work office and anywhere preferred by the user to take a shot and send the shots abroad though uploading. What a life this time we immediately know the updates of our intimate friends and even lovers and suitors.


Inter-marriages happened because of Facebook and other sites like Skype that right away entertain or allow users to use for free. What an awesome achievements of the creators of Facebook Skype and other media sites. We also know some result of the exam, pageants, and contest in schools, work place and others under the sun through Facebook. I salute Facebook. Philippines ranked number having any Facebook members/ users; in fact, it was the first time in the history of Facebook having the Presidential election results and updates through Facebook. Up to this time, Facebook gives its support to president Duterte by allowing his followers to send updates through Facebook.

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Despite usefulness of Facebook, there are still bad elements using Facebook as their recruiting site for a terror attack and updates from the leftists group. Through Facebook, we would also learn what is going on here and abroad. This is an awesome site that whoever runs out of current will surely be sad and restless if there is no current to charge their gadget. Am I right guys? I am sure you would agree with me.

Because Facebook is a contributing factor to all walks of life, let us protect it and never do harm for without Facebook life will be lonely and restless.

Images Credit to Pixabay

  • cely

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    • When I was in the other country, New Zealand for a one month vacation, my only consolation was Facebook. Yes, Facebook helps us a lot to let the feeling of missing and the ,longing be consoled through sending and chatting directly to Facebook. We can immediately connect our lives to our dear family , relatives, friends and friends of friends through Facebook, It i a very awesome site that made people happy and people's lives change for the better. Discipline is also observed for if not, those who abuse and lack discipline will be blocked or removed in the friend's list hehehe.
      I had blocked many friends in Facebook. I also blocked users not my friends in Facebook for some derogatory and vulgar words they sent in my Facebook account.

    • I don't think myself connecting to Facebook at all times.Don't get me wrong. I find it too corny to read some of my friends' posts.That's the reason why I don't spend more time on this site.I would rather squander my time in LB to be productive.

    • Facebook, regardless of the complaints, has connected not only family and old friends, but has connected people all around the world. Many people very well could be lonely if they did not have that online interaction with others. It's a fact of life in “today's world”. :)

      Sure! Bad things can happen using Facebook. Like cyberbullying. Bad things can happen using a telephone too! Like obscene phone calls. Bad things can happen when suspicious packages are sent by snail mail. Like envelopes sprinkled with anthrax.

      Bad things happen because it's some evil people in the world!! Facebook did not erase that. It is ludicrous for people to even think that Mr. Zuckerberg has that kind of power and influence.

    • Facebook is major now days, that how everyone keeps up with everyone and its even crazier now with the go live on there. Its hard to go without Facebook once your addictrd. If your anything like I was that's the way you got up with your friends and family. But now this month has been 11 months without Facebook. I took writing and research in the place of that and it worked out. Now if my friends and family has to get up with my they just call the phone.

    • While I love the fact that Facebook is a easy, simple way to connect with family and friends, sometimes instead of giving you a sense of togetherness, it gives you brokenness. So many people use social media to bully and dehumanize. I am all for positively connected to people through Facebook, but when people use it to degrade, and hurt others, then Facebook doesn't seem so wonderful to me anymore.

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