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We hear so many incidents of violence in places where multicultural societies exist. What I feel multiculturalism and integration will work so long as the indigenous population of the host nation understand that it is up to them to do the integration.
But have you ever heard of the process of taking in new ideas, information, experiences and then mixing them into our own existing ideas. That is known as assimilation. Multiculturalism and is a two-way street and will only work if both parties put in the efforts.
India was always known as a peaceful country however, some of the recent incidents of unprecedented violence and public fighting have left us confused about a plausible explanation, but does that mean that the local people have become intolerant.
Maybe it is a planned strategy to unsettle this country after the present government took control of the affairs. I am sure the old party could not digest its defeat and trying to give every small thing an ugly shape.
It’s not up to just the indigenous population, so the responsibility fall only on the shoulders of people who come to settle in especially the immigrants who are doing their worst efforts to unsettle this country. Most of the unauthorized immigrants manage to get government papers, develop hutment areas in metros and indulge in criminal activities.
If you ask me I honestly do not understand what is going on in my country. In fact, here is no social or economic security and there is no political understanding in between different political parties which are involved in oneupship tactics for their own political benefits.
There was always a culture of normalization of a system in which members of an organization or society are ranked according to relative status or authority. True, our society, is somewhat pushed by the caste system, and some of the disputes are all inter-connected but our society never displayed signs of intolerance.
Keywords Intolerance, Multicultural, Disputes, Immigrants
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View Comments
Violence in any society is common due to I think lack of education in men and women. No program of education is started seriously in any country because those who start the programs against the increasing violence are violence maker nature wise but the leaders know well but they just fulfill their temporary responsibility and nothing else all over the world.
Growing up used to be less traumatic just a few decades ago. Children back then worried about such things as a flat tire on their Schwinns and hoped that their teacher wouldn't give too much homework.
Violence has always been a part of the human condition because of our sin nature (Rom. 3:23). But modern families are exposed to even more violence than previous generations because of the media. Any night of the week, the average viewer can see levels of violence approaching and even exceeding the Roman Gladiator games.
Does this have an effect? Certainly it does. The Bible teaches that "as a man thinks in his heart, so is he" (Prov. 23:7). What we view and what we think about affects our actions.
Defenders of television programs say that isn't true. They contend that televised imagery doesn't make people violent nor does it make people callous to suffering. But if televised imagery doesn't affect human behavior, then the TV networks should refund billions of advertising dollars to TV sponsors.
In essence, TV executives are talking out of both sides of their mouths. On the one hand, they try to convince advertisers that a 30-second commercial can influence consumer behavior. On the other hand, they deny that a one-hour program wrapped around the commercials can influence social behavior.