Categories: Arts & Humanities

The Slavery Of Africa. Why Are The Blacks Always Taken As Slave?

Okay, so I’m no history major or anything like that, but I am curious about this. It seems to me that even in Africa, warring tribes used to take surviving members of other tribes as ‘slaves’. Solomon’s Israel often took blacks as slaves in ancient times. We all know that Greco-Roman states took blacks as slaves.

I’m also unsure of how blacks figured in any of the great ancient civilizations. Were Egyptians black, or were they Indo-Arabic in origin?? I know the Queen of Sheba was black, yet King Solomon still took black slaves back to Israel with her consent. Abysinnia is the only other kingdom that I know was ruled by blacks. Are there any other famous African kingdoms ruled by blacks that my sh*t public education never told me about?? I’m just tryin’ to figure out how far back the history of black slavery stretches.

Slavery, in one form or another, has been practiced by almost every society, at one time or another. Black slavery just happens to be the most current version of it.





Why are the blacks in perpetual slavery?

When blacks are in Europe, they are slaves.

When blacks are in Americas, they are

slaves. When blacks are in Arabian

countries, they are slaves. Annoying, when

blacks are in Africa, especially Nigeria, they

are slaves to Europeans, Americans, Arabs,

Chinese, Indians…

I feel sad any time I see Nigerians working

on construction sites. You will see one

Chinese standing, controlling and directing

while Nigerians will be engaged in hard

labour like the Jews in the Nazis’

concentration camp.

Does anyone remember the time some

network providers were laying pipes for fibre

optics? Nigerians were subjected to

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debilitating and dehumanising treatment in

Nigeria! Instead of these foreign

contractors to make use of heavy equipment,

come and see fellow Nigerians digging with

bare hands and diggers from Lagos to

Kaduna. Lagos to Kaduna is more than


If you can pay a visit to any of the

companies in Nigeria, even the so-called

indigenous companies; drivers, messengers,

chefs, cleaners will be Nigerians while the

directors, managers and other top-ranking

personnel are either Indians or Chinese.

The most unfortunate part of it is that these

foreigners are less educated compared to

Nigerians that are serving as their slaves.

Globacom is a great culprit in this regard.

Many of their top-ranking officers are


There should be public regulations that will

entrench local content in any company that

is willing to establish in Nigeria. Nigerians

should not be slaves in ttumblr_n1u84vOOvM1qzlc1ro1_500heir fatherland.

When will the blacks be free?

  • Tags: cely
    Zayn Meek

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    • This is a very good question. As much as i did not like history in school because of the many books you had to read, but the thing is history revolves so much around the blacks being slaves. How it all begun really i cannot tell. But the only thing that made blacks become slaves is because the white community colonised us. But it is what it is we cannot change that, we were colonised and we got our independence what remains now is for us to do what we have to do and do things out way and on our own without being dependant on the white community to get things done. We as Africans need to change that trend that Africans are slaves. Yes it's true that most of the whites get to do all the top jobs while the Africans settle for the dirty jobs. Ask yourself this question who gives them this jobs in our countries aren't they our leaders, we have very learned people in our countries this are the people who need to stand up for their people and say not to slavery of all kinds and do what is right. Africans are bright and we have alot going for us all we need to do is get up and grab what belongs to us when it's available don't just sit there and expect to be given good jobs you have to be aggressive. We are the ones who let other people come to our countries and take our jobs. It's not that we are not qualified for those jobs, but its the way we take ourselves and put ourselves down. If only we believe in ourselves and take up the mantle. We don't have to keep living with that idea in our minds and hearts that we are slaves. Just remember that there are great minds in Africans. Obama and Oprah and many others are a perfect example that something good can come out of Africans not just slavery. Slavery is something that was there back in the days and it can only be used to refer to history not in the 20th century. We are over that.

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