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There is nothing more attractive than a head full or thick beautiful hair. Hair that shines and glimmers with natural health. Hair loss is a problem to many people all over the world. And these people really feel like their actually suffering from that. it makes them feel uncomfortable and also gives them a low self-esteem.
From doing some research I’ve learnt that there are so many factors to having hair loss. We all know that aging can play a big part. But what bout the young beautiful people that is also suffering from the hair loss. That when all the other day factors come in and take place.
Too much stress, did you know that can play a.part of the hair loss too. It’s not good to stress too much as it is, because stressing can also cause other health issues besides the hair loss. So its good to try and relieve your mind and body from stress. Find a hobby or activity that your into to take place of stressing over things. You have to learn to live life without stressing so much, yeah I know it could be hard and that’s why I write a lot to keep things of my mind that is healthy for your brain or heart.
Environmental effects, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalance, genetic factors, scalp infections, use of wrong or chemically enriched hair products even certain medications and medical conditions like thyroid disorder, autoimmune disease, polycystic ovary syndrome, chronic illness and even excessive smoking can all be factors or the hair loss. Image cigarette smoker myself and I know it’s bad for me but it’s a nasty bad habit that’s hard to stop.
Did you know there are about 100,000 strands of hair on our scalp.not to mention that it is very normal that we all loss some of our hair strands. It’s part of life it’s gonna a happen especially if we keep dead ends, brush our hair and even when we wash our hair we loss a few strands and that’s okay cause that’s normal. But when you go to noticing your Loosing to much hair and it’s becoming real thin, that’s when it’s Time for you to take action so it doesn’t progress to baldness or bald spots.
There are many remedies and ingredients that can be used to treat hair loss. I did a lot of research and below you can see a few remedies that I have did some research on.
It’s good to massage your scalp with hair oils. Proper hair and scalp massage will help improve and increase the blood flow to the hair follicles, conditions the scalp and enhance the strength of your hair. It will also help promote relaxation and reduce feelings of stress. Some of the best hair oils to use are coconut or almond oil, olive oil, castor oil and amla oil. You can add a few drops to your base oil that you choose for better results. You wanna do this for at least once a week.
Indian gooseberry is great for natural and fast hair growth.indian gooseberry is also known as alma. This Indian gooseberry is also known to be rich in vitamin C. You can Maintain a healthy scalp and promote hair growth due to the anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, and the exfoliating properties.
1- you take and mix one tablespoon each of the Indian gooseberry or amula pulp with lemon juice.
2-massage your scalp with the mixture thoroughly cover your hair with a shower cap.
3-shampoo your hair the next morning.
Onion juice helps treat hair loss due to the high sulfur content. This helps improve the blood circulation to the hair follicles, regenerate the hair follicles and reduce inflammation. The anti-bacterial properties in the onion juice also helps germs and treat scalp infections that causes hair loss.
Did you know that aloe vera is also a great source for hair loss.the aloe vera contains enzymes that promote healthy hair growth. Not to mention the alkalizing properties can help bring the scalp and hairs pH to a more desirable level, which promote hair growth. It’s good to use on a regular basis because it can relieve scalp itching, reduce scalp redness and inflammation. Which adds strength and body to your hair. This is also great for dandruff. Both aloe gel or juice will work.
The beetroot contains carbohydrates protein, vitamins B and C and calcium. All of these nutrients are great for healthy hair growth.
Include fresh beetroot in your diet. Also including spinach, alfalfa and lettuce juice. Carrot juice is also great, these help keep your hair healthy. Grind a few beetroot leaves (boil in water) along with Heena and Apply the paste to your scalp. Leave on for at least 20min. Before rinsing it out. Repeat these steps several times a week for faster and better results.
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View Comments
Thanks for sharing this topic. I love this topic as my hair is very tiny and loose, and even have some grey or white hairs now after entering 40. Haha!
I love the natural remedy rather than the chemical one, I believe the latter will hurt our hair root and scalp , later ruins our scalp or hair at the end.
I am practising shampoo free style for not apply any shampoo, just rinse the hair with some warm water.
I do use some handmade soap for cleaning and washing my hair every one week during this year as my hair is a bit oily when having some headache and tension working life.
I will try to apply some coconut oil , but it is expensive now, so I will opt for olive oil. For instead. An aunt of a friend who apply olive oil often managed to have a very darky hairs even during her golden age. So admire of me!
I experienced alopecia areata a year about a year ago. But all that is gone now , after I have discovered online the concoction of blended ginger , alcohol and drops of virgin coconut oil.
Although, it took about 3 months before hairs started to grow.
Personally, I had gastric bypass and hair loss is part of the side effects. There are many recommended ways to keep hair loss to a minimum. The number one recommendation is Biotin Vitamins. 10,000 mg per day. Look closely at your bottle and find the best quality and least amount of capsules you have to swallow!
Nioxin shampoos and conditioners are available online and in stores. Don’t wash or brush only as needed to avoid the strain on your hair. Sleep in a turban so as not to have it all over your sheets.
Most importantly, keep your protein over 60 gms per day and stay hydrated. And keep the faith- it will grow back and it is a small price to pay for being slimmer and healthier.
To manage thinner hair- a new style may be in order. Most women go to shorter cuts when the hair starts to thin. Wigs are a fun alternative, and you may find your insurance will reimburse for them. Hats and scarfs too. I found that, as mine thinned in the winter, that hats and a wig were helpful. I was getting a cold breeze in the areas there was no hair!! burrr.