Categories: Pregnancy & Parenting

Teenage Suicide Attempts- How Can Parents Help Them

When your child is growing from a school age kid to his teenage years, it is time to take extra attention and care for his behavior.


Nowadays, teenage suicide is a common problem among teens compare to the past 10 decades.


The number of teenagers and adolescents ending their lives or attempting suicide are on the rise in both Western and Asian countries.


Although children under 10 years old committing suicide is rare, teenagers above 13 years old and above had increase a third fold since 1960s.


In our modern technology world today, the number of boys committing suicide is thrice as many as the girls due to negative thoughts and bad influence from bad company.



#1- Why do teenagers see suicide as the answer to their problems


-chose suicide is the final method to end all the misery and problems once and for all


-influenced by alcohol, under high blurry vision and drunkardness, accidentally chose suicide when he is not sober yet


-substance abuse such as taking drugs and smoking marijuana will cause illusion and negative thoughts that lead to teenager suicide


-socially isolated from friends, family members, relatives, spouse, partner and teachers. Loneliness is a silent killer to suicidal teenagers


-long term psychiatric problems, mental illness without medical treatment


– lost of self esteem, unable to lift up his head to do anything right


-lack of confidence, unable to accept failures in everything

– fear of the public presence, unable to accept public comments and the way they look at him


– see a bleak future, no point to carry on living

– unloved, “Nobody loves me anymore” that kind of negative thoughts


– inadequate of ability and talents, unable to complete any task ( studies, work or relationship) with sucess



These are some of the examples of reasons that lead teenagers to decide on committing suicide as a quick solution to end their woes.


A tragic mistake that is not reverseable and foolish.






#2-What are the symptoms of teenager suicide


Parents and older siblings are the closest family members who are able to discover teenager’s suicidal symptoms as the shortest time.


They might be able to divert the teenager’s suicidal attempts if they noticed early.


These are the symptoms that parents should look out for:



-sudden crying


-sudden personality changes

-loneliness, isolate from friends and siblings or cousins


-lack of interaction from family members and friends ( no more sending text messages, one of the biggest sign !)

-broken relationship with girlfriend or boyfriend ( worst turning point for teenagers who are first time lovers )


-broken family bonding with family members and siblings



-lack of appetite ( anorexia nervosa or eating disorder)

-displaying self destructive behaviors which are abnormal such as induldge in alcohol drinking, smoking, drug abuse, excessive eating, cutting himself with sharp objects intentionally in secret


-failure in examinations for students

-unable to meet the minimum requirement in work quality


-unable to concentrate in anything

Related Post

-ignorance of other people presence


-self destructive in appearance ( dirty, messy, unkept)

-constantly discussing about suicides, killing themselves ( such as “Wish that I am dead!), death


-giving instruction or giving away his belongings to his friends, siblings or parents as if he is going away forever ( even though you know that he is not going anywhere!)



These are the crucial and important symptoms or signs that close people should look out for that indicate high risk of teenager suicides






#3-What should parents do to avoid teenagers suicide


Fortunately, some teenagers who had intention of committing suicide but never attempt to do it are afraid of the pain endured or the aftermath of his suicidal failure.


Some teenagers are afraid that they might become paralyzed , bedridden for life or in coma for years if they failed to die immediately after the suicide attempt.


This is the crucial period where parents should take their teenagers SERIOUSLY because there might be another suicide attempt unknowingly and unexpectedly.


No doubt that most parents are angry, disappointed and ashamed of their teenager for taking his own life for sure.


However, this is not the time to push the blame to one another, shirking the responsibilities as parents or teachers in charge.


Tips what parents should do to help


  • Talk to teenager face to face. Discuss about his feelings, his reasons, his problems but try to compose your own feelings first before you start talking.



  • Do not raise your voice towards your teenager.
  • DO not punish your teenager



  • Provide assurance, comforting words and lots of hugs or kisses (if he allows )to show that you still care for him no matter what happened



  • Parents MUST come to terms with their own thoughts and emotions after the failured suicide attempt



  • Important for parents to be the FIRST person for teenager to see when he opens his eyes



  • Must try to help teenager to recover fully in all sorts of way (physically and emotionally)



  • Do not push the blame to yourself (parents) because you are making your teenager feel worst than HELL. You will make him feel guilty and remorse. Unable to overcome his suicide thoughts.







Always give a shoulder to cry on when he needs one.


Listen more, talk less, allow him to express his problems to you.


Nobody else can understand how or what he is feeling because he had experienced it.



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Copyright allrights reserved by peachpurple

Photo belonged to peachpurple

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  • peachpurple

    View Comments

    • peachpurple..very nice research.Parents play a pivotal role in the life of their child.There are many who are very rigid.They dont even like to talk to them or listen to what he or she wants to say.They scold them and sometimes punish them. When they come to know that their child has not completed his or her homework, they would say: you cant have your dinner.You go and finish your home work first. Parents should change their way of thinking. They should not insult their child.

    • Those statistics are very alarming. And it's quite unfortunate that this really is happening in our society. And sometimes it's very overwhelming to the parents sometimes. At that age th3 kids get really agitated with small things, they become unruly and talking to them can be a bit cumbersome, and very frustrating, but that should not make th3 parents get discouraged and turn away from their rebellious children. Most of the time suicidal thoughts come into being when the kids are not satisfied with their surroundings or they are not confident with themselves. So when parents notice these kids becoming miners and rebellious that's the time they need to get close to them and talk. Not that it's going to be an easy task but trying can make a difference in their lives. All they ar3 looking for us attention and when that attention is not found them they seem solace in the suicidal thoughts, oters become sick, others depression sets I and that's when things get really bad. It's always good to also once in a while check what your kids are watching and listening to, because that could also be a cause that may lead to the kind of thoughts that they may be having.

    • Teenage suicide is the major problem of modern age but I think it shows the darkest mood of the teens due to some severe disappointment> I explanis suicide in these words as Teen suicide is a growing health concern. It is the third-leading cause of death for young people ages 15 to 24, surpassed only by homicide and accidents, according to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention

      National suicide prevention efforts have focused on school education programs, crisis center hotlines, screening programs that seek to identify at-risk adolescents, media guidelines (suicide prevention strategies that involve educating media professionals about the prevalence of copy-cat suicides among adolescents, in an effort to minimize the impact of news stories reporting suicide) and efforts to limit firearm access.

      Screening programs have proven to be helpful because research has shown that suicidal people show signs of depression or emotional distress. Referrals can be made for treatment, and effective treatment can be employed when signs are observed in time. Intervention efforts for at-risk youth can put them in contact with mental health services that can save their lives.

      Suicide is a relatively rare event and it is difficult to accurately predict which persons with these risk factors will ultimately commit suicide. However, there are some possible warning signs such as:

      Talking About Dying -- any mention of dying, disappearing, jumping, shooting oneself, or other types of self harm

      Recent Loss -- through death, divorce, separation, broken relationship, self-confidence, self-esteem, loss of interest in friends, hobbies, activities previously enjoyed

      Change in Personality -- sad, withdrawn, irritable, anxious, tired, indecisive, apathetic Change in Behavior -- can't concentrate on school, work, routine tasks

      Change in Sleep Patterns -- insomnia, often with early waking or oversleeping, nightmares

      Change in Eating Habits -- loss of appetite and weight, or overeating Fear of losing control - acting erratically, harming self or others

      Low self esteem -- feeling worthless, shame, overwhelming guilt,
      self-hatred, "everyone would be better off without me"

      No hope for the future -- believing things will never get better; that nothing will ever change

    • yes you are right parent has to come forward and fill the gap between teenagers and themselves let them feel free to talk and things to do by them not by forcing them. If you want your child go ahead. so first know what your child need fulfill them child goes high and high in success path

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