The Repulsive Practice of Wife Bashing

There are men who can testify that they have never been unfaithful to their wives.  That is because they don’t consider demeaning her to another woman’s ears to be adultery.

They can spend hours attacking every aspect of their wife, from how she wears her hair to how she answers the telephone in the most offensive manner, not adultery.

There are men who will enter ‘business’ relationships with women, be they lawyers, stock brokers, bankers, as if they have legal matters, or wish to buy stock or are interested in investment.

They will invite this ‘associate’ to coffee and instead of focusing on the ‘matter at hand’ they launch into an unprovoked attack on their wife’s character.

The woman, on the other side of this monologue assumes, as she might, that his performance has some further purpose.  Is he looking for a divorce?  Does he wish to buy shares in the name of a company, does he wish to set up a secret trust?  Or, is he paving the way to starting an affair?

After quite a few minutes of this diatribe the female associate might try to force the conversation to business or might simply cut the encounter and depart, assuming that he is not serious about his reason for the meeting.

Or, she might assume that his discourse has a purpose she has not yet uncovered.

In truth, this is a Wife Basher.  This is a man who does not want a sexual relationship with another woman, this is a man who wants to commit oral adultery in its most heinous form.

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This is a man whose words are used to destroy his wife in the presence of another woman who is, perhaps, in his mind, his mistress.

These men have usually accomplished the early stages of domestic violence; the emotional abuse, where he toys with her feelings, the intellectual, where he seeks to disparage her ability to think, and probably does insult her to her face on occasion.

The real thrill he gets is to meet another woman and eviscerate his wife.   To accomplish in public, without the removal of clothing, the kind of base adultery that is often accomplished when a man wants to ‘get back’ at his wife for her affair.

What the wife basher does is worse than taking a stranger to bed, for his wife is the one being raped.

His wife, who assumes he is discussing business, has no idea she is the turkey on Thanksgiving.

Men like this need to be shunned, for they have that foul mixture of cowardice and disloyalty.

The route the ‘other woman’ is to take is to pack up and run as soon as he begins, leaving him to fester like a pus boil.

  • kaylar

    View Comments

    • What about male bashing, husband bashing/complaining (women invented it) or general bashing of masculinity? What about these things? Funny how it's only us that's at fault. Your not superior, your not equal, we will not accept any more of your bullshit,

    • Unlucky are those who degrade their wives in presence of other women or no women no matter but actually the problem lies in intention spring from greed and jealousy and lust ignoring the nature of all women is the same the world over. Woman is greedy and man is jealous since its creation apart from prophet, holy peoples and sage or philosophers. We can say all men and women have feelings and emotion.

      The clash between man and woman is not of reason but of emotions that lead man an woman in practical field. As we see all the smokers, sinners, drunk and crime makers sits together and help each other because their emotions are the same while man and's and wife's emotions becomes different bu both hide their emotions from each other at home and out of home is the main cause of clash between man and wife on earth in all societies.

      • This is a man who is unfaithful to his wife, but unfaithful verbally, not physically. To bash one's spouse to another is a form of adultery. It is not a complaint, it's the opening line; "My wife doesn't understand me..." said by adulterers but not making the next move.

    • What actually we think is this is all due to communication gap. But this is not correct.
      Bashing women in the presence of another is really not acceptable. But one should know that there are ladies who are really worth of such bashing. The number of course is very limited. Even then the degrading ones own wife is not acceptable and unpardonable.

      If she takes up such action what will be the position of husband?

      It is also to be remembered that the more you insult or degrade your wife the more the chances of losing your dearest friends even.

      • Very true. But one should not do this kind of thing. Think of having coffee and attacking your mother, your father, your children...why? Why would you ever tell a stranger these things? You would never do it. So why tell a stranger things about your wife?

        If there are problems there is divorce, separation, why stay with a person if they are so 'bad?'

        The fact is, there are men who want to be unfaithful but not physically. So they are orally unfaithful.

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