Recycling of Maids in Nigeria

Maids! Maids! Maids! Are they really here to stay or here to ruin you? I often wonder why these maids or a particular maid cannot live with his/her employer for up to 5 years. That was the case when we were kids. We had maids who lived with us for decades that we even called them aunties/uncles.

While growing up, I never saw my mum change maids as often as my kids have seen me do in recent years. Maids in the past stayed longer with their employers and most times were given out in marriage whilst still serving them. To this day, I still have fond memories of such aunties as they were often called. They served whole-heartedly and were fully dedicated and trustworthy.

In recent years, no child can attest to having had a maid who had stayed above one year. it has become a new norm in our generation as they simply pass through and move on. They are not willing to serve one master for too long due to their incessant love for more money and less work.

This has certainly generated an increase in what we call Recycling of maids, they just keep hoping from one home to another. This menace is what has led to customers being unsatisfied with maids. And in a system where we do not check our maids thoroughly through back ground checks, there will be an increase in robbery and theft, kidnap, death.  Maids no longer care, they get away with a lot of unsolved cases and now look for their next prey or target.

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I believe with a good system on ground to thoroughly check maids, it will curb recycling. A picture is always what taking when newly employed, background checks with family or guardian, signatures, guarantors etc. There are countless situations where you may want to know more about someone, your friend, neigbour or family member is dealing with. Background checks are no longer for big organizations, but also for individuals.

Maids are no longer there to make a living by working hard, but they have deviced a way of making a living by stealing from employers to get rich quick. Once not caught, they move to another employer and start a new life claiming their previous worker relocated. This has been one of the greatest and most used lie from maids in my country. Also, you should also be weary when a maid comes up with a funny name like Grace Sunday, Hope Daniel. Most Nigerian maids from home must always have a native name, e.g Grace Akpabio, Offiong Sunday etc  I have experienced this first hand, so it’s best to get the message across.

I encourage most employers to please take time out to do a thorough background search.  Ask around with a picture at hand, if friends, neighbours, family members and colleagues have come across such a person. To be warned is to be forearmed.

  • Tags: maids
    Joy E. Ojo

    View Comments

    • In my country, some maids are not loyal to their master.One reason is they need to have some benefits.If it was not given, they will go away from the family.Some old maids are loyal during the old days.

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