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@skysnap active 6 years, 12 months ago
Rank: Newbie
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March 29, 2017 at 11:47 am

Women back in time used to contribute by taking care of kids, house and everything. I mean everything.

But modern women do nothing. And even if they do anything they quantify it and expect you to do something in return. Most of the modern relationships and marriages are give and take. And it’s funny that men end up giving more but get bashed on the basis of how women were treated in 2 or 3 decades back.

So instead of expecting anything from women in modern times. Just do your best in what you can. Ignore being perfect in any woman’s eyes. Because that pleasing a woman never works. Not with the modern women atleast.

Instead of trying to find out “what one gives”, just do your part and move on in life. Beating yourself for another person not performing well in relationship is surefire way of ending in bad situation.



March 29, 2017 at 11:39 am

My experience with stress and anxiety is very bad. It destroyed my career and life. Such that I am taking CBT (cognitive behavior therapy). Anxiety has costed me lot of jobs. Also failed interviews keep on rising. I have developed anxiety so bad that I can’t find myself in mall and airport without anxiety. I guess I have to get over it by going on regular basis. Lot of past needs fixing too. I am guessing all of this will come eventually. And we all have different life and circumstances. So we can’t really get things easily.

March 28, 2017 at 4:37 pm

I think some of them are more financially successful than me. So some are outside this country. Some of the friends I know are in another state. Like this many people have parted ways. And they are now away from all that it’s harder to even meet once. I don’t think there is a chance I can meet many people. I think pretty much everyone I know is either busy with their life or parted ways. i don’t see the point in meeting them though. Life can be tricky. No point in going back in memory as it does not heal.

March 28, 2017 at 3:14 pm

I have personally tried this method. I have found that writing 300 word articles can be easy but you have to write a lot. And in order to reach the payout quickly. I have found that writing two post worth of 500 words. And the 6 comments that can be done eventually earns you good. You can earn 50 cents a day using this formula. And this leads to more sustainable way to write and reach payout. Though I am thinking of reaching 20$ or 30$ payout instead of 10$ now. The reason being this way I can be more focused.

March 28, 2017 at 2:51 pm

Looks like you are doing good with the LB payouts these days. It sounds good that you can quickly move from one redemption to another these days. I have a lot of time to reach another one of mine. But I am working on it slowly. Hopefully by the end of April, I have another one going on my side. By the way how much is your internet speed. For me I am getting 200 kbps on one of my dongle.That being said, all the best with your redemption. And have a good week ahead.

March 28, 2017 at 2:18 pm

If you use any text editor that can count the amount of words you write, that would be a good option. Because often we write things and due to space and the dashes it may not count the words properly. So using Word, wordpad and other editors where you can get the wordcount can be good. You have to find out which are some of the other option for you if you are on mac or linux. For windows, there is Word, notepad++ and few other text editors. So you can get the text count this way.

March 28, 2017 at 2:05 pm

I can totally relate with you. It can be fun to read things some of the times. It gets you interested. And then suddenly it just ends. I think I have read many mystery books which ended this way. Though the best part for those stories is such that those books are meant to end that way. I have spent a lot of time reading such books which ended in that way. I wish I could do something good about them. But for some reason it didn’t end that way so far.

March 28, 2017 at 2:00 pm

I think my country has it’s set of flaws. Like reservation on the basis of caste and religion. But the thing is that it’s good that there are flaws. It makes you look like human. So yes, the caste problem aside. I think we are being forced to respect the constitution. There are issues which many politicians are going to ignore. And that makes you wonder if you can stand for the country either way. I personally ignore stuff and just stand behind because that’s the politically correct way to do I guess.

March 27, 2017 at 5:33 pm

I agree the half baked tools have done the damage.I remember squidoo used some of such service. And it ended up having more issues with members. The issue was with their own content on many points. But they didn’t acknowledged. This made many people worry about such tools. That’s what needs to be taken care of if people are considering using such tools. I’d prefer copyscape but free version does not allow us much options.

March 27, 2017 at 4:47 pm

Nice forum post on the benefits of the Vitamin E.

I have found that the natural source of Vitamin E is in gooseberry. At-least that is what they are calling it. I am not sure though.It has lot of benefits for Vitamin E and B. The gooseberry comes in many varieties in Asia. And it can make you lot comfortable after eating it. As most of the people who have deficiency eat it on almost daily basis. It is also good source of calcium and some other minerals. Lot more to research for us when it comes to Vitamin E.

March 27, 2017 at 4:42 pm

I do see your point Krishna. But based on the tests taken. I think sites like copyscape can accurately find out the plagiarism. Though I do understand your point that not all the tools are accurate. To which I agree.  But some of the expensive tools like copyscape definitely are more accurate and they find out many such content through their crawlers. I have seen the results happening and compared through that tool. In fact many times I used it to report the Hubpages users who used to copy the hubs. So tools can make mistakes but not every tool is flawed one. Especially one that is expensive to even use.

March 27, 2017 at 4:39 pm

I think listverse is the top paying site. But they require quality content. As in grammatically good and containing more than 1000 words. So that means there are very few sites out there who can pay you that much high. It has around 100$ worth of payment for each article written. So you can see that it can be really good option for anyone who wants to write on that site. I think more site open to us would surely bring in some revenue. I’d love to see demand studio opening again. I’d want to write article for them.

March 26, 2017 at 6:30 pm

Those are some good sites listed.

I am active on some of those sites. So sites like forumcoin, Literacybase, hubpages, mylot, microworkers, etc are good for sure. I have also tried some of the freelancing sites. And so far that is working in my favor. I wonder how many of such sites are going to be good enough for everyday use. So many sites collapse. I think if niume were to be genuine, it’d be good for many of us to get real views. And also make regular money from the system. Pity it’s not that good.

March 26, 2017 at 12:23 pm

Yes it can be sad when you have called other people here. And those people are spending time and not getting replies for their question. I am sure they have followed your threads. And have got answer to their question. I have noticed that some of the LB users are making work on quicker basis and doing good so far. It’d be fun to see how the next month we all are going to get paid and do get to work for next payout onwards. I am hoping it works out fine like this. Next month 10th we’ll get things answered.

March 26, 2017 at 12:18 pm

It’s good that you’re feeling much better now. I have found that most of the freelance work from home options are good for content writing, tech support, moderation jobs, social media management and VA. I think social media management and VA jobs are more of strain to mind and body considering you have to work on a lot of small things. But content writing and tech support jobs where you have to only write on specific time period can be good. Though some of the jobs are not going to be regular though.

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