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@jentleheart active 8 years, 9 months ago
Rank: Newbie
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May 23, 2016 at 9:35 am

I learned about thst tool from one co-writer when we created a writing site two years back.  I have tried the tool and I think that it is truly helpful for writers. It allows us a room to improve our work.  It is like having a coach online.

May 23, 2016 at 9:33 am

My goal really is to earn at least 50 cents in a day.  But what prevents me from spending more time on the site is because of my intermittent internet connection.  I feel bad having to pay monthly but could not get a faster connection.  Otherwise,  II’ll be probably the only one left writying and commenting on the site!

May 23, 2016 at 9:12 am

I also make use of MS Word when making blog posts.  It helps in knowing how much I have wrtitten.  And also it allows me to save a copy of my blogs for keepsake.


But having a built in counter woukd be nice,  too,  right?



May 23, 2016 at 9:08 am

@Lee Ka am praying for your safe delivery! Three kids can be a handful but I know that your husband is ubet supportive and nothing will make you feel bad or sad.

I used to think to just have 2 kids- one kid on each of my hand was enough,  so I can really take care of them.  But I was blessed with four.  All were delivered normal.  Imagine that!  Lol. Looking back,  I said to myself that giving birth was indeed like having your other foot on the grave but I made it and kids were all healthy.  I just had a premature delivery on my first born because I didnt know really that I was pregnant because I was having my period everu two months.  I was young then,  still in College.  It was only until the 7th month when I felt excruciating pain and was rushed to the hospital.  My mom taught I had an abortion. But I gave birth to a 4. 3 lb baby boy out of wedlock.  A month after my boyfriend and I had a civil wedding then 6 months after,  church wedding.

Thinking about the craziness I had when I was younger,  I felt I owe my kids so much more.

May 23, 2016 at 8:59 am

@scheng1 you’re here!  So glad to have found you on another site.  The virtual world has become smaller indeed for writers! Lol how have you been?


Anyway,  I do agree that making just enough number of words per blog is fine.  Save your creative juices with other topics to share to us.  I remember that you mostly write about business and financial stuff.  I am sure you would have a huge number of followers for your future blogs.

May 23, 2016 at 8:55 am

I think reaching 50 cents a day is possible as long as we provide good replies/comments by building rapport among fellow members.  It was actually one way on how I reached the minimum threshold on one site before.  I have built friendship among the members which makes a post receive lots of reactions through several ideas thrown by its members.

For as long as there are interesting topics to talk about,  members will enjoy joining group conversations.

May 22, 2016 at 4:28 pm

This could be an everyday ritual for all of us!  We all need some little advice or two and share our own thoughts in order to help others in need as well.  Great thing that this group has bern created!

I am sure lots of issues will be shared and hopefully a lot too would join in.  The more the merrier.

The virtual world really is my world.  Sometimes I get my peace of mind from suggestions of online friends.

May 22, 2016 at 4:21 pm

This is what I have realized.  Kids born in the earlier years were brought up differently to the point that there is almost like an authoritarian environment in their homes.  Children fear tbeir parents more.  Parents are too busy with their work and instil stric implementation of house rules.  The result- children are aloof with their parents and are terrified to make mistakes.

When thosr children became parents,  they probably wanted a slight change in their homes and on how to treat theit children.  They are more loving to their children in a way that they wanted to be really part of their children’s “world”.  It is like the parents being buddies with their children.  This has advantage because children learn to open up more.  The only thing is,  when parents become too good,  there are kids that abuse them and so some children toughen up by doing whatevet they want because they know that no matter what they do,  their parents wikl love them just the same.

May 22, 2016 at 4:12 pm

Mine is a very common problem-financial stability to ensure my kids’ future.  I feel that I really need to make a drastic move in order to make the big change in our family.  I have long been a stay at home mom and doing online jobs thast offered real good money is no longer possible.  I ought to start a business that could really help sustain for my kids’ needs.

There are times that I break down worrying that my kids might not be able to finish school.  And I just dont want to just sit down and let each day pass by without me doing my share of providing for my children.

I just pray hard that I may be given good health all the time so that I can make things possibly happen.

May 21, 2016 at 5:56 am

Thanos for that @peachpurple . Now I know!  Lol  I really need to get going with my writing online again. The site seems a great place to spend some time.  My internet connection is just unstable at times which makes it impossibe for me to be active.  But I will try to do better. I still need to check on other forum topics and blogs.

May 21, 2016 at 5:52 am

Thanks @morgoodie thgat really touched my heart.  I may be expecting too much from myself to offer to my parents.  Am not envious of what my siblings have become because I am happy for their success.  It’s just that I am the eldest and I just wish that I could provide for my parents than the other way around.

May 20, 2016 at 8:01 am

The site members are increasing by the day. And each one has the same goal of wanting to earn more. Knowing that posting blogs will reward us more,  probably everyone is submitting at least oncd a day and that could be a lot of work for the admins/moderators.

The time they take in checking each blog post may be taking thm longer but at least we are assured of having great contents on this site.

May 20, 2016 at 2:29 am

Just like @Grecy Garcia,  I am also a very proud Filipino. With the very recent Natiomal Elections and having Duterte as the presumptive president,  I hope that there could be change in the country.


Sad to say thast right now am not thast happy with what is happeninv to our country becausr of the government officials that take advantage of the poor people.

May 19, 2016 at 2:12 pm

I had terrible dysmenorrhea when I was younger. I would have bluish-black nailbeds,  cold sweats and just faint.  I depended on taking either Mefensmic Acid or Naproxen Sodium.  But when I gre older,  I try to refrain from taking any medicine unless the pain has become unbearable.

I remember my grandma telling me to lay in bed straight and put a warm compress on my abdomen.

There was this thing that we do back in high school when we have heavy flows… We drink ice cold beer to sort of stop the blood flow to prevent from having cramps. It worked well with me. One of our crazy times!

May 19, 2016 at 2:04 pm

I like watching documentaries about the Loch Ness Monster,  the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle and about Bigfoot.  However,  with the existence of Bigfoot,  after so many people really tryinh to know if they were real or not has bored me down. Several shows have been put on tv trying to take a real good picture of Bigfoot’s existence. But here is my thought on this: Bigfoot may be for real but trying to be face to face with him may be difficult or impossible PROBABLY BECAUSE THEY ARE REALLY NOT BEINGS FROM THIS DIMENSION THAT WHEN people try to go after them,  they just disappear because they go through a tunnel leading to their own world …. Just my thought.

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