• Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, The Dangers of Too Much Information 7 years, 7 months ago

    This is a frightening but true story.  I’ve changed the names a bit and the locales so as not to perpetuate the situation, which is, bad.

    I was on a forum with people from all over the world.    There was a us […]

    • So true. There are so many scammers on the internet. If one would be so naive, he can be the next victim.

    • With all the cyber crimes being done nowadays, one should really be discerning when on social media. It is just so easy for another person to open an account using a fictitious name or a true name that belongs to a person and whose picture is that person’s.

      That’s why for my protection, I chose to be one a private setting in social media. I only accept friends who are relatives, family and acquiantances that I like.

      That way, no one can cyber bully me.

      • When that first person came on, spewing information, it was done as a ‘hook’ to get others to fall for it. That’s why you have to be so careful

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Carlos the Jackal; Back in the News 7 years, 7 months ago

    We have all heard ot the “Jackal”, maybe we read the novel; Day of the Jackal. Maybe we have seen the movie. The Jackal I am writing about is a real person.

    He was born Ilich Ramirez Sanchez in Venezuela.  His […]

    • I don’t understand, but was he released already or was still in jail? If he was a heinous criminal then why did they release him again.

      Now, he is on the loose and has made that bombing again.

      Imagine he is now 67 and has been jailed for quite sometime, yet he still hasn’t changed. He is still a terrorist.

      I wonder if he is really a human being.

      • He is in jail; this ‘new’ charge has come up. And they want to charge him again. But he is in jail.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, A few Things You Didn’t Know about United States History 7 years, 7 months ago

    The Assumption, when it comes to slavery is that whites went across the Atlantic Ocean to Africa and captured slaves.   This is not how it happened.

    Europeans were confined to the coast, and local Africans would […]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Not all things can be achieve alone. in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 7 months ago

    Yes, true there are so many broken marriages therefore not a guarantee that beauty can stick marriage together, Things if hard cannot be achieve alone but if not no reason why can’t. There are many helpful tips to smart and wise despite aloe. People abroad prefer to be alone and they are happy with that decision.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, Live Life To The Fullest For Life Is Too Short, Do You Agree On This Statement People Made? 7 years, 7 months ago

    I do not one hundred per cent agree on this statement created by people and agreed by people that one must live life to the fullest for it is too short. Philosophically, how could life be made too short when 24 […]

    • The picture alone can tell man cannot live to the fullest if hunger strikes and if live anywhere as a homeless man.He will never have in mind to live to the fullest,LOL. His mind is full of problems where to sleep the next evening and even day to take a short nap they need help by the President .

    • Living Life to the fullest, for life is too short….I do agree on this particular statement, to a certain extinct. My reason for saying this is because we all make choices in life. Some choices are bad and some choices that we make, are good choices. We are not perfect, so we will eventually fall short sometimes. Being realistic, the decisions that we make in life, on a daily basis, causes us to set ourselves on a path, to either good or bad! It is up to oneself, on which path you will decide to take. What I have learned, is that life is very important! I believe that, the more good choices, the better your life will become. The poor choices that are made throughout one’s life, would determine the outcome of the life that you live.
      In order to live life to the fullest is to keep making good decisions. In my opinion, life is short because of what you make of it. Sometimes, we are put in places or around certain people, to be tested. Being tested towards the decisions that are made. If you choose to go down the wrong path because of the choices that you make in your life, always know that it is never someone else’s fault, it is your fault…the person who is making that choice. Our life can be saved from the wrong choices that we make, therefore if someone offers you a good piece of wisdom, take it! If you are a person that accepts negative and positive criticism, this will be a good deed to have.
      The value of accepting positive and negative criticism is to understand the fact that we are not all perfect and we do not know everything. There are people who been on this earth, longer than you, who is gifted to still be living . In my opinion, I feel that their life expectancy is long because of the choices that they made throughout their life, making their life a meaning or a purpose!
      So I am going to choose to live life to the fullest! I am talking it into existence for my life! Be careful of the decision making in your life and be mindful of the toes that you step on
      in the process. When people are good to you, that is very special to have in your life. There are many people who are not fortunate enough to have a second chance, so every choice that you make should count for something positive in your life!

    • @Detra Abbass, Hi? Thank you for your nice contribution about the idea on this blog if necessary to live to the fullest and you are right. It really depends on the situation like those sickly people, they have to enjoy life despite disabilities for the more that they can help themselves if feeling depressed due to sickness.Life is too short , it is felt by those who already reached the 70’s and so on and so forth.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Medical: Depression A Major Health Issue in Modern World in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago

    Depression could be cured through medical marijuana this time could be bought over the counter hehhe.Those depressed persons do not help themselves. They must fight it through eating foods that prevent depression like liver, spinach, cauliflower, nuts and beans.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic I reviewed my blogs past and present to reply the comments in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 7 months ago

    @IchchheMrityu ,Yes, true, you are right, there should be, but seems none because our blogs might be on sale hahahahaha and only the perceivers can see.That is why there are outsiders zzi noticed commenting nicely on my blogs.They are just visitors and I am so thankful to them happily reading my blogs,lol. I do not know if they are happy hehehehe. Thanks.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, We Can Never Fake Honesty, Anytime, Anywhere 7 years, 7 months ago

    Honesty is the best policy. This is one of the right values introduced to us in school. We also nurtured this from our parents at home, in books we read, from the way we oriented ourselves about the importance of […]

    • I stand to say that Honesty is truly the best policy. Its a must for children, I have made sure that I inculcate it in my children. In fact, as communicants, my children know best not to tell a lie. As a couple, I come clean in everything I do, I honestly do not know how to tell a lie, because I will get caught. My hands are always clean is a saying foe telling the truth. Lies will always catch up with you. A friend of mine once lied about her age, in fact when she got her visa, she was so excited, she sent the visa page to me, and voila, the real age appeared. All this while I thought I was older, but it turns out she is older by two years. As I speak right now, the previous year she claimed she would be 40 has suddenly reduced, I guess age is no longer on her side. The truth I must say will always set you free, so its best to always, come clean.

    • Joy E. Ojo, you are a great parent, a great model to your children, That must what parents must do to inculcate onto the minds of their children the value of honesty for they are young and their minds are not yet developed, They need good values to learn and nurture so when become big those learned will never depart from them ( John Locke). A child’s mind is like a blank sheet of paper, he or she must be be taught the right ways and good values of life. Thanks for your very nice and inspiring comment, very much appreciated.

    • It is important for Honesty.Being untruthful will only cause more lies that you would have to tell, to cover up the first lie. Some people are untruthful for many different reasons, in order to get or maintain certain perspectives of a thing.

      In my opinion, Honesty is the key to build good communication and character with people. If people are familiar with you as a honest person, you are respected more. People are most likely going to accept your words of being truthful, on face value.

      When you care about someone, it is very important to maintain honesty. In relationships, being truthful, is the key. Dishonesty will only cause pain for you and your significant other. When a lie is told, usually you have to remember the first lie that you told, in order for your lie to be believable. Eventually, your lies will end up, getting you caught up in losing the people that you care deeply about.

      Everyday, there are a great number of people who are dishonest on a daily basis. Sometimes, people will label you as being fake, because you are considered to be untruthful and your word do not mean a thing. Therefore, in order for you to earn the proper respect, be honest. Lying gets you no where.

      Having a conscience, should avoid untruthfulness to people who you care about. If you do not want people to be hurt because of your lie, then do not be dishonest. The lies that you tell, will definitely cause disruption in your relationship.

      When you are in a relationship, trust is the main key. Trust, Communication and Honesty are the main tools to keep in your relationship. In order to keep the bond with your significant other, maintain being honest. Good piece of advice!

    • True, I have observed one thing about honesty. When one starts lying then one lie follows another and there is not end to the list of lies which a individual would have to take the help of to cover the first lie. It becomes a vicious cycle. It also takes a toll on the person who is doing this and the people with whom he has been doing this.

      This trait of honesty is a very important one to be inculcated since childhood as if a child grows up without learning and appreciating this trait. Then even his children and the others with whom he comes in touch also get into a problem. It difficult to practice but not impossible to perfect. Thanks for the share.

    • Honesty is the best policy. Anywhere you go, whatever you do, if you are guided by honesty, nothing would go wrong. An honest person is liked by many; no lies could twist his principles, his words are trustworthy, even his actions. He is credible.

    • Krishna Kumat, Thank you friend for dropping by and sharing your nice words about this bog. You are right honesty is the best policy. Children should be taught on this so they won;t cheat someday.

    • Erratum: Krishna Kumat :Krishna Kumar

      Sorry friend for the error of your name hehehehe, maybe my eyeglasses were so dimmed,lol. Thanks for your very appreciative thoughts and feelings of this post.Thank you so much. Have a nice Sunday.

    • @Detra Abbass , thanks , very well said, yes honesty can bring a better communication and wholesome trust in a family, group, peer. work place. Honesty is a great virtue that is brought and carried through generation to generation. A society would be in a critical situation if composed of fake members or people.

    • It is not true that we can not fake honesty, lots of double faces do have fake honesty and that show how bad they are and good in what they do, honesty is hard to find in our world and that is sick really, but maybe in the old days the honesty was hard to fake it, but now, it is so easy to fake for some people and so easy to fool good people since good people like to see the good in other people, but let me tell you that this fake honesty can not last, they will be seen for whome they areally are and also they will get falling so badly for the fake honesty and fake personality too, that is interesting topic and the generation did make difference in the honest the older the generation the more honesty the world was, so let us be aware of those fake people since it is critical life to live if some one with dishonesty fake his honesty to you, then you are under their mercy and your life, your house and all is under their games

    • @tress, I appreciate much your own views about honesty, very well said, yes though bothers can fake honesty, but it won’t last. No one ever had triumphed a lie the same way as there is no secret that can be kept for years.Thank you.

  • Profile picture of Rajaraman K

    Rajaraman K posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago

    We should think and grow rich. That’s the way to success.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic I reviewed my blogs past and present to reply the comments in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 7 months ago

    @bluelion, hehehehehe so bright yes, I am through developing my blog about honesty hehehe. I hope you can drop by to read my blog I am going to post it after I reply you in this forum, thanks, very much appreciated move of discussing more to earn more,lol.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic I reviewed my blogs past and present to reply the comments in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 7 months ago

    @bluelion, Nice one, that is also what I am doing if no blog to post to discuss and discuss longer discussions. It is better this way than no earning at all. This evening, I am not so sure if I can submit a blog, I am super tired from work,but I do try to draft at least one with 800 plus words only hehehe.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely joined the group Group logo of COLLECTORSCOLLECTORS 7 years, 7 months ago

    • I haven’t thank you for joining me in this group.

      You are such a very supportivemember.

      Thank you, again!

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic This group has the most members in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 7 months ago

    yes, most people are searching for money online groups where you can learn some tips and tricks that other senior or experienced writers could share their secrets to us, newbies

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic Up to How Much Can We Earn From 1 Blog Post? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 7 months ago

    If you are expecting to earn 0.44 cents for 1000 words, well, I am sad to tell you that, you won’t because I had tried a few times already.


    It is best to break the 1000 words posts into 2 posts, so that you can earn 44 cents instead.


    I do that often, much better in earning.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, When Netizens Don’t Know if You are a Boy or a Girl 7 years, 7 months ago

    I have sixteen new emails.   These are from females all over the world.   I also have cut rate Viagra offers.   These, mixed in with advisories I’ve won various contests held by Walmarts and other American co […]

    • To besafe, do not give so much information about yourself on strangers on the net. As I mentioned in my post, scammers can easily hide behind their keyboards. The unsuspecting victim might be easily be fooled if he would not investigate first before agreeing with a stranger on the net.

    • That’s so funny. It’s been happening to me ever since I started receiving mail. I’ve been getting mail delivered to me addressed “Mr.” for as long as I can remember. Getting on the Internet didn’t change anything. What’s odd is that even with my picture online, I still get called “sir” or “mister”. 🙂

      • Are you getting messages from Russian hotties?

        • I can’t remember if they were Russian. But when I get them it makes me laugh! I have in my memory a cartoon I once saw where two animals were sitting in front of a computer and one is telling the other: “Don’t worry. On the Internet they don’t know you’re a dog!” 🙂

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Have You Heard of Calexit? 7 years, 7 months ago

    Let me start with what you know; a lot; A LOT of people are really upset that the Orange Clown is now the POTUS.

    Yup, a guy I wouldn’t trust to give me change for a dollar has become the Commander in Chief! The […]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Five Popular Food Myths You Need To Know 7 years, 7 months ago

    These are five food myths. They are myths. They are NOT true. Although they are very popular, they have no scientific or factual basis.


    There’s a famous rule that if you accidentally drop food on the floor […]

    • If Number 4 were true I would have died a thousand times already. 🙂 I eat lots of leftover rice!

      • I think we are probably immune to it, cause we do eat a lot of rice. And many people leave it on the stove, covered, over night.

  • Profile picture of Cassy Janine

    Nemzie Bayawa replied to the topic Two Of My Blogs Did Not Appear Discouraging in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 7 months ago

    Ma’am, I think you are so defensive. I don’t mind if one person is a professional writer or not. My point here is, do we have the right to say something like this:

    The admin should not allow posting of “tasteless” posts, as you referred to it. It is for the good of the site.

    Even if we did not specifically state the author’s name, it is alw…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Two Of My Blogs Did Not Appear Discouraging in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 7 months ago

    @Nemzie Bayawa,Please do not correct my friend, she is my friend a Mylotter, she just repeated by evaluation to others blogs tasteless has many implications not direct, The blogs owner himself is also my fiend and he even did not question this, so why should you,okay? These people here are not just ordinary writers.They are professionals. And the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, Have Mercy On Your Soul, Do Good While Still On Earth 7 years, 7 months ago

    Life is borrowed people on earth and it is stated in the Holy Bible that all men are mortal subject to die and it is not only that we will cherish but the promise of the Lord , the ETERNAL LIFE. To reach the […]

    • thats amazing and true God is what you need and what will support and boost your life and really you then will be strong to solve problems

    • Love of God is the best; it brings peace and compassion among people. Holy Week is almost near, starts on April 9 I think which is Palm Sunday. It reminds us of how Jesus Christ loves us by dying on the Cross to save us. Whether one believes in this or not, it is accepted. Just be good to others
      is also enough.

    • @dealio ,That is right, God is so awesome God. He will always provide us our need as long as week from Him and ask forgiveness every time a sin is done against His will. Thanks for your thoughts, very much appreciated.

    • Grace is what we call the power God has to heal our spirit, to instill in us the disposition to believe, and to make us resonate with the truth so that the expression of real love comes from us in a spontaneous way. We call grace that which came from the living God to blossom on earth.

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