Categories: Society & Culture

We Can Never Fake Honesty, Anytime, Anywhere

Honesty is the best policy. This is one of the right values introduced to us in school. We also nurtured this from our parents at home, in books we read, from the way we oriented ourselves about the importance of honesty anywhere, anytime, and all the time it is a must to be honest. Many oppose to the idea that honesty is the best policy for there are people who use dishonesty to escape from punishment and danger, so they have to tell a lie. To tell a lie is an act of dishonesty and that is what we call, and even the person cannot trust himself. No matter how, truth prevails and sooner or later your lies will be uncovered and big disgrace on your part may happen for trust refuses to perform its duty to believe or disbelieve. If force someone to believe you, you will surely receive answer like this” stop your drama.” It is so painful to bear and despite how repentant you are , time and time again, you will do the same act, to tell a lie. If you are dishonest, there is something you are keeping and it’s you who only know about it. There are many probable reasons why lie.

One lie that may affect the entire system and platform in your life is AGE. If you are applying for a job and the requirement to be written in the application is the complete date, month and year of your birth date. That application is for life and must be authentic, and what if you declared there wrong figures by backing some years, then, if the company knew it, you will be put to shame, and if not known, you will worry much when reached retirement age and here comes you still working. Your actual age may be 70 and you declared the age that equaled to 60, so you will have 10 years on pretension backward. Your face may look real 70, but people and employer will not oppose for you already declared your age. What do you think will happen as years go by? You will have delayed 10 years retirement and 10 years suffering for your conscience will keep on executing some guilt for you to surrender and declare the truth. It is the truth that sets you free. Being free from guilt means peace, happiness and new life.

When I was on vacation in Del Monte Philippines where there was vast pineapple plantation, there I saw many field workers and my eyes stocked to an old man still working in the field picking pineapples, gathering seeds, clearing the area and more. I pity him so much. I asked myself why his children still allowed their father to work. He was a tall guy, slim and face full of worries and uncertainties. I asked my aunt, the owner of the home where I stayed for a vacation about the old man still working. My aunt answered me that the field worker I saw did not tell his actual age. He told a lie because if he retires, his pension will not be enough to feed many mouths. He refused to submit his authenticated birth certificate as proof of his actual age. At that time, that man was already 70 years old. Just imagine that age as not anymore kicking and invigorating, lol. So very sad, that man died before he file his retirement and his wife and lazy children benefited his retirement which is supposed to be enjoyed by him while still living. He could have some restful days and nights and just enjoy life with the pension. That old man died of a heart attack in the field. He cannot anymore withstand the hot sun picking fresh pineapples.

We can never fake honesty no matter how wise we may be. There is guilt should you believe it, that keeps on taunting us night and day. We may try many attempts to correct our mistakes by not telling a lie again, but the scar remains. That scar will keep on reminding the past where trust was gone and here you are alone for nobody believes you and nobody likes to see your face if that kind of dishonesty is immortal. What do you think, what kind is it that is considered immortal? Well, the heavy burden put on a person’s soldier is cheat from someone you trusted. He or she might be your girlfriend-boyfriend, or husband-wife. That lie kills all in the universe where you belong. Yes, it kills trust, love, happiness and hope for the future. So hate dishonesty for it cannot be faked. No matter how you say some excuses and other clues of lies, your actions, remember, speak louder than words.

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You already understand what I mean as action that speaks more than words. The change of your usual ways to a wife or husband could be assumed and alleged by your wife or husband that you are in a relationship with another despite you are married. It could also be to boyfriend-girlfriend relationship; any of them could assess and evaluate your actions as having another affair, and if caught you deny, but there is no secret that cannot be concealed for there is always a bad karma.

The world you live is so small and a circumstance is like a thief in a broad daylight. Who knows you will be caught with another man or woman. That instance will be like the end of the world. Expect war and endless cry of the victim of your lie. You will always carry the guilt, unless you do not have conscience, but guilt is the ultimate norm of morality, therefore, you have guilt. Though years may go and both of you moved on, but the sad memories will linger on and though they may be fading, but the mind, the holder of guilt does not have excuse to escape from it for that past was part of you that may lead you to be genuine and true to your words.

Honesty is a substance of the body and soul and if twist it, you will feel disowned even by your own self. We can never fake honesty in the real sense of the world of humans.

Image credit to Pixabay Free Images

  • cely

    View Comments

    • I stand to say that Honesty is truly the best policy. Its a must for children, I have made sure that I inculcate it in my children. In fact, as communicants, my children know best not to tell a lie. As a couple, I come clean in everything I do, I honestly do not know how to tell a lie, because I will get caught. My hands are always clean is a saying foe telling the truth. Lies will always catch up with you. A friend of mine once lied about her age, in fact when she got her visa, she was so excited, she sent the visa page to me, and voila, the real age appeared. All this while I thought I was older, but it turns out she is older by two years. As I speak right now, the previous year she claimed she would be 40 has suddenly reduced, I guess age is no longer on her side. The truth I must say will always set you free, so its best to always, come clean.

    • I will go for the old phrase "Honesty is the best policy." It would be easy if we could read the minds of people. At least, we can able to push away from them. There are so many bad elements nowadays. We need to be vigilant about it

      I can read minds by just talking with someone. At some point, I can determine if the person is saying the truth or not. I didn't know this instantly. I had developed this through personal experience in dealing with different sets of people.

    • Joy E. Ojo, you are a great parent, a great model to your children, That must what parents must do to inculcate onto the minds of their children the value of honesty for they are young and their minds are not yet developed, They need good values to learn and nurture so when become big those learned will never depart from them ( John Locke). A child's mind is like a blank sheet of paper, he or she must be be taught the right ways and good values of life. Thanks for your very nice and inspiring comment, very much appreciated.

    • @Shavkat, hi friend, thanks for dropping by here and share your valuable words on this blog, very much appreciated. yes, this old and never be dying adage that honesty is the best policy. This time, because of drug addiction many become liars. They cannot even recognize right and wrong. yes, our country is full of drug addicts.I cannot fathom the mind they have .Why can't they resist temptation , why try drug. they are not anymore honest to our society to protect lives of people especially the innocent children. If all are only honest, then this world is in constant peace. Thanks friend.

    • It is important for Honesty.Being untruthful will only cause more lies that you would have to tell, to cover up the first lie. Some people are untruthful for many different reasons, in order to get or maintain certain perspectives of a thing.

      In my opinion, Honesty is the key to build good communication and character with people. If people are familiar with you as a honest person, you are respected more. People are most likely going to accept your words of being truthful, on face value.

      When you care about someone, it is very important to maintain honesty. In relationships, being truthful, is the key. Dishonesty will only cause pain for you and your significant other. When a lie is told, usually you have to remember the first lie that you told, in order for your lie to be believable. Eventually, your lies will end up, getting you caught up in losing the people that you care deeply about.

      Everyday, there are a great number of people who are dishonest on a daily basis. Sometimes, people will label you as being fake, because you are considered to be untruthful and your word do not mean a thing. Therefore, in order for you to earn the proper respect, be honest. Lying gets you no where.

      Having a conscience, should avoid untruthfulness to people who you care about. If you do not want people to be hurt because of your lie, then do not be dishonest. The lies that you tell, will definitely cause disruption in your relationship.

      When you are in a relationship, trust is the main key. Trust, Communication and Honesty are the main tools to keep in your relationship. In order to keep the bond with your significant other, maintain being honest. Good piece of advice!

    • True, I have observed one thing about honesty. When one starts lying then one lie follows another and there is not end to the list of lies which a individual would have to take the help of to cover the first lie. It becomes a vicious cycle. It also takes a toll on the person who is doing this and the people with whom he has been doing this.

      This trait of honesty is a very important one to be inculcated since childhood as if a child grows up without learning and appreciating this trait. Then even his children and the others with whom he comes in touch also get into a problem. It difficult to practice but not impossible to perfect. Thanks for the share.

    • Honesty is the best policy. Anywhere you go, whatever you do, if you are guided by honesty, nothing would go wrong. An honest person is liked by many; no lies could twist his principles, his words are trustworthy, even his actions. He is credible.

    • Krishna Kumat, Thank you friend for dropping by and sharing your nice words about this bog. You are right honesty is the best policy. Children should be taught on this so they won;t cheat someday.

    • Erratum: Krishna Kumat :Krishna Kumar

      Sorry friend for the error of your name hehehehe, maybe my eyeglasses were so dimmed,lol. Thanks for your very appreciative thoughts and feelings of this post.Thank you so much. Have a nice Sunday.

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