Let’s Talk About Divorce

Divorce is not yet possible in my country. You are married—you are married for life. You are tied by that symbolical rope though you are night meant to each other. You are bound to the 7th sacrament until the last breath of your life.

So while our President Duterte is busy in his battle against illegal drugs when the issue about reviving the bill on divorce popped out. Some of the honorable Congressmen and Senators said “let’s talk about divorce”. The bill on divorce is sleeping in the congress and papers might have been rotten and eaten by rats. Bring out the bill from the grave and relive the discussions.

7 flower7 flower

The discussion is simple: “Is divorce really need in the Philippines?”

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True to the fact that there are so many couples—legally married by Priests, Mayors and Judges that are not living together now. In short, they are separated. Of course the common problems are the same: no love in their heart, domestic violence, third party or just because the in-laws are not in favor. The love has gone.

Then, they found a new partner. They are living together illegally. Then, the risk of adultery or concubinage is also possible for them—of course when one of the party decided so to file.

So, one of the practical way to iron out this problem is the passage of the divorce law. For the sake of their children, as they say. To untie the bond and find the happiness in their life let the bill be approve.

Actually, there is one legal way to cut the tie—through the annulment. But annulment is expensive. Besides you need to declare one of them as mentally incapable so the judge favor the annulment. That is not good to part ways.

Many married people but are not living together are waiting for the passage of the divorce law. The only question now: When?

  • SuperD

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    • This is really very sad to read. For many relationships don't work. yet, here you have a situation where people do not get along, separate, but are still married, so can't marry anyone else. They can't live with another person for that would, in a Xian country, create a problem.

      In Ja most people don't marry.

    • This is the first time I am hearing that a country does not have a law to stand for the divorce issues.this is a first and it would be a good thing to have that and also have people also work towards it and make it work. But I'm today's world people are finding it hard to keep a marriage going for different kinds of reasons. Anyway I hope that that law can be passed so that people who are married and are not happy can have the option to walk out and avoid further problems in their marriages. Divorce can be very expensive but if the couple decide once and for all that they actually don't want to be together anymore that will make the divorce procedures easier.

    • I would hate to be in a country where divorce is not allowed. Not all relationships last for whatever reason. My marriage didn't last because my ex-husband was an adulterer. So he left and filed for divorce. He has tried to make my life a living hell since then. He has tried to take my children away from me by alienating them from me. He has accused me of being on drugs. I took a drug test that came back negative.
      I really don't want to get married anymore because of my first marriage. I rather just stay single until I die.

      • You did a good thing by not preferring a remarriage. It will be another headache to you as well as to the other. Your case is different.

        But in most of the marriages what actually happening is that the Children are not being taught the social values. The parents are not taking proper care of their children.They will be observing how their parents are moving with each other. So once the parents behave properly with due respect to each other the Children will come to know how they should be in a society. Otherwise, they become drunkards, gamblers, drug addicts, and the final step will be terrorists. All parents should arrange for a meeting, they should discuss their problem and try to find a solution whenever it is needed. The social interaction plays a vital role. Besides, all this it is important that a wife should respect her husband and the husband respect and honor the feelings of his wife.

    • I remember in our first to 2nd of our marriage we had to fight against trivial misunderstand brought by our pride, jealousy, and influence by in-laws, friends, and others. I found very difficult to cope with for I was married at the age of 21. To admit it, I wasn't yet ready to have a family of my own but due to uncontrollable feelings I have to marry the girl. Well, in that age which seems to be needed a close supervision from my parents for I am the youngest, could I tackle to leave the girl?

      I am at a loss for I love the girl. I have to overcome the trial of that marriage. With a proper guidance from my concerned parents and a constant communication between my wife and me, I was able to survive that impending broken marriage and became victorious. Now to tell you, we are in our 44 married life. The main solution, I would happily share, is coming in contact with God. Jesus Christ became our inspiration. My old sinful ways were forsaken. My wife and I always go to Church. When we have our children, now they're six, we go to Church together as a family. If I am going to be asked, if I am to divorce my wife, I would reply it with big NO. For I know family is important.

    • Though marriage is meant to last forever-till death separate the couple however, there are circumstances that may warrant separation of the couple and this must not be overlooked. At the inception of the marriage both parties must have the intention to live together forever- that is the moral thing to do in every sane society. However, if the marriage seems unrealistic and unmanageable then it is important both parties part ways to avoid unforeseen circumstances. If the both parties demonstrate act of conspicuous incompatibility then no point for them to live together anymore and divorce is inevitable.

    • It is sad that there are no laws with regards to divorce but i think some how the people have to able to manage the situation by separating illegally. Ok i am not ok with this relationship you are not, lets go our separate ways.The authorities doesn't know about it and each person goes their way and do what they want.

    • I hope divorce will be legalized in the Philippines. There are many married people no longer have the feeling of love to their partner.It should be better to evaluate first before marriage if the person you marry is truly your real partner willing to sacrifice for you and your love.This time many are easily tempted. Many husbands or wives weak to resist temptation.Too bad, better have the legal divorce. I am for Divorce.

      • When they are unable to have control over their temptation where is the need for a marriage? They are unable to give a continuity to the temptation throughout their life. There is no meaning to go for a marriage at all. Let them roam in a jungle once in a month and satisfy their temptations.

    • Why one should marry and after that seek for divorce. Is marriage so important?. Are dogs, and buffalos not living happily. Are the marrying?No. Then it is only human being who gives importance to marriage, children, tradition, customs, and God?

      Why can't we move freely in the forest and have sexual satisfaction as per our choice? Why can't we enjoy life? When we are unable to understand the value of a marriage and the parents close their eyes blindly to the happening in the society and do not bring their children up then what these traditions,marriage, and customs are meant for. If a marriage breaks it is the parents (90%) are responsible for this. They are becoming selfish. They want their children to earn and eat away their money happily.

      They use lipsticks, wear beautiful dresses, go for gym, time and again go for shopping. When they perform marriage and send their daughter to someone's house who can and where can they have money for their expenses.? The moment the marriage over they start realizing their mistake. They slowly start poisoning the minds of their daughter and finally succeed in separating the couple. This is exactly what is happening with the parents. Better they do not perform their daughter's marriage. There is no need for any divorce.

      Let their sons roam in the forest and have sexual satisfaction like animals. Who will question them? No one and Nobody. It is your body and it is your effort to nourish it or perish it.

    • For me, divorce should not be legalized or even the same sex marriage its very abomination in the eyes of God. Always remember that the Law of God is far more supreme than the Law of Men. Why there are many broken families in every part of the world? Just because of lust. They don't actually love each other. For they only love their self without concerning the others. If what you feel towards someone is called true love you would stick to your so called significant other until the very end no matter what trials that will come your way. First and foremost, if you really want to find true love which is everlasting pray with all your heart and ask the Blessed Virgin Mary to be your guiding star to search for someone that was intended for you alone and you'll see with constant prayers i know God in his time will hear your prayers. A prayers that comes from the heart. We should understand that a relationship without God in the center of it will ruin easily. But a relationship close to God will stand over the long run. Anyone united in the matrimony of marriage cannot be separated by men for they are one forever.

    • The issue of divorce is not applied to our country. However, the counterpart annulment is possible. The duration process of having this annulment takes a lot of time and effort as compared to filing a divorce. But then, an annulment was not accepted in the Roman Catholic doctrines. Moreover, there is an issue that Roman Catholic churches are in the process of accepting to have a divorce under the jurisdiction of this religion. With this kind of concern, the old folks are in rage and uttered the contradiction of the Ten Commandments that were followed since it was introduced to the devotees.

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