Categories: Food & Drink

If You Aspire To Live Too Long, Try To Eat Parsley

Parsley is among my favorite vegetables. I like the cute one. Its taste is somewhat bitter, but this is tolerable than the bitter melon, LOL. I always have this in my lunch meal. In cooking this just a tablespoon water and in few minutes only, at least 2 minutes. I really do not have idea about the benefits of parsley. I only learned its importance to human body when I visited Auckland city, New Zealand. I learned to eat different vegetables there ; likewise, knew their values or benefits to human beings.

You have to eat vegetables, and almost all human beings aspire to live too long. This time there are foods that tend to tempt anyone savoring them and later found the foods bad for the health. These are foods sold in food courts or food chains. It is advised by food nutritionists, health experts and scientists to do the cooking. There are foods that contain too much oil, preservative, meat, and others that harm your body.

There are so many vegetables that protect your body and promote life span. One of the veggies I already mentioned above is parsley. This vegetable is very famous throughout the world, but only few know and believe about its benefits .This is just a very simple plant and looks so ordinary. Parsley has a vibrant and delicious taste. It also has wonderful healing properties often you might have ignored though.  This is a highly nutritious plant that can be found any time of the year in your local supermarket. You can have parsley to serve as a decorator of your plate.

According to nutritionists, parsley contains two types of unusual components. The first type is volatile oil components, including myristicin, limonene, eugenol, and alpha-thujene. The second type is flavonoids, including apiin, apigenin, crisoeriol, and luteolin. The first looks so cute only few inches in height but the leaves spread and so healthy green colored parsley. I love to eat this kind. I believe you too, like this tiny type. The other one has longer height and it has leaves bigger that than the first. The second one has bigger leaves and contents the same. They vary in size only, but tastes and nutritional value benefits, the same.

Parsley vegetable specifically myristicin have been found by researchers to inhibit tumor formation in animal studies, and particularly, tumor formation in lungs. Myristicin has been found by experts and nutritionists that it activates the enzyme glutathione5-transferase, which helps attack the molecule glutathione to oxidize molecules that would do damage in the body. (  Sasaki N, Toda T, Kaneko T et al. Protective effects of flavonoids on the cytotoxicity of linoleic acid hydro peroxide towards rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells.Chem Biol Interact , 2003 mar 6; 145(1): 101-16,2003 .

The parsley volatile oils qualify it as a chemoprotective food. It neutralizes particular types of carcinogens like: benzopyrene that is part of cigarette smoke and charcoal grill smoke.This is also considered a miracle plant. What will be the face of the world and the society without the vegetables. They play vital role in your life, my life.


Parsley is also a rich source of anti-oxidant nutrients. The flavonoids in parsley like lutein, have been found to function as antioxidant combined with high reactive oxygen containing molecules and thus, help prevent oxygen-based damaged to cells. Studies also found out that parsley anti-oxidants help increase the antioxidant capacity of the blood. Parsley is also a very good source of Vitamin C and the Vitamin A beta carotene.

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Parsley is also good for the heart. It is a good source of folic acid which contains Vitamin B good source for the cardiovascular system. It helps process the system though which the body converts homocysteine into the benign molecules. If you have a heart problem, try to consult this to parsley. You feel a relief of feeling once you eat parsley. I think its juice is so powerful bitter yet friendly to your tongue. This veggie could also be goo to you if sick of cervix cancer for females and colon cancer for men. This Big C puts you at a danger and deadly zone. Keep on eating parsley to live too long and enjoy life. Do not store or stock many in your ref. This veggie easily gets spoiled. It is only good for one night freezing in vegetable section in ref.

Parsley is also a very good protector against rheumatoid arthritis. It is a very good source of Vitamin C that fights against the attack of rheumatoid arthritis. It is too bad to have painful knees due to this kind of sickness. What are you waiting for? Buy now and cook this powerful plant. It is cheaper in my country by bunch buying good for two days consumption.


Ensminger AH, Ensminer, ME, Kondale JE, Robert JRK. Foods and Nutrition Encyclopedia, Pegus Press, Clovis, California, 1983.

Fortin, Francois, Editorial Director. The Visual Foods Encyclopedia, Macmillan, New York, 1996.

Grieve M. A Modern Herbal. Dover Publications, New York, 1971.

Sasaki N, Toda T, Kaneko T et al. Protective effects of flavonoids on the cytotoxicity of linoleic acid hydro peroxide towards rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells.Chem Biol Interact , 2003 mar 6; 145(1): 101-16,2003.

Wood, Rebecca. The Whole Foods Encyclopedia. New York, NY: Prentice-Hall Press: 19

  • cely

    View Comments

    • Parsley is so nutritious . I like its taste. I add this to the fish I like to cook with a very small amount of water.Do not include the branches.This vegetable is also very vulnerable. You cannot keep in ref for many days, It is good only for two days like spinach two days to survive in refrigerator They must be refrigerated for they turn dry and pale .It rots after 3 days. You have to place parsley inside a plastic and seal it well to preserve this stuff.
      I eat parsley once a day during lunch time.

    • Parsley is great for you. It's good for your body. This is one herb that I seem to get to eat all the time. I love Italian food and I always have parsley in my Italian food. I love putting on my bake pork chops too.

    • Here are some simple and often surprising tricks that research shows can extend your life..
      1 Switch your latte for a cuppa

      Tea is packed with antioxidants called polyphenols that can help your body fight heart disease, cancer and premature ageing. Aside from the health benefits, couples with a healthy sex life can also look up to seven years younger, according to a study by the Royal Edinburgh Hospital – possibly because sex reduces stress, leading to greater ­contentment and better sleep.
      4 Eat three walnuts a day

      Walnuts are the healthiest nut of all because they contain the most disease-fighting and anti-ageing antioxidants, according to recent search from the ­University of Scranton, US.

      Eating just three walnuts a day is enough to reap the full benefits.
      5 Use less sunscreen but don’t burn

      Figures show that 50% of people in the UK are deficient in vitamin D, the nutrient made by the action of sunlight on our skin, ­increasing our risk of a host of potentially fatal conditions including heart disease, osteoporosis and cancer.

      To boost your ­vitamin D levels without raising your risk of skin cancer, Cancer Research UK now recommends getting a few minutes (in ­practice around 15 to 20) of sun around the middle of the day without sunscreen.

      But make sure you don’t burn, or you’ll wipe out any health benefits.
      6 Make six good mates you can always rely on

      Developing close friendships and family ties is the secret of living to 100, according to a recent Australian study of centenarians.

      Friends provide emotional support, which helps us deal with stress, and feeling loved boosts production of feel-good chemicals dopamine and oxytocin, which promote brain growth, combating ageing.

      Other ­research has pinpointed six as the optimum number of friends we each need.
      7 Stop eating when you’re 80% full

      The Okinawans, who inhabit remote Japanese islands, have one of the world’s lowest ­rates of obesity, as well as the highest percentage of people living beyond 100.

      Their secret? At every meal, they stop eating when they feel about 80% satisfied, happily leaving any excess food on their plate.

      American ­researchers have also found animals can live up to twice as long when their food intake is reduced by up to a third.

      As well as ­helping them to maintain a healthier weight, it’s thought eating less means the metabolism has less work to do, putting less long-term stress on the body.
      8 Go to bed one hour earlier if you can

      Lack of sleep can put you at greater risk of health conditions such as depression and heart disease, according to a raft of recent research.

      And yet a small change makes a big difference – a study from Harvard ­Business School in the US found that for people who normally slept for seven hours or less a night, going to bed just one hour earlier led to a significant drop in blood pressure – therefore lowering their risk of heart attacks and strokes.
      9 Make sure you floss every night

      “Gum disease is the most widespread ­condition on the planet,” says dentist Dr James Russell.

      “So I say sarcastically – floss the teeth you want to keep!”

      And it’s not just your teeth that will thank you – in the past 10 years, studies have linked gum ­disease to an increased risk of other ­conditions, ­including heart disease, ­diabetes and certain cancers.
      10 Be a details person

      Research by US psychologist Dr Howard Friedman has found that the best predictor of ­longevity is how conscientious a person is.

      That’s right – people who are careful with money, thoughtful, detail-focused and like to put everything back in its ­rightful place tend to live longer!

      It’s thought that ­conscientious people may ­produce more of the feel-good brain ­chemical serotonin, which stops them comfort-eating and improves their sleep.

      They also appear to be drawn towards healthier choices and can live less risky lifestyles.
      11 Buy yourself a pet, and preferably a dog

      People who own a pet are less stressed, less depressed and can live longer than those who don’t, according to research.

      The ­calming effect of owning an animal can even drop blood pressure and reduce your risk of a heart attack, according to University of ­Minnesota researchers in the US.

      Another study found owners who walk their dogs daily lived an average of seven years longer than otherwise similar non-dog owners.
      12 Don’t put fruit in the fridge

      You might think you’re making it last longer, but studies show that chilled fruit contains fewer health-boosting nutrients than fruit, which has been kept at room temperature.

      For ­example, tomatoes and peppers stored in a bowl rather than the fridge can contain double the betacarotene and up to 20 times more lycopene.

      Which is good news, as high intakes of both these ­antioxidants have been linked to better heart health and lower rates of certain cancers.
      13 Be helpful and lend a hand to others

      Helping others not only feels good – it could reap big health rewards too.

      A long-term US study found that people who volunteered regularly over a lifetime lived significantly longer than those who didn’t.

      One Israeli study found that moderate tea drinkers lived substantially longer than those who don’t have a regular cuppa.

      But ­remember to give it a good stir before removing the tea bag, as research shows this releases 15% more of the age-resisting ingredients.
      2 Balance on one leg every morning

      It may sound strange, but standing on ­alternative legs while you dress in the ­morning forces your body to balance, strengthening your ‘core’ (back, pelvic and stomach) muscles which support your spine.

      According to physiotherapist Tom Salzman: “This simple daily act will offer significant long-term benefits when it comes to staying active for longer and protecting against falls and broken bones as you get older.”
      3 Have regular sex at least twice a week

      A large Welsh study on longevity found that those who had sex less than once a month had double the risk of dying prematurely than those who had sex twice a week

    • @Miranda Hunt, Thank you dear for sharing your nice comment. At least you also like to eat parsley. I eat parsley every lunch and dinner. I just clean the leaves and then pour boiling water onto the bowl containing this vegetable. The juice of this vegetables contains anti-oxidants, best fighter for cancer cells that may abnormally grow to a human body. I like to eat this with smaller leaves easy to wash and easy to chew hehehehe. I love its bitter taste.It is from its taste that full protected will be achieved.

      Lucky are those like us for we know the importance of the vegetables. We have great chances to bet bad sicknesses. Thnaks and take care my friend.

    • @Atua moses,Thank you boy for your effort posting a very long comment.You better had posted this as your blog so you can earn better than in commenting.Well, anyway, congrats for being so hard-working you did great effort researching about this comment or suggestion, very much appreciated.

    • The delicious and vibrant taste and wonderful healing properties of parsley are often ignored in its popular role as a table garnish. Highly nutritious, parsley can be found year round in your local supermarket.

      Parsley is the world's most popular herb. It derives its name from the Greek word meaning "rock celery" (parsley is a relative to celery). It is a biennial plant that will return to the garden year after year once it is established.

      A sprig of parsley can provide much more than a decoration on your plate. Parsley contains two types of unusual components that provide unique health benefits. The first type is volatile oil components—including myristicin, limonene, eugenol, and alpha-thujene. The second type is flavonoids—including apiin, apigenin, crisoeriol, and luteolin.

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