Categories: Education & Reference

Follow The Money

Years ago, reading Othello, my curiosity was pricked.  For those unfamiliar, it is a play written by Shakespeare in 1603 loosely based on a story; Un Capitano Moro (“A Moorish Captain”) written by Cinthio  in 1565. 

Moors were feared warriors.   Called ‘corsairs’ they were pirates who captured many ships and took many slaves.

In Jamaica, as well as other Caribbean countries, there were special charities set up to redeem persons taken as slaves by the Moors.

On 1 Duke Street, in Kingston was the “Women’s Self-Help” set up to teach redeemed female slaves (white women) commercial skills to enable them to survive.

To get an impression of how many ships were captured by the Moors, I looked to Lloyd’s of London.  Lloyds is an insurance company that began about 1688 in London.  It offered Marine Insurance and operated a virtual monopoly.

As an example, in one Seven Year Period, 500 ships were captured by the Moors on which Lloyd’s paid.

Anyone who has to deal with an Insurance Company knows they Hate to pay and one better have evidence far beyond a reasonable doubt to get their money.

To pay out for those 500 ships, (and I don’t know how many claims Lloyd’s rejected)  meant that the Moors were pretty fierce and captured a lot of ships during the 800 years they ruled the seas.

Although many people might think European’s ruled, they didn’t.

During the years the Moor controlled Spain and the years they controlled the seas and demanded tribute to sail from various countries, the Moors were capturing ships and enslaving the crews.

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(As an aside, check the Tripolitan War America fought, mostly forgotten save in the Marine’s Hymn….’From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli…’)

Any time I want to check facts, I follow the money.  For the money doesn’t lie.

When I was on the Parish Disaster Committee I used to go to a site called Boatus. com to check the path of hurricanes.

Boatus insures yachts.  Nice million dollar yachts.  They are far more focused on the exact path of a hurricane than any other group.

Hence I knew exactly the path the various hurricanes would take while the government, looking at the acceptable governmental or scientific sites did not.

That is because the death of a few hundred people isn’t as an insurance company having to pay out on a yacht.

If Boatus says the storm is going between Jamaica and Haiti and Not making landfall in Jamaica, that means if they are wrong the cash register will be pounding.

Any time you have a question, follow the money.  You’ll get the right answer.



  • kaylar

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