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Donald Trump has held my television captive for the past year. I think it is about time for that to change. It s time for the trick pony show to end. reruns of the same material gets old after a while. There are a number of reasons why this man should not be President of the United States. I will list the most obvious that come to mind first.
Mr. Trump seems to exhibit one massively fatal flaw in his character and is demeanor. He has what I call “loose lips”. In other words, his jaws keep a flapping when they should be a napping. His outbursts of, what I guess he believes is humor, only serve to show that he has no control. As a commander in chief and as a diplomat for this country, Trump has exhibited what may be in store for dignitaries of other countries. A loud mouth buffoon trying to outsmart them in one deal or another. It will not be accepted by them, I am sure. This can only be detrimental t world peace and ultimately the American economy.
Recently we saw the Republican candidate to be as he lashed out at reporters in a televised news conference. What was it he called the ABC News reporter? Oh yes, “A sleeze bag”. When asked if this is the way his handling of news conferences would be if elected as president, he confidently said yes. Any good President knows full well that there will be many times when the press will be relied upon for support in advancing his initiatives. Can Trump rally them together if he continues to mistreat and demean reporters?
When watching all the news clips and debates, one thing is absolutely certain. Donald Trump has no oratorical skills. He sounds more as an inciter rather than a motivator. His language is beyond simple, very repetitive and lacking any substance. The truth factor of his words is low. His message is lost among the babling rhetoric of his taunts and tantrums. He merely serves as the crowd prompter to incite a raucous type of enthusiasm.
Here are only three very generalized thoughts or reasons that would say to any half intelligent person, “This man is not fit to be President of the United Sates.” Take the time to think about what he offers. Do you want a circus show or do you want a leader for tomorrow?
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View Comments
All are correct Mr. Donald Trump has 'loose lips', 'No press Relations', 'he is not oratorical'. But, are they things essential for ruling a democratic country like America? Are they the essentialities?
What Americans need is not words. But deeds. All these years they have been looted by the empty promises and twists-and-turns of languages with an artificial smile on their faces. The U.S was dragged into unnecessary wars with Afghanistan and Iraq showing something bad going to happen if nothing is done to contain them. Did they achieve anything?, except the dead bodies of Saddam and Gaddhafi. How long the people of US be cheated? These tricks they learnt from India are now over . That is why they now decided their vote in favor of Mr. Donald.
Does a President needs Oratory or implementation of policies? He may not be clear in his expression but not unclear in the execution.
Loose Lips always speak truth. They never make unrealistic statements.
What the media has done to him? Giving a misinterpretation to his statements? Do you call this media? No skeptical filled with bias was never witnessed in any elections of the U.S.
Whatever Mrs Hilliary states appeared sweet and whatever Mr Donald says was a bitter and sour to the Media.
There is still a doubt as to fianlly America is ruled by whom? Are the Editors and Journalists are the rulers or the President. Irresponsible and totally biased journalism marked the day during this Presidential Elections
Finally, the truth won the battle to save the innocent U.S Citizen from the clutches of the dead and old cheat.