Categories: Society & Culture

Blood group and personal traits

Probably nobody will get surprised if, just getting familiar with the new man; you will try to find out what his zodiac sign is. But perhaps never in the head does not come to ask new acquaintances for their blood group. But the blood group really can say a lot about the man.

The adult man has approximately five liters of blood. Everyone knows that it is the source of life. However, blood performs also a different function. It keeps secret information about the owner. There is encoded character, hobbies, romantic relationships, style emotions in the blood. The blood group shows all these things.

The idea to describe the people and solve their destiny by blood group was born in Japan. There these projections are much more popular than usual and astrological horoscopes. Even 75% of the Japanese firmly believe that there is a link between blood and personality traits. Therefore, most of them know the blood group of their relatives. The people of this country look very seriously to the prognosis by blood groups. Therefore, on this basis, they are choosing the second half, the work and create the home’s interior.

People of the first blood group firmly seek their own goals. Usually they try to control others not only in the family, but also at work. Most often they are the informal leaders everywhere, where there are more than two people. The people of this blood group are very emotional, impulsive, and full of self-confidence. These blood group representatives are very communicative. Because of their simplicity and sincerity are especially liked the surrounding. Although they trust in themselves, these people are not too proud. They always take into account the well-being of the surrounding. In life, they are guided by logic and stand out by the excellent intuition. Their weakness – morbid jealousy and lack of self-critic, they are extremely ambitious and cannot tolerate criticism to their address, even fair.

People of second blood group in life prefer the order and peace. They are patient, kind-hearted, and good-natured; know how to get along with others. They stand out of their dutifulness, people can count on them. They are fighters for truth and justice. Representatives of this blood group from the outside seem cold, unfriendly, but inside of them live the sensuous soul. However, the sensitive side these people are not reluctant to show. In general, they are often of introspective nature, therefore, do not like to talk out, going through everything alone. However, there may well listen and advice, as there are very skillful. Weaknesses – excessive stubbornness. Another uniqueness – they are a foodies, love to eat a lot and tasty.

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People of the third blood group are horrible individualistic. They tend to pay heed only their own interests and work only for their own benefit. These people have a vivid imagination and a high propensity to inventions, has imagination. Representatives of this blood group are walking through life lightly, and not afraid to be different than those around. These people do not exaggerating everyday trifles, but sincerely worry about the global challenges. Sometimes the surrounding find hard to perceive their world and think of them like a mysterious strangers. However, it is just a compliment to these personalities. People find difficult to communicate with them, they are taciturn, and often suffer from depression, alcoholism.

People of the fourth blood group are very emotional and sensitive people and them is very important the surrounding’s support and understanding. They stand out from others by the fact that with other people are kind and good-natured. While these blood group representatives have strong beliefs, but they can deny that just to please others. They know how to scatter the bad mood, to cheer up others, how to comfort them. In addition, they are very gentle and honest. Because of their openness and naivety, they often become victims of malicious. Never intentionally would hurt another man. For them is inherent self-sacrifice and spirituality. Their weaknesses – constant internal conflicts, they are very hard to decide when need to make a decision.


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