Being Happy always no matter what.

I always been a fun loving man, I believe in one concept we have a one life which can be end at any time any second so lets enjoy.

Yes i agree with you there are lots of problem but if we are unhappy the problems still exist so the situations will never change as per our mood, Situations will decides your mood so lets check mate to situation and start to be happy no matter what.

Yes i know you will be saying to me you are kidding righting its easy but in practical its hard but you are wrong yes believe me.

Look here i show you if you think your problems are big but see the small children on road who always beg for their survival and look at them they do not have any house to stay yes even they do not have any family or relations and even they do not have any thing to celebrate but look at them didn’t they deserve a good family, a good house, but look at their innocent face still some times they smiles what makes me strong is that one belief which i will share you here, I have not shared with any one.

I think in this universe for every one we have a problem, but god always remains with us in form us air, tree or in any form, If a situation arises worst the god will open the emergency exist door and saves us some of us we find and some of us we do not find because we start thinking and complaining god rather than thinking that the god might has created a door for us for escaping this situations.

Most of the situations are made by god to make us strong because of our situations we are here.

I will let you know one example, Think you are a worker and most of us we think what a wonderful childhood was, I wish i would stay there forever, But when we were in school we were taught the job is easy to handle but once we face the situation and overcome from it the task or situations will change.

Best thing to remain always happy no matter what happens to you is to do simple thing compare your lifestyle with the street begging children’s and you might end up saying thank god for giving me this kind of life where to say hello i have a family, To share to love to Get angry i have a family, To fight i have my friends, I have every thing in life a nice house, good job, Yes i do have complains but by seeing the children’s who are begging in street for their survival who does not know any thing they are fighting every day for their survival.

Yes they are real hero for me they are inspiration because they never give up no matter what, they beg when they have pain, They are hungry, when they have fever.

Yes they might treat the situation similar its all in mindset yes i feel that i am doing good but one day when i become a billion ore i will help poor children definitely its my word.

Thanks for reading this article every one i love this article because its a hard touching and especially a inspiration one and i think that this can motivate a lots of people so please share this with every one, Never knows a share can help saving a million life so please contribute from yourself by sharing this article with lots of people.

Thank you every one and please keep on supporting me always and last but not the least please be happy no matter what ever the situations are.


    View Comments

    • I think we have to be specific with happiness. Sometimes we have to be happy for happy events and feel sad for sad events. otherwise lack of differentiation affects our life.

    • Staying positive no matter the situation you are facing,be it a sad or happy one,the mind of making it positive makes you feel happy. Happiness should be consiously carried even if it is not resulting in that environment at that point in time.

    • There’ll always be roadblocks to keep us from enjoying the wonderful life God has provided for us. With all the stress and pressures of everyday life, we must make a decision that we’re going to enjoy life regardless of our circumstances.

      Every single day is filled with all kinds of situations that could upset you—like losing your car keys or getting caught in a traffic jam. But when you know what's going on, you can choose to be in control.

      You must take responsibility for your happiness. You’re the one person you're never going to get away from, so you’d better learn to like yourself. It’s impossible to enjoy life if you don't enjoy yourself. We have a well of wonderful things on the inside of us, and no matter what's going on around us, we can drink from that well within. We can find strength right there inside of us to do what we need to do.

    • You can enjoy this same freedom in your own life. Living in freedom—and allowing others to do the same—is a healthy and positive approach to life that pleases God.

      We must also learn that we can be extraordinarily happy while living an ordinary, everyday life. Expecting life to be one long series of exciting events is setting yourself up for disappointment—and that’ll steal your joy! So learn to be content with life as it is.

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