Categories: Health

No More Smoking In Public Places

The executive order number 26 which was already signed lately by President Rody Duterte have strengthen in its implementation on anti-smoking after it was move to strictly implemented in every local government units in the country.

photo credits to pixabay

Under the said order the smoking in public places is totally banned and also selling and consumption of minors.

The local government units are now empowered for the implementation of smoking in the country which means the local executive officer or the mayors will formulate the implementing program of the said executive order.

First, the LGU should identify a place in the city or town where the smokers can smoke cigarettes. This provides the place because it’s prohibited anyone to just lit a cigarette in the public place even in the private place. This smoking is designated as the smoking area. Anyone to violate the law will be penalized accordingly and will be reprimanded. The penalty should also be implemented.

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This is the latest effort of the government to eliminate the vice of smoking. There has been effort from the government to anti-smoking. The government has been implementing some rules to lessen the number of cigarette chainsmooker.

There is also the implementation of higher six tax to tobacco products that includes cigarettes. The move greatly affects the tobacco farming in the northern Philippines. Tobacco farming is considered to be the number one cash cropped of the tobacco-producing provinces. Through the excise tax of tobacco called Republic Act 7171, billions of pesos were funded in the infrastructure projects that include farm to market roads, bridges, buildings like town hall and barangay, and then the development programs for livelihood and direct assistance to the farmers.

The strong campaign to anti-smoking greatly reduced the numbers of production of tobacco because the smokers are also decreased. Tobacco is said to be the cause of many diseases that include cancers.

Of course, for the cause of greater cause, anti-smoking must be supported. ###

  • SuperD

    View Comments

    • Smoking was considered a symptom of high society in the 1970s. Smoking was considered a good styling. Many people have stopped smoking as they understand the dangerous effect of smoking. Smoking in today's era is considered a bad habit. Smoking is a major cause of cancer and lots of people dead due to smoking. Surprising thing is that many doctors are smoking themselves. Even so, the number of smokers is gradually decreasing. I hope that in the coming time we get rid of smoking.

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