Categories: About LiteracyBase

6 Top Reasons You Should Be Writing at LiteracyBase

LiteracyBase is a young social writing site that has recently seen a surge in both its membership and site activity. June 10th marked the first monthly payout for many of the members who joined in May. This is one of the first milestones, not only for these members, but also for the site.

Could LiteracyBase be for you? Why not come on over to give the site a look? You can become a member free of charge, and with no commitment on your part. Members are paid for a range of activities – from publishing posts and articles, to sharing site links, to interacting in groups and the site forum.

Write About Whatever Interests You

At LiteracyBase, you can write about any topic that interests you. If you can’t think of how to get started, you can check out some of the cool writing challenges that members suggest for one another.

Some of the topics that seem to do well on LiteracyBase are recipes, parenting, and writing or social media advice. But you can write about many other subjects too: health, business, computers, sports – whatever you fancy. If it interests you, chances are that someone else will want to read it too!


Earn More for Longer and Higher Quality Posts

Although you are free to publish on any topic at LiteracyBase, the staff recognize that some types of content will help the site bring in more external traffic. So they do tend to pay more for longer posts, posts with good visual content, and of course posts on topics that are most likely to be searched for on Google.


Hone Your Writing Skills

A social writing site that uses a sliding scale for posts can be a great place to hone your writing technique. You can learn what works for you, by watching to see which posts pay more. You can also see from the comments and social shares for each post, which subjects others most want to read about.

Because LiteracyBase is a very social environment, you can take advantage of forum discussions to ask questions about writing or to solicit opinions about specific aspects of your own posts. If you ask for honest feedback, your fellow writers will tell you what they appreciate. And if you want suggestions for improvement, there will always be someone willing to help with that too!

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Earn Passive Income

LiteracyBase doesn’t promise a revenue share based on page views for your posts. Instead, if you add your referral code to any link on the site, you will earn a referral bonus for anyone who uses your link to visit the site. About one-third of the money I’ve earned on LiteracyBase is passive income from sharing my own links, and the links of other writers.


Earn Money for Social Interaction

Some people are earning money on LiteracyBase without ever publishing a post! Of course, I wouldn’t recommend you not post. But you should know that you can earn money for interacting on the site too. You earn small amounts for such things as logging in daily, posting a status update, commenting in the forum, or creating a new interest group on the site.


Isn’t it time you started writing at LiteracyBase?
If you found this article helpful, please share!
(Image from a public domain graphic by geralt/Pixabay)


Benefit from an Active, Supportive Community

Interaction on LiteracyBase is easy because it’s a very positive and inclusive community. It doesn’t feel at all like work: it’s much more like a social network. Think of all the time you spend chatting or posting updates on sites like Facebook. You could be doing the same things on LiteracyBase, and getting paid for them!

As I mentioned above, the group is a safe place to ask for feedback on your writing. But people also use the forum and groups to share info about other earning sites, to talk about their religious beliefs, and even to ask advice for their personal lives.

Isn’t it time you joined LiteracyBase? Think of everything you’re missing!

  • Kyla Matton Osborne (Ruby3881)

    View Comments

    • All the six reasons you mentioned are really the top reasons to write/start writing at literacybase. But, at the same time, on one thing I disagree with you. You say "Earn More for Longer and Higher Quality Posts", whereas my experience on this site so far shows that it pays the same amount of 22 cents for a 500 worded article as well as a 700 worded article. So what is the use of wasting our time and energy in writing a lengthy article of 700 words and above and still receive a paltry sum of a mere 22 cents? It is not encouraging at all.

      • @raaman I can tell you that it's possible to earn almost double your 22 cents, just on upfront payments. Then there are the passive earnings from shared links and comments on the article.

        I don't like to discuss the specifics of my earnings, but I can tell you that I reached the $10 payout last month in just 18 articles. This month I have written more 500-600 word articles, and my earnings are a bit slower. Still, I am more than halfway to cashing out as of June 11th - with only 10 articles published since the beginning of the month. I am confident that it's worthwhile not only to post articles of around 500 words, but to post longer ones too. I know my results compare favourably with those of other writers who keep their posts in the 300-500 word range, and who are not putting much effort into titling, formatting, visuals, etc.

        Remember these other factors have an important impact on payment and on how well your content does when you share it on social media. My personal experience is that I earn more when there are two quality images on the post, when there are more visual cues in the formatting (e.g. use of subheadings, lists, etc.) and when the topic is more likely to be searched. And I earn roughly one-third of my revenue here through passive income from social media sharing. Again, I believe this compares favourably.

        There is also the factor of the title: correct grammar, optimal length, use of emotional trigger words, keywords, and discoverability all affect whether your title helps or hinders your post. There are a lot of really poor quality titles to be seen on sites like LiteracyBase, and this is something the writers need to improve. It should also contribute to higher earnings.

        • Thank you very much for your detailed reply @kyla.Now,I think I should implement your suggestions and see whether it works for me too. Thank you for your prompt reply.

    • Thanks for the information. I'm going to add Literacy Base to my daily writing schedule. I need to better organize my time.

      • I hope we'll soon see you writing here, Kim! You'll be most welcome :)

    • I am a member but haven't really had time to check everything out. Cashing out in a month is good, congrats! I'll have to see if I can find time to get back at it along with my regular blog.

      • I'd love to see you writing here, Martha! You are a very skilled writer, and you would be an asset for sure :)

    • You do give good reasons. I am not ready to jump head in yet. I prefer to sit back and read other people writings. summer is always hard for to write on a regular bases.

    • Why are your images showing so large - not normal I think.
      I am sure this post would have got you the best rating.
      I have understood LiteracyBase and what earns for me here.

      • @bestwriter The images are exactly the size they are meant to be, Grace. The featured image, as per directions from @support, is 1200 px x 600 px.

        The taller image below is intended for Pinterest. It was created at 736 px x 1102 px, which is the optimal size for sharing links on that site. On my personal blogs, I sometimes display the smaller size even though I've uploaded the full-size image. But I'm not sure how well that works here on LB at the moment. (We've only recently been told the issue with forcing images to thumbnail size is fixed, after all....)

        • May be it shows when I open your blog because it is much too too large. I will try and use control - and see if it reduces in size and get back to you.

    • Great post @ruby3881 You are an inspiration and I appreciate all the valuable info in your posts. I love reading them all and sharing them on my social media sites. I agree that writing longer posts will be a benefit. One that I did was over 600 words and I received more than the regular 22 cents, so I think it just depends on the quality and the content.

    • I agree with you! Literacybase has been quite satisfactory so far and the timely payments have encouraged me to stay active on the site.

    • I agree. So far this place is a nice set up. I hope they add more earning options too and make post show up quicker and add a word count tracker in the blog section so that one can see their word count as they are typing.

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